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Everything posted by Sarah

  1. Thanks. I think I'll try that one day. :D
  2. Would the Bettas eat that too?
  3. That always happens - I'll say I'm NOT going to buy anymore Bettas right now, I just 'happen' to see the perfect one and it's mine! :betta:
  4. I want to get a nice photo of my VT flaring, but he won't flare... or at least when I have the camera. Females in his presense don't work, neither do other males... maybe a mirror but I don't really have a small one that I could use. What else can I do?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sarah


      Don't want to sound silly... but where is the shutterbug section?

    3. paul


      fishy showroom... its a sub forum there.

      Good luck with the nudge-nudge.. too bad fish dont have eyelids ... your girl could follow through with the wink-wink. Always a winner!

    4. Sarah


      Male is now flaring a lot! I got a video, and will take the frames out as a photo later. :)

      Females love him. :)

  5. Good luck! I actually saw these for sale and said to myself... whoever gets these are going to be SO LUCKY!!! Does this happen to be a picture of the female? I was looking in my Betta folder and saw the picture and was like "now I'm SURE someone just brought a Betta like that!" Not sure if it is actually yours, but I think it is. No actually I don't think it is... yours doesn't have a face like that. Sorry.
  6. Hello. Welcome to the forum. I'm sure you will love it here. Those are beautiful Bettas, and congratulations on the spawn. Can't wait to see the fry (babies).
  7. :drool: They are AMAZING! I love their colours! Yes you are right, you got the perfect fish. Congratulations. Are you going to spawn them?
  8. I had a dream last night that my male Strawberries & Cream (the red/white BF VT) blew the BIGGEST bubblenest, and when I got up - dissapointment. :((

    1. fishish


      lol bit like my dream that i could fly, was soooo real. Unfortunately, like you i was dissapointed ;)

    2. Sarah


      I used to believe I could fly. I thought I could spin around so fast it made me fly. I would tell everyone "I CAN FLY!" Everyone just smiled. I guess I jumped...

      In races I would run around in circles as fast as I could to make be run faster, it looked really funny. I discovered I didn't need it when I was at school and they had a race and I wasn't allowed to run in circles. I just stated that the few circles I did was good enough... I was like 8. :D

  9. Got a VT yesterday. He is a red/white BF with piebald face. :) His name is Strawberries & Cream. :D

    1. Bec
    2. Sarah


      Thanks. It is a bit long, but I like it.

  10. My bettas NEVER blow bubblenests! I went to the LFS today, and they were in little cups. ALL of the males had nests, yet mine never do! Why is this?

  11. I got a new Betta today! I was in a pet store, and saw him, and couldn't resist! He is VT, but is red/white butterfly with piebald face :D. He is now in 37L tank enjoying his freedom. Also, all the Betta's were in 7L tanks! Yay for no cups!!! I was just getting him for a pet, not breeding, but I think I may breed him to get his patterns. It's my first spawn, so I can't be too picky. I'll breed him to a CT female, and I may get a few nice cT in th...

    1. Sarah


      I named him Pomegranate. :D

    2. Sarah


      And re-named him Strawberries & Cream. :)

  12. Nice profile picture. :)

    Is that a puffer fish?

  13. Cool. Can't wait to see how it turns out! :)
  14. My male killed my female. :( He torn all her fins, and was eating her brain when I found her, :(

    1. Neffy


      :( sounds horrible to come across that. carefull he doesnt turn zombie, i wouldnt use him now he has a "taste" for it.

    2. Sarah


      I know. I'm getting another male, I didn't know if he would do it again...


      From Sarah. :)

  15. Male & female CT Betta's in the spawning tank now. I'm hoping for fry. :D

    1. Sarah


      Spawn failed. :(

      Better luck next time!

  16. That's an amazing Bubblenest! I'm still trying to get my two male CT to blow, so I can spawn... Can I have your fish?? Nah, just kidding. Maybe you should breed, I'm sure he'll me a great daddy! :fish:
  17. WOW! You did an amazing job on those 3D models of the Betta's! I think my favourite was the Crowntails. Although, it was very hard to pick, as they are all amazing. :D

    How did you do it? How long did it take for you to master perfectly?

    Keep it up!

    Sarah :)

  18. Hello, I posted my Introduction, and it was published. My question is, I can't reply or start new topics anywhere else. What can I do to get that privilege?? Thanks, From Sarah :embarrass:
  19. Hello, I think this is the place to be approved to other parts of the forum... Anyway, my name is Sarah, I live in Sydney and I Love FISH!!! I want to breed my Crowntail Betta's, as Betta's (especially CT) are one of my favourite fish. My dad has a large community tank which I love to watch for hours (I'm not boring, I just love watch fish live their lives). With this forum, I want to learn as much about fish as possible, while helping others while I can. Hopefully you will see much more of me soon. :D
  20. Hello Lilli, I was recommended to you by Celeste84. Ur from the Sydney Spendlens right? If so, I was looking for a CT breeder in Sydney. I didn't find any but got some CT at my LFS. I was told there is not one CT breeder in Sydney. Is this true? If so, when I get started I'll be the only one. Also, whens the next meeting coming up?? Thanks, from Sarah. :D

  21. Sarah

    Hi, I was going to breed CTs and I have two ready females, but I discovered my male is incompatible.

    I live in Sydney, and am looking for a local breeder where I will be able to go and pick up a new male. I know you don’t live in Sydney, but do you happen to have any contacts of breeders who do? I don’t mind the ‘backyard’ breeder who doesn’t have much of a reputation.


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