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Everything posted by Sarah

  1. Sarah

    Happy Birthday to you!

    Happy Birthday to you!

    Happy Birthday dear... Kael Betta's...!!!

    Happy Birthday to you!

    Have a great day Kael!!! xxx

  2. Very nice! Love them all! :drool:
  3. Using the mystery space as a hospital or spawning area is a very good idea Yan!
  4. Looks good to me.. don't be harsh on yourself with the drawing, I like it. Can't wait to see what the finished project looks like! Are these for Bettas or other fish? How many fish do you think this could hold with the three usable shelves?
  5. Happy birthday!!! :D

    Have a great 35th! xxx

  6. HAPPY 46th!

    Have a wonderful day, and year to come! xxx

  7. Very nice set-up! I think I have seen that video before. You have some beautiful Bettas there... especially the one who was thanking you! :drool:
  8. For some reason the video won't work for me. It says: Strange. <_<

    Have a great day!

  10. Hmmm... sorry, I have no idea about this stuff, but here are some old topics which will hopefully help: Buliding a Betta Barrack My Betta Setup (not sure about this one, but here it is anyway. A Betta Supply Drip System A Wonderful setup! Maybe something like this?? Fishroom Makeover I don't know if any of these would be helpful, but I hope I did help a little bit. Try searching you-tube, or the DIY section on the forum. I'm sure you will be able to come up with a good plan. Good luck! :D
  11. Happy Birthday Lilli!!!

    Have a great one! :)

  12. Have a wonderful day Lisa! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! If not ALL your wishes can come true, then at least some of them!!! :cloud9:
  13. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!! I hope you have a good day (at least at work) your boss better be nice to you, maybe get you a raise (you can wish ) A 3-4ft tank is a great pressie! We have a 4ft tank in our lounge room... so pretty, you'll LOVE it!!! Have a great evening, sounds like you got a wonderful night all planed out. :cheer:
  14. Happy birthday!!!

    Have a wonderful day Neffy!!! xxx


    I hope you have a wonderful 25th, and year to come!!!

  16. Hello! to the forum! I'm sure you are going to love it here. Sounds like you have a lot of fish there, but you can never have too many. :P
  17. Hey, you have the same birthday as me! :D

  18. Often my dad helps me. I was in a LFS last week (going to get some females) and the females were good, yet I saw 3 white opaques (IN A LFS). One was so pure, except for an orange spot on the caudal. There was an orange dalmatian, beautiful steel blues, etc, etc. Now, I could only get a couple of females and had been waiting for the new shipment to come in. Yet, I HAD to have like 10 of those (could ONLY get two). Anyway, my dad goes "you came for the females, and the males are nice, just get the girls and we can go.' Nicely of coarse he said that. I knew he was right yet... I loved the males. I ended up getting the girls, left the males to find (hopefully) good homes. I'm sure any human on earth would have snatched them up in a heartbeat..
  19. I really like the orange & the black/blue ird. VERY PRETTY!
  20. I LOVE them! Especially Salamandar! :drool: :drool:
  21. I really hate when Bettas seem to like eachother, and when you release them they decide they 'just want to be friends'. It drives me nuts!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sarah


      Yeah, they are very smart. Good for everything else, yet not so good if you are trying to spawn them... :

    3. littleangel


      i had one like that. I didnt think much of it until i had tried all my females.... bit feminine i guess!

    4. Sarah


      Too bad... I think one of my male CT is like that... :


    Have a great day!!! :D

  23. Happy Birthday Libby!

    Have a wonderful day!!! :D


    Have a great day!

  25. Sarah


    I think the rods are a great idea Becki! I had mine by a window for a while (until they died, some lived 5yrs), and they were happy. Not really any direct sunlight, but a bit when the sun was rising. They were there 24/7 and I never had any algae problems.
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