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Everything posted by Sarah

  1. That's a big piece of driftwood then! I get mine from the beach... after lots of cleaning, soaking, etc. I LOVE your tank! It is amazing.. are you sure you are new at this? Happy fish keeping, From Sarah. :)
  2. Oh, the Bristlenose died this afternoon. Mr. Squiggle.
  3. OK, so I wanted to get a couple suckers to clean my tank. My dad has a 4ft community tank which also has suckers, but I couldn't catch them without destroyed the tank set-up. SO dad went and brought me 2 suckers for my tank, and if I need a new home for them they can go into his. One is a Bristlenose Catfish, and the other a sucking catfish. They are only little, both maybe 2-3cm. So, I wanted to spawn the pair of Bettas I got from someone, and of coarse know they can't be in there when they are breeding, or when daddy's egg-watching. But, can they go in with the fry once they are free-swimming? If so, how old would the fry have to be. I don't think they eat baby fish, but I'm not completely sure. Also, while the Bettas are mating, and the fry are little, could the two suckers go into a barrack inside Dad's 4ft tank? I already have the barrack, and it is quite big. The size would be fine. I was just wondering if they would have enough things to suck. The barrack is made of the same material nets are made of, and it goes around a plastic frame. Suction cups go on the outside of the barrack and hold it to the tank wall. Can they go in it? I will only put them in it if they could go with the fry, and could survive. Thank you.
  4. Oh WOW!!! Amazing Yan!!! :drool: :drool:
  5. Goo thinking Paul. I think I'm with you. :)
  6. Sorry Shadoh, I think I'M on the top of the list. :giggle:
  7. Maybe the other fish is in the tank next to him? Yeah, I go with what Mike says: get as many females as possible and try your luck. Hopefully he'll be a good daddy.
  8. Thank you Sunnylass. That's what I'm hoping for! I have friends & family wanting some... but not waiting like I am ! My sister knows what colour Betta she wants. You'll never guess, out of ALL THE BETTA COLOURS IN THE WORLD she wants a blue with red wash . Oh well, she'll have to be happy with BF's. :P
  9. Just did a little organizing on photobucket folders. Really, I mean a LITTLE bit. Anyway, since some of the photos were moved, their link might have been broken. If you notice any photos of mine in any topics have been moved or deleted, please tell me so I can fix the link. Thank you. :)

  10. Wow, I can see why you couldn't resist! He is beautiful!!! :drool: Well done finding him Bec! Maybe you could use a mustard yellow girl? Or even a black/green girl. You have a "show case" of females don't you? What do you have with females???
  11. Do you still have your first Betta Bec? Thank you, I also love BF. I brought some IAL of someone, and was just "looking" at her you-tube channel... well you can guess what happened when I saw this pair. I love all her fish, but many were too advanced for a first spawn, but Peach & Plum seemed perfect!:cheer:
  12. Thank you Jondo. Peach kind of has a pearl-ish gleam on her body when light shines on her: which didn't show up in these photos.
  13. Oh, when I say first meal with me, I mean with me as their owner... I didn't eat any bloodworms. :P
  14. Both have settled in great, and are eating happily. They just enjoyed their first meal with me: frozen bloodworms were on the menu.
  15. I got my first pair from someone! I LOVE them! They are a red/white BF VT pair. So pretty. I know many of you don't like VT, but I do. VT are what made Bettas what they are today. The male's name is Plum, and the female's is Peach. You can view the for sale video someone put up HERE Plum (male): Here he is doing his happy-Betta dance! Peach (female): I am very happy with them, and think they are a perfect pair for my first spawn. Plum even had a bubble nest going when I un-packed him from the mail! Of coarse, there wasn't much left, and it got destroyed when I put him in his new tank. someone really looked after them, and packed them wonderfully! I'm sure everyone who has brought fish from her will agree too. I know who I'm buying from for now on! :cheer:
  16. Yes, thank you for your very fast reply Yan. I don't think I will ask how you know though... I was just researching some more, and realized the different requirements. If I do get one, I'll give it it's own tank. Thank you again. :)
  17. Just an idea, I was thinking about getting an axolotl? Of coarse, I am going to do LOTS of research before getting one, and I have heard they are carnivores, so they eat small fish. First, I was going to maybe put one in a Betta grow-out tank - small fish, bad idea. Now what do you think about a adult Betta? No? What fish CAN go with them? I think they don't use heaters so maybe just goldfish. Big ones. What do you think? I think just a tank with an axolotl, not any fish. Don't want to find that my fish has been eaten!

    Have a wonderful time! :D

  19. Yeah, I'm sure if you pack them right they'll be fine. I think the hot car ride would be a bit too much for them though. Shadoh - was that pair the fancy snow dragon HMPK pair?
  20. Love them! So pretty, love the colouring! I saw those on her channel and thought to myself "whoever gets those will be very lucky". :)
  21. Happy Birthday Rainy! :D

    We all wish you a wonderful day! xxx

  22. Happy Birthday to you!

    Have a wonderful day Shadoh! :D

  23. Very nice! Marvelous job there!!! :D
  24. Beautiful Bettas! I especially LOVE the first male! Can't wait to see how they breed, hopefully easily for you! (Betta breeding, EASY? We can wish )!
  25. Happy birthday to you!

    Happy Birthday to you!

    Happy birthday dear Beano...!!!

    Happy birthday to you!!!

    Happy birthday! Have a wonderful day and year to follow!!! :D xxx

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