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Everything posted by Sarah

  1. Good luck! Welcome too! :D
  2. Sure thing. :)

    Hope you had a great day. :D

  3. Yay for fat & happy fish! So they all went well? Did you get a good girl for this pretty boy yet?
  4. If I had your Bettas Shadoh, I would not know where to start breeding! :drool:
  5. Glad you found it.. because I couldn't find what it was. I was looking at all different species of tetras. Once again, Yan comes to the rescue! :cheer:
  6. We used to have some of these! Can't remember what they were called, I'll look into it for you. :)
  7. Happy birthday!

    Have a wonderful day!! :D


  8. Hello nice to meet you Cam! I also like your user name, but funnily enough have never owned a goldfish! I think a lot of quarantine questions are coming...
  9. Sounds like you have a lot of tanks there! Good luck with the spawns... your Bettas are so pretty. Well done with picking out a DT male being sold as a female! Oh, if you have plenty of photos to share... share them!
  10. I'm getting another tank today so I can keep more fry, as I have a large spawn. Early birthday present from mum & dad :D When can I move them to this grow-out tank?? How old must they be? I think I'll siphon them in when it is time.. They only hatched yesterday, still in the nest.

    1. Sarah


      I've read about the 6wk mark. Would it be OK when I do the first water change???

    2. Neffy


      I wouldnt siphon them it would be pretty turbulent and could cause SBD, id move them by scooping them out with a container.. youll need lots of patience

    3. Sarah


      OK thank you. Patience I could use more of, but I have been waiting 6months so I guess however long it will take will be fine.

      Thanks Neffy! What is the earilest I can put them in?

  11. I have tails YAY!

  12. Sarah

    Leaf rest

    A great idea! I remember seeing a topic a while ago of someone making a bed with a soap holder with suction cups, and putting some nice live plants in there. I have this old plant with large leafs made of silk. I just grabbed a bunch and chucked them into the tank. It forms like a cave of plants. Bettas love that too. :)
  13. Sounds good. What type? HM? VT? CT? OK, I'm not going to go on about the tail types.
  14. :rofl: Maybe I should have set that out better. How many do you have?
  15. You can NEVER have enough Bettas Shadoh! I have 8. 4 males, 4 females. New pair from someone spawning right now! Yes, you do have a big demand Bec.
  16. I love your Tank Neffy! Your females are beautiful! You are a pink Betta collector aren't you?
  17. I think my new pair will spawn soon! Plum, the male has built a MASSIVE nest (or at least massive to me, maybe a cm in thickness at it's peack). The females egg spot is practically dangling, I can see lots of eggs in her belly as she is light bodied too. The male was building a nest under a IAL, but the female didn't care, she seemed to like the bubble wrap (small bubbles, bubbles down, like a pre-made nest. I've heard it impresses the females, it is true). So Plum now built ...

    1. Sarah


      They are wrapping now as I type!!! Been spawning for half and hour.... lots of photos coming soon! I'm so excited!!! I've been trying to breed them for 6months!!! :D

    2. fishish


      Yay! Have fun :D

    3. Sarah


      Thanks. I will. :)

  18. I think my pair from someone is going to spawn! Long story... big nest, wrapping for a few secs only, but getting there... I'm very excited! Wish me luck!

    1. Neffy


      fantastic !! good luck :D my pair are behaving like they will spawn dancing under nest and female checks it out but they dont wrap yet haha.

    2. Sarah


      Thanks. Good luck to you!!

  19. Thank you TasV! OK, I won't put it in my fry tank, he can go into my dad's tank. He'll like it there. THANK YOU!!! :D
  20. :) Kinda freaked me out when I first saw it. ;P

  21. This is a picture of the bigger fish I was talking about. His name was Snake. I did not name him, but Danny Boy did. I didn't care much about the name he chose, because I'd thought he would live as long as he did (not that I wanted him to die, I didn't, just I wasn't expecting him to live 4+ years)!!. He was named Snake as to Danny Boy his skin looked like Snake pattern... It is a photo of a photo. I couldn't be bothered to do a scan. :embarrass:
  22. OK. That you for the idea Yan. So it woudln't survive in the barrack? I put him/her in a few hours ago, and a plant that has been in the tank for a while in their for hiding/sucking. Also an old ornament... the head of a crocodile that blew bubbles and the head came up. We had an Otocinclus who got about 15cm!!!!! He loved that head. He died earlier this year, he was a few years old by then. Had a happy life. Thanks for your reply too Yan! You are always so helpful! Or maybe the one we had was a the same as Mr. Stripy. I'm positive they are the same species.
  23. Yes I'm sure. The picture I linked to looks like his long lost twin! The link you gave Yan looks a bit like the SAE in my dad's tank.. but not quite. Thanks for replying Yan!
  24. No not CAE. We have some SAE, and I wouldn't put them with the fry. My sucking catfish looks a little like this (click HERE). That isn't Mr. Stripy though. Thanks for your reply Wayne!
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