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Everything posted by Sarah

  1. My mum and dad brought me someone's Pink Carnation pair for my birthday! I LOVE them! Best fish I've ever seen in my opinion.. Even after I got the 3ft tank with heater, filter, etc.. I was NOT expecting that! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!! Anyway, here is the video someone put up - Aren't they beautiful? I know I'm bragging a bit.. but I can't help it. I believe they are Rosetail. So I named the female Rose, and the male Carnation (I know not a very mainly name, but I like it.. not like he is going to be bullied by the other fish for it). Tying to get pictures, but I can't get any good ones. Hiding in the plants, moving a second to late, etc. I'm editing this. Instead of putting photos up, here is the link for their Photobucket album. It will be updated when I get good photos. Please ignore any broken image links you may see in the rest of this topic. http://s161.photobucket.com/albums/t239/camerachick_2007/Pink%20Carnation%20HM%20Betta%20Pair/ Oh, and someone also very kindly added a live plant as well (thanks someone)! Does anyone know what it is? They look more like the colour of someone's video than my photos..
  2. Should extra Brine Shrimp eggs go into a double zip-lock bag into the freezer or the crisper? Haven't gotten them yet.. just planning ahead. Thank you. :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sarah


      I know, they sound great, so maybe I'll give it a try..

    3. shadoh


      I keep mine in the crisper. They are about 2 years old now and have a good hatch rate. Give them a go. It's easier than it seems...

    4. Sarah


      Thanks. I think I will when I spawn my Bettas again. :)

  3. Sarah

    First spawn

    BBS can be fed from day 3! http://www.youtube.com/watch?gl=AU&hl=en-GB&v=7uNkHPuGaqo is a video I quite like on setting it up. You can get mature cultures, so that way you don't have to wait for them to get all ready and whatnot..
  4. Sarah

    DIY CO2

    Love the picture you drew.. so cute! :betta:
  5. Woah.. they are tough! Wonder how they survived. Try this link Here. Just some useful ways on killing the pests. Editing the link..
  6. Sure are HUGE! Nice pictures too. :)
  7. Thanks Cam. Gee... you even know the scientific name! :o
  8. Thanks Mike. I did try that, and it worked for the picture I currently have.. but the one I was trying to get (the poodle clip she got for my birthday last year) said can't link to that type of image. I think I'll just keep the one I have.. save the trouble. Anyways, I quite like this picture. :)
  9. Looks like a blue tetra to me.. though I am no tetra expert. Click HERE for pictures of Blue Tetras. Only Google Images.
  10. Hi. I have changed the avatar in the past, so I do know how this works. Currently it is on this picture of my Cavoodle Miley http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t239/camerachick_2007/Miley/P1000402.jpg But I will like to change it to this one, but it keeps going to the other one. Yes, I did copy & paste the right code. http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t239/camerachick_2007/Miley/soccermileyclip067.jpg Does somebody happen to know why, and how to fix this? Thanks.
  11. Ah yeah! Thanks for sharing Shadoh, he is so pretty. I love the marble and the DT. :)
  12. oohhh... I'll never tell! Phantom voter huh? That sounds pretty cool. :P
  13. All my fry are dead but one.. and it is deformed. :((((

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Sarah


      He has a kink in his back/tail. :(

      I don't know if he/she will even survive.. he isn't very strong, can't even swim straight. :( He will be floating head-down, then will wriggle and move a cm at a time... does not sound good for him.

      Thanks for your reply. :)

    3. Neffy


      might be alot of work for him to breathe later on keep currents low and water level low he might might it.

    4. Sarah


      Thank you Neffy.

      Sadly this last fry died this very afternoon. :(

      I would have posted this earlier, but we had a pretty bad storm, with hail.

  14. Horrible news. First spawn ever, I had over 250 fry, now only 5-10. :( Why? Because I turn the heater off when I clean the tank (I have burnt my hands a few times) and silly enough to forget to turn it back on. :( They are 2wk today, so I surived (if you can call it that) the worst. Hopefully the remainers will surrive, and I'll get a few males (I can breed back to the mum, dad died though.)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sarah


      Thanks. At the moment they seem to enjoy bits of infusoria, but I also feed bloodworms, brine shrimp, I had mozzie wrigglers, but the culture got destroyed, so I have buckets out in the backyard waiting for more.. oh, and I put in some ground pellets (now a fine powder) and since they are very competitive for their feed, they sometimes nibble on it, but I don't feed that much.

    3. Neffy


      hopefully the rest will grow up fine and you get a few boys!

    4. Sarah


      Thank you Neffy. :)

  15. That is a great set-up! I love you Bettas, too bad that pretty girl & Guinevere died. I would watch that cat.. very suspicious Hopefully the Mrs. will get the bug too soon. I wish I could go to someone's too far.. Is Ophelia in a jug with a dollie on top? Hmm.. whatever works.
  16. Are you going to breed him? Do you have a female for him? Maybe the breeder has a matching sister. :blush:
  17. It does. He is very pretty! I love his colours! I really like how he looks like a very light purple with a rusty bronze to it. Great find Joan! Oh I've never seen a purple dragon before! I ADORE him!! :bighug:
  18. That was nice of him.. only except the link took me to Windows Live? Sign in to hotmail, etc. (
  19. No I can't see any either. But YAY for the new fish! :dance:
  20. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Oh, I was going to make this thread, but I was beaten to it! Have a wonderful day Stephan! Hopefully this weather won't put you down. :balloons:
  21. Thank you there sweet Delyall! I'll be watching for future spawns! I LOVE them!!! That is.. do you know how to ship, and would you? :blink:
  22. I love your fishroom! All my tanks are in my bedroom right next to my bed. You get used to the air pump and filters at night, no problem! What I do for my fish.. :lol:
  23. Thanks Lisa. I didn't know they popped up.. I'll think I'll just stay away. :embarrass:
  24. I think I voted on a poll. Only once.. something about MW and BBS. Sorry. :embarrass:
  25. Yes I knew you bred those fish, as I remember seeing the logs. Wonderful! Sorry I'm not much of a help, I'm not really and good at all with live plants. I stick to silk or extra soft plastic.. though I know live are much better for fish with the filtration, etc. Good luck! I think the tank looks excellent anyways. I would not be touching it any more. Maybe a nice tall plant or two at the back in the center?
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