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Everything posted by Sarah

  1. Hello, I was just curious to find out if Grindals really need a lid. I know bugs get in, but they also need air. I had a good container (about the size of a Chinese container.. but a little higher). It has a lid, and I cut a couple holes into it and stuffed it with filter floss. Anyway, I found a good piece of glass to use for the food cover thingy, but it doesn't fit AT ALL. I have another tub, that is a lot bigger.. but has no lid. Could I use that? What else could I use instead of a lid? Maybe a plastic bag with holes? I don't care about looks.. as long as it works. Thanks. I did a search, but was unsessful. Though I did find new threads I've never read before.. that is always good too.
  2. Thank you. I'll tell dad.. it's his tank. :)
  3. Just noticed one of our neon tetras is by the water surface, and is gulping air. They aren't labyrinth fish so.. anyone know what this could be? It can also swim away too.
  4. Wow.. you must have lots of tanks hoarded over your place to do that many spawns all at once! Good luck with them, and congratulations! So good to hear the super black female is fertile. :cheer:
  5. This morning I found Raspberry, my red CT male (from LFS) dead. :( I had been watching him for a couple days now.. and you should have seen him last night. I'll post a video if you like, but it is a little sad. :( Well, this one was a bit of a killer - killed my best CT female. On good news, I introduced my Pink Carnation pair last night (Female floating) and this morning there is a bubblenest under the IAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY...

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Sarah


      Now it is only my 3ft tank, 2.5ft tank, the 3 large jars (maybe more, depends where I'll put the Carnation pair after they spawn). This is all squished in my bed room. :) It is funny seeing friend's faces when they walk in to see the "few" Bettas I have. Must be expecting a couple cups.. but no.

    3. volvodriver


      hehe, i know the feeling, filled the living room and moved onto the bedroom :P can't see the mirror on my dresser anymore (i'd rather look at fish anyway)

    4. Sarah


      I can't see my mirror either. I'm more worried my Bettas would see their reflection! Tanks only filled half way, so I don't know if they can yet.

  6. Yeah.. me too. Says they are unavailable. Maybe the link is wrong or something??
  7. Wow they are beautiful! Congratulations with them!! Yeah, I was going to say exactly what Shadoh said! He beat me to it.. <_<
  8. Good idea. Reminds of THIS
  9. Wow.. he is lovely! I adore his colour! Looks like a bit of a nest going on there too. Do you have a female?
  10. When hacthing BBS, the empty eggs float to the top. Should they be collected and thrown out?

  11. Thank you Shadoh! :)

  12. Just watched again.. I think I know which ones are Heckle & Jeckle. Love how they do the synchronized swimming.. adorable. Well done with them! Seeing as they are so full and still looking for more you can see just how healthy the pigs are. :cheer:
  13. Soil-less Grindal worms, or soil Grindals? Which is better.. use for Betta fry. Not even born yet, but good to plan ahead.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sarah


      Thanks Shadoh. :)

      I think I'll try the soil. Have to find out where the best place is to get them, Shipping the soil ones would be a bit pricey though.

    3. shadoh


      When you are ready, give Cassi (Fighters4U) a PM and get some prices off her. I got all my live cultures from her. I left it a bit late to wait for a starter culture to get going, so bought mature cultures for about $15 ea. I think the starters are around $5 - $6 and the postage was very reasonable. She gives you plenty of info on how to care for them and harvest them. She even sells a DVD so you can see how to do it all...

    4. Sarah
  14. Thanks. I fed her freeze-dried bloodworms last night, and she was so CUTE! She looked at it, flared a little, then, instead of nibbling on the end like most of my other Bettas, she sucked it up like a noddle! So cute.. now that you mentioned that I think I'll try that for a photo.. not sure why I didn't think of it sooner. Thank you Fishish!
  15. Aww they are such cuties. Look at their round bellies, they have been fed well! They are so cute.. and how they all followed your finger makes them even cuter. Waiting for the food to come I guess. Which ones are Heckle & Jeckle?
  16. Sounds good. Hopefully the first pair will spawn quickly, well, and the males will be great fathers. Good luck! Hopefully they will be on the dry food stage when you are going away. Some of mine nibbled at ground pellets at about 1 week. I know, not the right nutrition, but I only gave them a little bit and that was with live food too. GOOD LUCK ONCE AGAIN!
  17. Thanks. I can't get enough of them, but am a bit annoyed about getting pictures with Rose - it is just impossible!
  18. More photos of Carnation. I still can't get Rose to hold still!!!! Editing the image links
  19. More and better photos will be coming soon. You would NOT believe how fast Rose is! She will be on one side of the tank, I'll be ready with the camera, then I see a little splash and she is on the other side! LITERALLY IT TAKES LESS THAN A SECOND!!! So hard to get a photo of her. Carnation is a bit of a slow swimmer with all his finnage. Hopefully he will not want to bite it off sometime to be lighter.
  20. They are wonderful Mike! What are you going to breed first? Good luck with them, I hope all the fry turn out like their parents. Lucky you on the super blue one. I don't know what I like better, they are all fabulous. Oh, and that was not childish excitement earlier.. do not worry, I promise it was still dignifying! :betta:
  21. Thank you. Hopefully you'll find another pair that you love. :)
  22. Yep.. plastic plant is GONE.. well, at lest into a different tank. Carnation (male) is now sleeping peacefully, while Rose (female) is calm, yet awake. I think she'll dose off soon. I'm going to set them up sometime next week.. I'm going to Auburn Aquarium to get some Brine Shrimp Eggs.. first time ever culturing them, but I've done my research, and think it will be OK. Never been to Auburn Aquarium, I've heard nothing but good things on it (not that you are able to mention anything bad).. Excited.. can't wait to I see tails, then free-swimmers, etc. Hopefully they will spawn easily, and the male will be a good father, and the fry will grow well. I am going to try keeping the father with the fry (Part 1 & Part 2) I know, not recomended for beginners, but I really want to try it. Last time I spawned (first time) the father died of the post depression after fathering. Then all the fry died too. Very sad. I don't want that to happen again, so I'm going to give this ago, and if Carnation eats the fry, I can always pair him up again.
  23. I know.. that tank had a female in it, 3ft needs to settle.. I am going to take it out. You just reminded me! Thanks. Java Moss.. sounds good. I haven't ever had any before. Thanks everyone!
  24. Yes I am. Thanks Fishish. Just Googled Java Moss.. looks like it! Thanks again.. will do more research on caring for it, etc, very soon.
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