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Everything posted by Sarah

  1. Wow thanks Shadoh! Hmm.. maybe mum will go for a roadtrip, though that is very unlikely. :P
  2. So you think they are both going to be boys? Too bad.. I guess you will be so annoyed if that happened.. and then you wouldn't want to keep them.. and I like them.. and then I GUESS I'll have to help you out by taking them off your hands. Do you want to part with them? If so, dips!
  3. So cute. I just adore that picture of Heckle & Jeckle! LOVE THEM!!! Hope that Migaloo girl hope to be is a female. She'll make a good match. So, I guess my little pressuring helped get some photos afterall! :cheer:
  4. Well done Wayne! I've never heard of them before (), but it is always good to learn new things. They are sooo cute!!! Congrats on them again.
  5. That's it Shadoh.. I'm coming right to your house, and am going to give you some batteries and MAKE you take some photos. THEN.. I'll watch you go and upload them, and I'll go home. Once I'm home I'll realize that I could've seen the real things and get pretty annoyed. Right, I've talked myself into it now! Where do you live.. what Brisbane? That's too far, never mind.
  6. Yup.. putting the pressure on. PRESSURE SHADOH!!!!
  7. Too bad. You've got backup batteries right? I'll wait, not like I'm just sitting here waiting for photos of your fry.. no never. :lookaround:
  8. My female VT Peach has suddenly grown a huge attachment to one of Dad's Chinese Algae Eater. It is still VERY little, now just showing signs of it being a Chinese one, not Siamese like the rest of the adults we have. It was being used to cycle my tank, and I just put it into a 33L tank, along with Peach.. suddenly, they are like my own Heckle & Jeckle. :D Swimming in perfect sycn, and always together. Just adorable. Now seeing as this CAE is now "in the Betta club" or whatever...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sarah


      Betta club.. also super lame, but whatever.

    3. shadoh


      How cute! You'll have to take some photos while we're waiting for my camera to charge ;P .....no pressure... LOL

    4. Sarah


      No pressure.. right, I'm sure I've heard that one before! :P

      When I get around to it.. I'm really 'busy' at the moment.

  9. Pretty! The forum never lets me have more than 4 photos.. I guess it likes you 1 photo more. Still not the crazies Shadoh, I expect to see more photos!!! Especially Heckle & Jeckle. That was a hint. :tongue: :fish:
  10. Post description said you have gone crazy with the camera - five photos is hardly crazy Shadoh. -_-
  11. So pretty Shadoh! Lots of variety there!! From the photos above, I can't pick a favourite.. maybe because I just adore Heckle & Jeckle. :P
  12. Cutie pie! I can't believe how fast he coloured up! I wonder if he will stay this pinky butterfly.
  13. We have baby chicks! Hatched on Friday.. there are 5, 3 eggs didn't hatch though... very gross story with that, but I don't know if I should tell it. My Frizzle x Barnvelder Pippen hatched them. The ones that hatched are (we think) 2x Sussex they are yellow, 2x gold lace Wyandotte (they are black and tan, and a mystery little black one, could be any breed. Mine is the wyandotte, his/her names is Mishka. :)

    1. Sarah


      The name Mishka is Russian, but I think it is a cutie name. :)

    2. fishish
    3. Sarah


      Oh why thank you. :)

  14. Usually it is best to get at least 4 females for the pecking order, but like what Neffy stated, it depends on the personalities of the females. I once had a pair of LFS females that were just inseparable. They would both sook so badly if one were away (pain when trying to spawn, neither did).
  15. Cute. Harder & harder to see.. that is no good. Gotta love the fishy personalities!
  16. Cute! Heckle and Jeckle are my favourite out of this spawn (can you tell, I keep asking about them). Hopefully they will be male and female. Seems they will have no trouble spawning for you if that is the case. Funny how they want what they don't have - runts wanting the solitude, and I'm sure the jarred would like that freedom. How can you tell which are Heckle & Jeckle Shadoh? They look very similar to the other pastels there.. Of coarse, you would tell - they are your spawn!
  17. Guess what? I just found a little fry in our 4ft commuity tank! Maybe about 1cm long. I think it is a Neon Tetra. I'm SURE I saw some orange on it. Sadly, we have a baterial infection, and it was dosed. You aren't susposed to fully dose it for fry, so I don't know if s/he will surive. :. We named him/her Lucky, because s/he is lucky it didn't get eaten. :)

    1. Sarah


      I'll post a picture when I can. So far Lucky has survived on ONLY tropical flakes! I put a bit of frozen treats just for Lucky, of coarse the others got a treat too. In the tank there are guppies (only males ATM), Siamese Algae Eaters, a golden sucker, sucking catfish and neon tetras.

    2. shadoh


      You could always float him in a container of untreated water if you're worried. Hope he/she survives, it will replace the neon you lost over the weekend!

    3. Sarah


      Thanks Shadoh! That is a good idea! I could put Lucky into one of my tanks too.

  18. Cute. Nice tank too, they'll love hiding in all the spots in there! How many do you think you have? Are Heckle & Jeckle jarred? If not, will you have to jar them together.. or if they are both males at least next to each other?
  19. Pink Carnation pair not breeding yet, been in for a couple days in half filled 3ft tank.. LOTS of hiding places. Little nips on the female, male is now not only a HM, but a triple tail (kinda like a double tail, but with three lobes). Big nest.. little bits of swimming around, but no spawning. Male is so slow with all his finnage.. he can only swim 1/3 of the tank by the time the female can swim it all!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sarah


      Yup, I've got a few other males. Sadly he was SHREADED today.. so I've taken Rose out, and will give them a chance to heal before I re-introduce them.

    3. fishish


      oh no! Is the shredding bad?

    4. Sarah


      Oh yeah.. worse than a torn CT. I'll publish pictures later. Still haven't taken them.

  20. No this on different fish in the tank. There is an bacterial infection on some SAE. We will dose them now.
  21. My dad's tank has a baterical infection... looking at my meds. I have just about everything BUT baterial. We are going out very soon to get some.

    1. shadoh


      Sorry to hear that Sarah. From what you have posted, he has some nice fish in there. I hope he can knock that infection on the head before any more die...

  22. Sadly this one died today. The tank is due to have a clean today.. we are going to Petbarn to get meds.
  23. Always thought they go UNDERNEATH. Thanks for that Mike!
  24. I have one of those boxes from someone. So I wouldn't need to make holes in it then? Just found a plastic tub that is a good size. Fits the glass piece I found well. Except the lid.. I couldn't really make a hole in that, we might want to use the container some time in the future. Could I just leave the tub how it is, and they will get air when I fed them?? Thank you for your reply Wayne. :D
  25. Thanks Stefan and Jess. Maggots - how annoying! And gross. I think I could just do what Jess suggested.. maybe I could find some clear plastic lid (clear for easy viewing, I would like to have that). When the culture grows bigger and matures, I could find something else. Plenty of containers and jars around here (I think I have 100 jars of different sizes hoarded away for jarring fry). Thank you!
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