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Everything posted by Sarah

  1. Yeah, I guess he did Paul! :D
  2. Aww.. just so adorable! Well done Migaloo! I think you should start the photo album - Baby's First Flare. :D
  3. No, brother. Never feed chocolate to dogs. Thanks for the clue Wayne.. I'm going to have to think about it more. Or I could wait for TONIGHT!
  4. Wayne.. could we pleassseee have a little clue? Even a little one? PLEASE? A helpful one might I add, not one like - something to do with AusAqua or fish. Maybe I should try a poker face too - .. .. .. WHAT COULD IT BE?!?!
  5. You know how I said my Peach VT female & a Chinese Algae Eater loved each other like H&J? Well.. they had a fight, they don't like each other now. :( Never even got a photo! No damage done, must have been a verbal disagreement.. with bubbles for talk or however they communicate. Probably body language. Well, whenever they swim by, they both dart in the other dirrection. Yes, if you are wondering, I do believe fish are like humans in a way. They are smart animals, but I;'m...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sarah


      Yeah, too bad. Can't help who my fish like though. Thanks for the comment Shadoh. :)

    3. fishbites


      Never trust a Chinese Algae Eater with a fish you prize... they can get aggressive and nasty if they want to be.... had one stand up to a 12cm convict cichlid and chase it off....

    4. Sarah


      Thanks. Dad has some big ones that are pretty territorial. This one is only about 2cm long.. thanks for the tip. I was going to take them out today when I do a water change.

  6. I love the colouring too. Good luck finding a female! Too bad about Photobucket too. I liked it the way it was. :(
  7. Key Board Doesn’t work sorry I SPILT Water must copy and paste each LETTER 2 TYPE. I’m STILL HERE, just can’t COMMENT

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. fishish


      Oh bugger! lol :P I killed my last two laptops via similar methods (entirely killed) within a 6 month period lol

    3. volvodriver


      lol, the keyboard on my laptop only has 3 keys working too, i have to use a wireless keyboard and mouse all the time now. lol.

    4. Sarah


      Thanks everyone. :)

      It is working fine today, I'm so happy! Yeah, entirety my fault. You have NO idea how long it took me to write that comment. I had to find a letter somewhere and copy & paste it. :( When you touched one key, about 10 different letters came up. Some would close the window, so I would have to start again. Please excuse my horrible grammar above.

  8. Oopies, I've been saying NEON TETRA.. I meant GLOW-LIGHT TETRA. Ha.. I thought it was the same thing. :( Neon is just easier to remember. Oh well. :

  9. Sorry, but I seemed to have pressed "mark all forums as read" button while viewing the new content page. Is there any way to reverse that? Thanks. :embarrass:
  10. "Something more". They are beautiful! What are their names?? I really like the photo of the Guns & Roses male just above where he is showing his gill membrane! Good luck with them!!
  11. That sounds great! Good luck, I hope to see many photos of the fry. :P
  12. Right. SURE Shadoh. I for one can not pull a poker face without cracking up laughing, so there is no way I've even pretend not to be interested. My, I already have a crazy grin on my face! :D WHAT COULD IT BE?!?! :confused:
  13. Hopefully. Thanks Shadoh. I hope nothing like that happens to any of your beautiful fry.
  14. Good luck! Are the two spawns both going to be F1 from this one??
  15. Hehehe.. Daniel LOVES choccies, all you have to do is pick up a chocolate and he comes running. HM Chocolate Betta pair = :drool:! I had a chocolate VT once, he lived 5 years. :)
  16. Thanks for the reply. Usually a good idea to have only one spawn at a time, well at least for me. Others like Bettarazzi can manage it well.
  17. That's so cute! Posing fish are great! Hmm.. I guess he'll have to settle for the sister. Carnation used to pose.. but not since he has been shredded. He comes to see me if I call him (all my fish come when I call, I just say their name - I don't know if I they can hear me, but it is pretty impressive when I show people at least) and put my finger on the glass. Works every time. BUT, if I have a camera, he swims away. Smarty, doesn't want to show the world a GIRL beat him up. I think he is pretty ashamed. :(
  18. You a chocolate cake person Shadoh? I can't choose.. there are many yummy cakes out there.. :tongue:
  19. That's great news Shadoh! Always a surprise! You named this spawn the "Jewel Box" didn't you? Or is that a different one..??
  20. At least he isn't self-conscious then. I guess it is a good thing he can't use the laptop then! Hopefully he'll settle for the sibling girl (hopefully girl) with similar patterning.
  21. Awww, I'm sorry to hear that Yan! It will still be here when you get back, just think about that. Is the revealment going to be in this topic, or are you going to start another one?
  22. I'm a it of a sucker too. WHAT COULD IT BE??? I'll be here to find out.
  23. Lovely colours there! I quite like the Blue Tigger, it seems almost purple-ish. Like your new avatar picture too.
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