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Everything posted by Sarah

  1. He is very pretty Jo! Good find from the LFS. I'm sure he is very, very happy to have a loving home. Hope he likes the lavender girl!
  2. Thanks for the friendliness Neffy. Seems since the Chocolate Cake is out of the picture... no more warnings! Good luck making your tree.
  3. Now to just assemble it. Good luck everyone - you're going to need it! J/k. :P
  4. I've already got it planned out in my head. I just hope it works as well. We are putting up the Christmas tree today, so will get some supplies from that (we keep everything Christmas in a large box or two). I'm pretty annoyed that we got rid of our Barbie stuff.. they had mini Christmas lights, Christmas dinners, wine glasses.. They had been in storage for years, and we just moved them out for storage of jars.. like last month. Anyway, I won't tell my ideas because.. well, then I'll give it away. Anybody else got it planned out.. or even finished?
  5. That's so cool! I hope he stays that colour.. though I doubt he will. Congrats with him Shadoh.. that's a winning fry with me!
  6. I'm sure you think of something excellent Joan!
  7. *lol*! Didn't Fishish say she dreamt you were painting them!?
  8. You better lock your fry up Shadoh.. it sounds like there are quite a few people out to steal your fish!
  9. I've also heard if you get a couple guppies (I would suggest females, brown if you can) that if they start eating the frozen food, the fry will too as they are very competitive for food. I'm not sure if it will work, as I'm really suggesting stuff I never tried.. but seems to make sense. Just be consistent, and they will learn. Slowly, only ever so slowly, I would cut back on grindals too. I'm sure if they are stuffed on the nice food, they wouldn't want to eat the frozen (other than being pigs and will just keep eating). Hmm... that's all I can think of now. Good luck. Oh, how convient Paul popped up when you said "black cambodian". :P
  10. This sounds fun, it will be great to see what other people come up with! Good luck to all! Anyone else got a zillion ideas already? :giggle:
  11. Cool. Thanks Shadoh. Black Cambodian?? Great! Here comes the marbles. Good luck moving onto the frozen food too.
  12. Gotta get Christmasing.. lotsa ideas already.
  13. Hopefully. What do they eat? Sorry if you feel I'm bugging you. <_<
  14. Sounds great! I really hope that the Migaloo girl, really is that - female. Sounds like the next generation is going to be great! Good luck for the future.. keep on dreaming, hopefully it will come true. Now, it is 8PM Sydney time.. the competition should be announced any minute.
  15. Hey Shadoh.. Eric is a DT/VT isn't he? Have you found any fry with DT.. or do you have to wait until the next generation? Isn't DT recessive, especially since Pam is a single tail? I could be wrong.. I'm a hueg beginner when it comes to genetics and stuff. Also - photo update? I know, I'm a bit of a nag with the photos, but we all love them! Especially Heckle & Jeckle. :love:
  16. What are you thinking of bribing them into Shadoh? Bribing is not the answer though, we should just wait.. not long to go now..
  17. Thanks. Just saw you commented again, and got excited.. I wonder who the judges will be..
  18. Aww.. I guess I'm just going to have to bake my own. :tongue: I saw you posted and got all excited.. all to know there is no cake. :(
  19. Which is worse - a threat or a warning?? What happens if we don't listen to the warning??
  20. That was my pokerface! Yours was like this - Hmm.. if I have people copying my pokerface, I guess I'm better at it then I thought. Though you still didn't laugh like I did. So is Wayne like the judge of who gets the cake?
  21. Yes Joan, it did sound like a threat. What if the winner DOESN'T share? Or what?
  22. May I please ask, what time around should it be announced? Just so I know when to kick people off the computer. :P
  23. So pretty! I do like the set-up too. More please? :P
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