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Everything posted by Sarah

  1. Sarah


    As a seller, I must tell Yan that she will. :P
  2. Oooh really? I really liked the white dragon PK's. Back to your CTPK's, though!
  3. Sarah


    Popping in and seeing my name! Haha, yeah sure - but you have to pay tank rent. If you buy now, you can also sponsor some of my existing fish. Pay for their needs/get ripped off.. and I'll send you photos of them weekly. Deal of a lifetime :thumbs:
  4. This pair was one of the nicest from this current shipment, at least in my opinion... and someone got a LOT of gorgeous pairs in! Hope they spawn easily!
  5. Ooh, they're gorgeous. Good luck with them!
  6. Thanks Andrew, able to sit up now with only minor dizziness. Oh well I'll get better. I'll check on the pair myself tomorrow, hopefully I should have a few tails.
  7. Hay, Daniel here, Sarah's little Bro I'm making this post because Sarah is sick and can not get off the floor. I looked after her fish to day and checked on this pair, the male is under the nest and can see about 5 eggs.
  8. Just have to wait and see. I'll give him a feed in the morning (already locked up the fish room for the night).
  9. Doesn't look like the boy needs feeding! However, I did notice he was being attentive to the nest, so they're hope.
  10. Happy birthday!!

  11. Pair spawned, female no longer as plumped up, and was trying to get as far away from the male as possible (whereas this morning she was really submissive and nudging him). She's pretty torn up, but nothing IAL can't fix. Although, seems this male ate the eggs. I don't see any in the nest, and he is incredibly bloated. He wasn't this morning, and I haven't fed them since. *sigh* I'll look after the girl, get her fed up, plumped and healed again - and will try again. At least they're willing to breed.
  12. Power cords everywhere is a pain (and a possible hazard I guess, too), but is a part of fish keeping. My dad was kind enough to put a bunch of power points in my fish room, so it isn't much of a problem for me anymore. I've read that you can spray paint cords different colours, and colour code them - so you always know which is which. I HAVE been meaning to get around to it, but doesn't look like it'll happen anytime soon.
  13. Oooh nice, so great to see everybody posting photos of their setups. That second boy is a cutie!
  14. Sarah


    You got the DTPK! Yay! Nice fish.
  15. Woah, massive! Great deal, would be fantastic once all set up! What's going in all those tanks? Glad I can be of some inspiration! :D
  16. Oh yeah, sorry... came back as I needed to tell somebody something. Sorry for the hijack Paige! Nice fish. That blue HM stood out to me, he's gorgeous.
  17. Oh yeah, true. I guess I do things the long way, then.
  18. Hehe, no worries. Maybe your daughter can help?
  19. Andrew, upload your photos to a photohosting site, such as Photobucket. Copy the DIRECT LINK, and in the tool bar when you go to post on here, look for the photo icon - it has a little tree on it. Paste it in, and there you go.
  20. Me too, I've had a few girls do that... will try tomorrow. :)
  21. Uh.. ok... A good habit to get into would be reading the thread, and pay ATTENTION, especially when you're posting. Kthanksbye.
  22. They didn't spawn. Where does it say they did?
  23. Separated. Female looked really stressed. If she was a little bit stressed I would have left her, but she really didn't look good... hiding in the corner, breathing rapidly... kinda on her side, too. Put her in another tank, she looks fine now. I'll float her in the tank tomorrow and see how that goes.
  24. Thanks, Paul. Video of the pair, took 20mins to upload and slowed the computer right down... how I hate uploading videos. Sorry about my shakiness.. a bucket of water fell on me and I was trying to be subtle.
  25. Thanks! By the looks of it I'll probably get a spawn today. *grabs camera and goes to fishroom*
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