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Everything posted by Sarah

  1. Hey Shadoh, were did you acquire Pam & Eric? Were they from someone?
  2. Cool, thanks. Yeah, there are so many out there. Some are pricey too, especially if it is for a business. Many websites can change the domain name from the excising. Even blogger, so if that can do it I'm sure you can do it with anything. Just checked with the blogger - costs $10 a year. I think it depends on which site you use, but don't ask me, I'm no expert. <_<
  3. Too bad. If you find any Bettas you want to stay put colourwise - name it. That's a good idea to the website! Would you be willing to ship to Sydney? I'm sure I'll find some lovely Bettas of yours I'll be proud to own. I can link it to mine if you like, though it doesn't really get any Australian hits, but many from different countries. Not that shipping goes there. What website are you going to use? What I mean is what (whats the word) is the website that hosts it.. for example, I use blogger, yes a blog, but it is free & works. Some use freewebs, etc, etc..
  4. Have you found a girl for Migaloo yet Shadoh? You were starting a website weren't you? How that going??
  5. You could always find somebody with a pond in their backyard! That would be cool. I understand that we don't release captive fish. I thought it was because they could turn up like the Cane Toads (I have a story to tell about those.. ekk). Or the carps.. I know Murray is in good hands, so whatever happens will be OK and for the best for him/other animals/us. OK lets say the best for our future, but that sounds a bit funny. :P
  6. Yes, we have a black styrofoam backing on our 4ft tank. It keeps floating up, so we are using wood to hold it down. I keep saying the instructions say it needs to be siliconed down.. but we have never got around to it. Dad will have some waterproof silcon. It takes up a cm of the swimming space, but doesn't seem to be an issue. We don't over stock, or stock them near/to the limit, so it is OK. The smell goes away very soon, and the fish don't mind it.. in fact they like hiding behind it ( Note to DAD: needs to be stuck down )
  7. Oh my, I never thought of that! If anything I always thought he wouldn't have the immune system. As in tanks it is always clean, but in rivers they have to survive pollution and all that. Hmmmm... :confused:
  8. Since the Cods are a threatened species, are you going to release him one day? Or will/has he lost his ability to survive in the wild like many captive animals?
  9. What? No entry's? What about Neffy???? Her profile picture looks Christmasy. Though she said she is going to use a better camera, so there will be competition. WHERE IS EVERYBODY?!?! COME ON!
  10. Hey Wayne, I have to say - it was a good idea putting this topic's link in your signature! That has to get more participants.. you can't miss it - in a good way. All you need to do now is make it BLINK ;)
  11. Looking good Wayne! Starting to get a lot bigger. Can't wait to see how they mature.
  12. He'll get hungry and eat soon.. actually talking about food is making me a little peckish.. though I would like something different than feeder shrimp. Good luck with him, he'll come around..... or else. :devil:
  13. Aww, come on Murray! Eat your grub!
  14. I can see a bit of the tree in your profile picture.. it is looking good!
  15. G'day Murray! I'm sure you will have a lovely home with Fishbites.. hope he won't get eaten. :giggle:
  16. It's still pretty funny looking though! Maybe it will even out while he grows.
  17. That was the blue marble girl!?! Good you jarred Heckle & Jeckle.. seems they think loving eachother is baby-fry stuff. Too bad Bettas fight. I would love having a tank full of males.. at least we can still have females. They are so pretty! Always love the sparkles.. and the poor dorsal-less fry - tail colours = I feel sad for him.. poor little guy.
  18. Yes, I'm sure you'll be getting tons of entrys over the weekend. One entry would'd be fair at all.. if that was the case, it should be re-started. BUT, it is NOT going to happen.. so no worries. ;)
  19. Aww. That sucks when they don't send as much as you hoped. Good luck, I'm sure it will turn out lovely regardless of the lack of moss.
  20. Hey Fishbites, has there been any more entries lately? Has the moss arrived Neffy??
  21. Thanks. Yes, every fish has their own special personality. I would say he died of old age, he did live a long time. Good luck with yours, I hope they grow really big for you!
  22. We had one I named Nemo (after finding Nemo, then I couln't tell the difference - "no, it has strips, it must be a Nemo fish"). He lived for 12.5 years, and grew about 20cm. We only had one though. Yes, he did sleep on his side, so many times we thought he was dead. Seemed pretty hardy to me.. he survived many disease outbreaks. Yes, sure did clean up lots of fry. He loved to hide in his ship, and at dusk I would wait to see him come out, and he would swim, prance (like only a fish can) and spin in circles. I loved it. Sadly, he died sometime late last year. We had had him since a little fry, only a cm long..
  23. The way he is looking at the camera made me think he knows he is adorable. How old is he?
  24. Wow.. your jarring and big growout tank has done wonders for you! You'll get play time soon enough.. though of coarse it won't seem soon enough.
  25. You could always introduce a non-marble BF or something. But why would you? Unless you really want the Bf to set and stay put.
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