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Everything posted by Sarah

  1. How lovely! I love the idea of the Betta Bauble.. so creative! That Christmas Moss worked splendidly. I think that Betta was supposed to stay on TOP of the tree, but it wanted to look at the pretty decorations. Baby's first Christmas.. dawwww... just so adorable! I love the background, the snowman, penguin.. and of coarse that chosen Betta. Going to be tricky to vote. I'll have to think about it a bit.
  2. He is absolutely lovely! I love the colours, and yes, the thick ventrals are lovely. :drool:
  3. I'm dying to see the entries... oh the suspense!
  4. Happy Birthday to you!

    Have a wonderful day Rainbow (love your name by the way). :)

  5. I was wondering that too. Maybe this afternoon? But don't take my word for it, I'm just as clueless. I'm just taking a random guess.
  6. Are entries going up tomorrow? I can't wait to see!
  7. Great, lost my comment. Don't you just hate that? Eric. I'm sorry to hear that. Happy though he was a good daddy, and left lots of fry who will carry his genes on. The fry are all so cute!!! And a cutie at 57secs, and I like the colour on the one at 2:30. I think that one was also shown near the end of the video too. Thanks for using the name Inky, I was really thinking about our chick (who is also named Inky, though is fully black except a patch on its belly). He/she sure is cute. I hope Inky won't change.. but I doubt he will stay with that marble coming. Inky was quite a star in that video.. oh then he yawns at 3mins! How adorable is that? Are you going to jar him/her to keep an eye on little Inky? You must be so proud of them! When you are ready to sell some (if you can part with them that is) would you be willing to ship down? I would adore some (because I can't have them all :tongue:) of them. What are they eating now? Nearly 3 months now, they probably could be eating dry foods, maybe frozen with the treat of live.. but I like watching Bettas hunt down live food. I never tire of it!
  8. You're welcome. The "M" theme is going well. I would name them depending on how well I can pronounce the name. Looking forward to the new video, it is good that it was just the settings. Black head? GREAT! Can't wait to see little Inky Face!
  9. Maybe it is just a setting... Well, I thought it couldn't be a CT in this spawn. I'm sure you will find a new name for Mirrhi. I can't seem to find what "little boy" is in Aboriginal.. but Nerang is "the little one" and Matari is "Man". Too bad, blacks would have been so lovely, but of coarse blue isn't a disappointment! I thought one of the "black marbles" looked familiar. Ponenye - Little Brother Ponto - Also means Little Brother Puku ' arrka - Baby Boy Pama - another name for Man Maji - Hungry. Good for a Betta right? And the names above I'll repeat anyway. Nerang - Little one Matari - Man
  10. Yeah, I though Eric was a VT DT.. VT is super dominant. Well they sure carry lots of nice genes! Too bad about the blue marble. Maybe you should name it quick! I think I'm seeing things.. could that be a CT or cT @ 1:57? Nah.. it can't be.. must be the lighting. I just discovered MORE I love (love them all though). the two black marbles @ 2:50.. and I quite like the one straight after them too, though I'm not sure if it is black or blue.. maybe a green. Probably blue.
  11. They are so cute Shadoh! I love them all! Especially H&J might I add. Migaloo is coming along nicely. Does he look like a VT, or is that just me? The blue marble patchy one at 1:38 is lovely. :love:
  12. Bettas just enjoyed a meal of bloodworms AND Mozzie larvae. I've never gotten bloodworms around here.. they are so much more easier to see, and are easier to catch too. All Bettas love them all.. there was a feeding frenzy.. especially with the girls! That has to get Carnation healing a bit better, he is so happy prancing around his tank. :))

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. shadoh


      Hmm... 3 fry marbling, 2 prancing bettas and a bubble nest in my spawn tank!

    3. delyall


      Lol! Thats awesome Shadoh :D

    4. Sarah


      That's great. :)

  13. Oh that's good news Wayne! Can't wait until voting time when we can see the Betta Christmas Photos! :cheer:
  14. Well it is always good to learn new things. Welcome Michelle! :welcome:
  15. Naw. I don't know how long those other fish will last in a pond with Murray around.. at least he isn't fasting anymore.
  16. Hope you get to enter Shadoh. Wayne, what happens if we don't get enough entries? Are you going to re-start it?
  17. That's a good idea. Very interesting and creative. Do they play Fish Tycoon with you? :P
  18. Can't... type.. breaking.. up.. too.. wet... Nah, just lean back! Heckle & Jeckle have always been my favourites, I knew they were special. But yes, Heckle does look like one of a kind. He has a name, so he should be safe.. for now.
  19. He is the dalmatian of the littler. I like Jeckle's colouring, and all of them.. *Gee, I might make the computer all wet.*
  20. :drool: Migaloo. Heckle. "Blue Marble" Girl. Jeckle. Lavender Boy. All of Shadoh's Bettas!!!
  21. That's true. Thanks for that, I wasn't sure if you had a fishy site. :)
  22. Joan uses Webs.com says it's free, I don't really know much about it. Most sites are free, but usually you get premium services to get extras.. which you may want. So many choices. Anyways, good luck, and make sure to post the link so we can look at it when it is up and running. :D
  23. JL's fish are just amazing! One day I hope to have a farm with a enormous fish room with so many Bettas. My house will be like walking into someone's! *sigh* I can dream right? Maybe one day................ ^_^
  24. I didn't know you had a website Neffy! Is it fish related?
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