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Everything posted by Sarah

  1. Wow.. the ever changing marble! That last photo (Dorsal). I must say I disagree with you there - I believe he has seen Paul's Bettas and tried to do the cool close up! B) Nice photos, always so clear.
  2. Thanks everyone. I feel better knowing that. I think the cow is pretty cute, so yay for not letting it go. Thanks for the tip Yan - oh YAY FOR FIREFOX TOO! :blink:
  3. Thanks. When I first joined I had an outrageously HUGE signature. I'll have to try that.. a bit high.. hmmm.. I hope my cow won't have to go.
  4. Um, I'm going to ask a silly question - how do you know how big your signature is? :embarrass:
  5. Seems people are out today to get me up there! Thanks. :)
  6. I think I'll have to try marbles some time.
  7. These fry are just so interesting! Blue/white BF = :drool:
  8. Hope you find the perfect fish for you. The foam is very safe, just remembered we have had it in since July 2009, no trouble (except it needs to be stuck down that is ). Good luck! Make sure to post plenty of photos!
  9. I've heard of lots of LFS confusing Plakats males as females. They look like males to me, there is a pretty good article HERE. Lots of good articles on the home page actually.
  10. What the fish? Um, my room was full of candles, decorations & other girly pretty things... now there is like one shelve dedicated to my favs and like 100 jars.. empty too, waiting for fry that haven't even been born yet. I think we fish lovers hear comments like that a lot. We'll get them one day.. we'll find they only had a little tank and now have many! *Mwhahaha*
  11. I would take a plakat male as a female any day.. plus a female too while I'm at it. I hope he spawns. I have so many males I wanted to bred, but they just aren't interested! (
  12. Much better than TV! The other month I was sitting down watching the fish swim around (very peaceful) and I was told "Sarah.. you are so boring!" I love watching fish go about their happy lives. :D
  13. I absolutely ADORE that yellow & blue one. Is he marble? That red is very nice too. So bright.. he reminds me of a VT I once had.. :byebye:
  14. :drool: BEAUTIFUL COLOURS!!! Those females are pretty cute. ;)
  15. That looks so pretty Busman! You must be proud. I like the big Pleco. All the plants and driftwood look amazing!!! You should see my 3ft tank.. bare bottom, a few plants here and there.. with a couple of female Bettas and two suckers. Maybe I should fancy it up a bit like yours. Five female Bettas to be exact. Edit: Not BN, Pleco. How could I be so silly? :wacko:
  16. Daaww.. the little spikes are so cute! Have you started jarring any yet? If I'm correct, I believe they are 6 1/2 weeks old, so maybe jarring is a bit soon. Looks like Daddy CT there seems proud of his new babies! And he gets a nice leaf rest too. :giggle:
  17. Well done getting the photos up! B) My, the fry are big! Nice to see that they all aren't the same shade of red. Always good to get variety. :cheer:
  18. I love that display! The Mahachais are very pretty. I like the shade of blue. Don't worry about the VTs - I love them too. I really like the one in the top row, second from the right! Gorgeous colouring!!!! :drool:
  19. They are so lovely! Naughty Jeckle. Hope he heals well.
  20. Hello Chris! Welcome! I'm glad to hear you like it here. Sounds like you have a wonderful collection of Bettas, can't wait to see pictures! ;)
  21. Well it is pretty shimmery in there! Happy to hear they have been distracted. :woohoo:
  22. THAT WAS HECKLE!?! Oopies. Sorry Heckle & Jeckle.. you didn't tell them did you Shadoh? If I had tried with such few results (due to LFS) I would have gave up. It is good you came back, these Jewels are really something! Recently, a LFS near me had a spawn of Bettas (I think the dad was a multi, and the mum I can't remember). Anyway, at 4 weeks old, they were the size of 1wk fry, and there wasn't very many. Anyway I was told they ate the same as the adults (most likely flakes) and were fed a small amount once every three days!!! No water changes ever.. They had live plants in the tank, so they must have got some infusoria from that, but not much. Well, last month I asked the guy working there "What happened to the Betta Fry?" as I couldn't find any. He was like "the what?" I said.. "BET-TA FRY". "WHAT!?!" So then I went on to "the siamese fighting fish fry". Then, unbelievably, he said "FIGHTER WHAT!?!". Trying not to hang my mouth open I said.. "the fighter babies.. they were here last time I came.. in that tank there..". THEN he said with a shrug "oh, they died. We don't know why, no reason at all really". UNBELIEVABLE!!! I think they should have fish training when they choose to work there. You do get the odd LFS person who really knows what is what, but most don't. I did tell them what should be done with the fry to help them grow and feeding suggestions - they said they will look into it, obliviously they didn't. Anyway, sorry for that, it was off topic. Did it distract Heckle & Jeckle??
  23. Oh my Jeckle!!! What a sight you are! I should've been able to recognize him - he is one of my favourites. I blame the marble. Anways, I picked you out as a pretty one Jeckle! That's ought to count for something. I had to laugh at Migs. He has such a big head. Well, maybe we'll get some just for my fish.. we got some soft drink as I wanted the bottles for my Brine Shrimp, and was like "hurry, hurry.. drink it all!" The first cup or so was OK.. then everyone went off and didn't want to drink two large bottles are once. You must be so proud of your fry Shadoh! Have you spawned before? I think I recall something about a break.. and this was a kick into the Bettas again, but I may be wrong. -_-
  24. Shimmer Shimmer!!! Oh, they are so shiny! Cute Inky! B) Looks like he has been blotched with ink! Pretty tri-coloured one @ 3:30! Love the colours. Poor little dorsal-less one. He has such lovely finnage. Naughty Eckle Twins!!!! I see a beauty at 5:20!!! Pretty pretty Betta! When this little one has the spot light I can see Migaloo trying to get attention! THERE IS THE STAR! Does he know he is shown at the end? I don't think he will be too happy about that Jarrod. He should be first, and always in view! Sorry Migaloo. Too bad. I love the way they are jarred too. The bottles are a great idea! I must start hoarding them up. Though we don't drink much soft drink, only on special occasions. Maybe I'll collect a couple from Christmas.
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