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Everything posted by Sarah

  1. Yes I did. :)

    Merry Christmas to you!

  2. He is very pretty Divy! Love the colours. :love:
  3. Do I hear I told you so, I told you so, I told you so!! ? Are you sure that was the black cambodian!?!?! That is such a difference! Love them all, they are beautiful. :wub:
  4. They are so beautiful Shadoh!!! The light blue still suits Frosty, the VT. Loving Storm! Mr. Lavender looks a lot like Migaloo, I'm guessing at what he will look like... then Jeckle, I love Jeckle, the Eckle Twins are still my favs! Merry Christmas!
  5. Sarah

    Happy Birthday TasV!

    Hope you have a wonderful day & year to come!!

  6. Love the spikes! They are going great (I know this has been said, but it is true)! Oh, I'm still here. :)
  7. Well that really is the main thing. Like you said, as long as he is happy & healthy, that is all that matters. I think his fry would be beautiful! He has such a lovely combination of colours. Maybe it does.. could it be that his little body is using its energy to heal, rather than grow? Experts say that the common cold will delay a child's growth for the duration of the cold. This is true for humans, could it be true for Bettas?
  8. I feel sorry for Dorsal. He is so beautiful, that must have been painful for him. Glad to hear you found a suitable male for Jewel.
  9. Welcome Sarah - I'm going to be able to remember your name! Lovely Bettas, setup and EBJD fish you have there! I love your marble, he is so pretty. I think that red guy is cute too. Not to forget the Mahachai either - beautiful colouring.
  10. Thanks for the update Shadoh. LOVE Edge 's little BF pattern, that is sooo cute! Why do you think the royals are more aggressive? Could they be jealous of the other pattens.. or just mean? Little Inky doesn't seem so splotchy now, but still Inky enough. I really like the blue bits on him. Could that be the new Mr. Lavender, and Migs out of the spawn? Ooohhh.. I cannot wait to see how this one turns out! The pale iridescence is gorgeous! I adore that one! Pretty interesting how their are three little bands on his caudal. Is the last one trying to be like Paul's fish? I tried to get a photo of one of my like Paul's.. came out all funny. He did have a piebald face though.
  11. Nice colours! Too bad he was clampy for the photos. Bettas (both wilds and splendens) don't seem to like photos, do they? Great shots though. :D
  12. Happy Birthday to you!!!

    Have a wonderful day! :D

  13. Where is my comment?!?!?! I hate that. I have a little tank with built in dividers - there are 3 sections, each 2L. Anyhoos.. I don't think Frosty could get me with that. It has only been twice - CT, and DT.. not every week thank you very much. :tongue: Is there any other BF's at the moment? I mean, non- lavender BF's seeing as Migs & Mr. Lavender were the only ones. Edit: my comment came back, don't want TWO comments eh?
  14. Every week I think "they are so beautiful.. surely they can't get any prettier", but every week I'm surprised and happy to know I'm wrong. They are just adorable. Little Frosty (not a CT) confused me again - I thought for a second (no more) that he was a DT. Tricky little thing. I love all the butterflies, and the royals.. every single one of them. Your setup looks amazing (2:11)! So pretty, for the pretty fish of coarse! Did you buy it like that, or is it a long tank with dividers? Sorry about Migaloo. Such sad news. Bettas just squeeze into anything.. even if there is no gap they make a gap. No one would've know this would happen.. so sad. :alright: Migaloo.
  15. Happy Birthday!

    Have a great day. :)

  16. Thanks for that! Interesting.. That would be another amazing spawn. Good luck finding the perfect pair of royal blues! If there was only some way to give them like a treat and stop those dogs shedding. I mean - Oscar doesn't come into my room at all (the hair thing, last time he was in he threw up on my bed and all over me). I always make sure my hands are clean before dealing with my fish - but somehow his fur manages to find it's way INTO my tanks WITH THE LIDS ON!!! Anyway, my little off-topic rant is over, so back onto your Jewel Box Fry!
  17. He is so cute! I wouldn't have him on black though... heavy shedders. We once had a black dog bed for my Cavoodle (never sheds AT ALL) and then Oscar the Jack Russell (we think he is a cross with a Foxxie too) claimed it and it just turned out white. I will not say anything about our clothes, lounge, floor and everything and anything. I'm so happy Smiley doesn't shed, it is such a pain. (
  18. Just curious - if you get a clean royal blue pair, and they spawn, would there be more chance of getting royal fry? Or would they just turn out like a pretty batch of jewels like this one?
  19. Harvey is so cute! Go on.. give him a belly rub! Look at those pleading eyes! I wish my Bettas were always flaring, it would make taking photos so much easier. :)
  20. So pretty.. Jeckle is quite the looker I must say! Little Levi losing the denim look. But still a pretty boy of coarse! Zeus.. don't recall seeing him around. As always very nice. Mr. Lavender is beautiful! Lavender and other purples are my favourite colour. Not musical? What do you mean? Blob blob, swish swish..
  21. I can't believe Migaloo's friend! That is just way too adorable! They are lovely as always Shadoh. CT Heckle nearly had me fooled for a second there.. he is absolutely stunning! How is Jeckle? Angus has such lovely colours! Does he have a sister named Julia? Frosty such a pretty white. This comment goes without saying for more pictures, of coarse. ;)
  22. Daww.. they are getting their Big Boy Jars! How cute! Will be looking forward to that photoshoot. ^_^
  23. Me too. Though computer has to go off sometime. Daily updates please.. long waiting list - everyone loves your fry!
  24. MIGALOO!!! WOWIE!! Is this quick too? ;)
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