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Everything posted by Sarah

  1. Why would you think that? If anything, MORE photos! Oooh! Love the copper girl! Cute how they look up, Carnation constantly does that now.. or maybe he is looking at the nest.. either way. Edge's BF is going to be excellent! I really like how the blue goes to the white in the rays at the edge of his caudal. Brusier! Great name.. black & blue with a stomach as big as his head. Never mind, I like his dorsal, something about it, but I'm not sure what... Nice girly, she'll do well for dorsal. :)
  2. I find sponge filters are great, they don't suck up the fry, although they are usually off for the first couple weeks (or running elsewhere so it is cycled and ready). As for food, live is the very best.. and variety is the important. I feed live bloodworms, mozzie larvae, starting the Brine Shrimp, etc, etc. I also use frozen bloodworms and brine shrimp that Bettas seem to love. I do use flakes and dry foods too. My favourite Betta flakes have freeze-dried bloodworms and other goodies in it. The freeze-dried worms will be good, but try not to use it as the only feed. Oh, and once a week (i.e. Monday) I fast my Bettas, and feed them a cooked pea the next day. It helps clean out their digestive track. To feed the pea (I use the frozen ones), defrost it in a cup of hot water, and prick it with a toothpick. Then, squeeze it to pop it out of the shell. Discard the shell. Break the pea into small pieces, and place on the end of the toothpick (cut the sharp bit off). Wriggle it around in your Bettas tank and this helps him/her think it is live. Most Bettas don't eat it at first, but be persistent - once they figure out it is food, they gobble it down every time. :)
  3. :blink: I thought they are much older! They are so developed.. congrats!
  4. Nice rays. B) Yeah, I know how the blue iridescence goes..
  5. Ahhh.. lost my comment hate that! Anyway, Welcome Daniel! I hope you enjoy AusAqua & your fishies! I agree to what 'Razzi said - pick whatever colour you like. You should be breeding for your own enjoyment and what you love, instead of a colour you kinda like/dislike because it is uncommon, and just for the sake of it. I'm sure something beautiful will catch your eye. Albinos are rare though. $2000 per fish. Never mind. :alright: Oh yes, you MUST look at someone's fish - HERE! :drool:
  6. That is very pretty... no, it is truly beautiful! Love all the plants, the wood, everything.. oh yeah the Angels are good too. What would look great would be some red fish.. maybe some blue rams.. but of coarse that is me with the bright colours, not you. Love it! Well done! :drool:
  7. Betty Splendens - Maybe Stefan will see this and post a really informative link (that was a compliment, you are smart, I'm not flaming you, promise. ).
  8. Can't remember where I read it, a few places, I think it will be here somewhere too.. I'll see if I can hunt something up.
  9. Thanks. Seriously, I thought this was what you enjoyed listening to. Must say this.. I was playing it, with the sound on to see how long until someone tells me to turn it off ( ) and somebody (can't remember who) walked by and said "oh, OK, um... turn that thing OFF"! ! It was pretty funny though.
  10. Great pictures Fishish. There is no such thing as too many photos! I'm pretty sure the larger fry release a hormone that stops the smaller ones growing. Makes sense if they are in the wild, but just a pain in the tank. <_<
  11. Yeah I thought so about the music too.. I thought I'll just leave it. Never know what your taste of music could be eh? It goes on mute after 3seconds every week. Sorry. :embarrass:
  12. Welcome Jacqui! I like the name SiamSam. Too bad about the tanks, maybe you'll get some more eh? :P
  13. Congrats! You know next time no duckweed.. I was going to try some out, but I think I'll pass now. Pair are so pretty, great pictures Fishish!
  14. Such progress, such pretty colours! I can see Angus is still Angry! Nearly pushing over the tank walls that one! The blue/white butterfly near the end is very purty! Love them all as always, it is great to see how they are sprouting into adults! There finnage are so.. full (for lack of better word). Like, no tears (minis Dorsal), finrot or anything! Perfect! :applaud:
  15. Sounds like you have a nice fishroom going on there! I'm sure you'll love it here with the other crazy fish people. Hope to see you around Diatom!
  16. OK, I confess, it isn't quite 400L - 380L to be exact. It is 4ft, but very deep and wide. I got is as a Christmas present from PeachSlices. Just my room... we are re-arranging it sometime these holidays so I can fit my tanks in. Out goes my huge collection of candles, decorations, a large wardrobe (I have two, I can squeeze my clothes into just one), and general stuff. I'm going to have a Betta wall! Yay! :cheer:
  17. B1 & B2 - I love it! Didn't think of that, I just might get a few more (the plan is to out them in my new 400L tank). Thanks Wayne. Amberjade, yeah need a big tank.. I know how that is. Sounds pretty interesting.
  18. BRINE SHRIMP - Is it possible to have TOO much salt when hatching?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sarah


      Yup, eggs are in constant motion, and heated too. Hardly any eggs at all.. only a few, it is a test run to see if I can do it. Never successfully hatched them yet, have had one fail run.

    3. fishbites


      How did you go? Did they hatch ok?

    4. Sarah


      Yay! They hatched! I'm so happy! First ever successful batch of Brine Shrimp. Wow, they sure are tiny. I think I'll see if I can get them a bit bigger, as I don't have any bubs at the moment. :)

  19. This is pretty funny, and kinda cute. Last night, I gave Banana a little check on (which happens often ), and look how he/she was sleeping!!! Weirdo. :confused:
  20. Thanks for the tip Lilli. Yup, there is a thermometer in there - says 18*C .. I'm keeping a close eye on that. Although the weather we are having is hardly Summer... Last two photos I couldn't fit in last night.. anyone know if Banana is male or female?
  21. Thanks Neffy. That's the face I get whenever he/she swallows something. :giggle:
  22. Well I'm sure it be so much more wonderful when you get the set-up. 150 gallons - that is ginormous!!! They'll love that! I think Banana may be female now. It is really difficult for me to tell, as she/he is my only one (for now ) and my very first ever, so I'm not too sure what to look for. All I can go by is what I see on the internet. So here are some pictures. I'm hoping somebody who is an axolotl expert will see this... Edit: Photo links.
  23. Thanks Shadoh. He likes to smile after eating.. or when he sees somebody. More piccies - Coming to say hi. Dawww... He is quite proud too.. holds his head nice and high - Too many photos, I'll see if I can merge the last two. Edit: Picture links. I hope this merges, didn't work the first time so I tried to edit the links. Side on - So funny.. he came up to me, and walked up the glass wall, took a gulp of air (making a nice splash too), and swam back down. It was SO CUTE!!! This is the second time, I just manged to get this snap - That's all... for now.:whistling:
  24. For Christmas, my sister Lacey brought me an axolotl! I absolutely adore him (I think he is a boy), he is so cool. I named him Banana At first, he was shy and didn't come out, but now he comes and says hello. Banana is very curious, and when Lacey came to see him, he even waved at her. Photos - Smiling. Sleeping funny . The first meal I gave him was pellets. He didn't see it, and it sunk down onto his head. Then, he was swimming around for ten minutes with it on his head! He loves hiding in his pipe, much better than the plant I put in for him. I wanted to mention that my sister got him from Auburn Aquarium, and she told me the guy there was very helpful. Since it was Christmas Eve, she was going to wait until the next day to give him to me, so the store guy put him in an extra large bag. So thank you very much for that! I really appreciate that! In the end I got him that day, as she thought it would be better to have him in a tank. I'll pop some more photos up later if you like. WIERDEST THING - two front legs have four fingers, and the two back legs have five fingers! They are the strangest creatures in many ways.
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