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Everything posted by Sarah

  1. I've seen it thanks. Going to double check with dad, should've told you that sorry. Will get back to you very soon.
  2. Great photos. Haha.. my male does that thing too. Hangs at the back, as soon as I put the camera down, comes to the front. I pick up the camera, wouldn't you know - he goes to the back. I read this as "normal ones boring". I was like WHAT!?! WHAT!?!?! Oppies. All good though. :whistling:
  3. Sarah

    5 bar cichlid

    How are they settling in? When they get older will you be able to keep them together, if they don't breed that is.. do they go well with other cichlids? Just curious. With the five you have, what size tank are they in? Will it be OK when they are fully grown/are there any other fish in it? Thanks. :)
  4. Amazing colours! Look like a nice pair, and a thick nest too. :drool:
  5. Happy Birthday Wayne! Hope you have a great day! Thanks for being such a supportive member of AusAqua. You have really helped me heaps (along with convincing me my next tank will be for cichlids Yes, yes -)
  6. Happy Birthday! Have a wonderful day! :D

  7. Yeah I know. I have smaller gravel that is used with that, but took them out as I feared she may swallow them. It is only for a few more days until she can go into her permanent home.. though that has river rocks too. I'm always careful with when I feed them, and remove any un-eaten food later, and give it a good siphon. Thanks for the tip though Yan. :)
  8. Update. I know how we all love photos. A water change was done after these photos, so please excuse any poo and stuff you see. That's my 5 photo limit. I have plenty more, plus a couple videos, one of her eating a pellet. I'll see if I can pop those up with the photos.. if not, I'll put them up later. Not the best video. Taken on my iPod, so that is why it is a funny strip-shape thing. Silly me, I was resting the iPod on an air-pump, so that is why it is vibrating, and that also explains the sounds. http://s161.photobucket.com/albums/t239/camerachick_2007/Banana%20-%20My%20Axolotl/?action=view&current=Banana.mp4 Banana eating a pellet. I love watching her eat. You can pretty much see right down into her stomach when she has that big grin on her face. When Banana has a worm, she sucks it up like a strand of spaghetti. I'll try and get a video of that next time. http://s161.photobucket.com/albums/t239/camerachick_2007/Banana%20-%20My%20Axolotl/?action=view&current=BananaEating.mp4
  9. Sarah

    5 bar cichlid

    Told mum about this thread.. she laughed. She said when the guppies die, maybe we could use the tank for cichlids. Never know.. there is only like 2 guppies, 4 suckers, half a dozen or so of CAE and that's it at the moment. We recently had an disease outbreak so we won't be getting new fish for a little while to make sure it won't come back. Maybe.. :cheer:
  10. Sarah

    5 bar cichlid

    For some reason I'm back in this topic. Just did some research, which does not mean I'm giving the white flag, but I always do lots of researching on any species or animal that I show even a little bit of interest in to ensure I can handle them correctly. Sooo.. I discovered the only tanks I have large enough to put them in is our 4ft community tank, which is a no as it mainly houses small fish like guppies, my new big 4ft (400L) which is for my axies. They can't go with the axies and anyway it isn't heated. Lastly my 3ft, which is my female Betta tank. Funny enough I only house five females in there, so there is heaps of space, but they are NOT GOING WITH MY GIRLS, especially my precious HM Carnation girlie, Rose. So.. no, I can not get any.. at least for a while. Maybe on my farm with my fish-room the size of our house. ;)
  11. Sarah

    5 bar cichlid

    Why am I still in this topic?? :devil:
  12. Sarah

    5 bar cichlid

    Stop it Stop it Stop it!!!! AHHHHHH!!!! Just got a new tank.. not a good idea to get a new one... yet. Why? Because you should have seen mum's face when I came home with a 400L tank. She's great with the fish-thing, but shouldn't get them right now. Anyways, going to get like half a dozen axolotls as soon as the tank is cycled.. I'll need to get a heater, filter, new tank.. plus these.. etc.. *sigh* Can always get them later.. the owner will probably order them in again for me, he is really nice. Yeah, that's a good plan. :D
  13. I'm a Sarah! YAY! Where do we start? Welcome Sarah, my I am going to remember your name super easy! Nice Bettas you have there, I'm sure they are super spoilt just as you say. :)
  14. Sarah

    Hi Everyone

    Welcome Craig! Have fun here, I hope you can find somebody who can help you out, I'm sure you will in no time. :)
  15. Sarah

    5 bar cichlid

    DON'T TELL ME THAT!!! Lalalalalalala, I'm not listening.... If I got one, I would get a tank for them, and get a few.. the deal was $10 each, or $15 for 2... tempting.. better not though. :byebye:
  16. Looking great Wayne! Good luck for the spawn, that was quick. Hope all the fry survive to be as big and healthy as this lot. :)
  17. Sarah

    5 bar cichlid

    My LFS has these! I wanted to get some.. but thought they'll be too mean, and I'm still setting up my tanks are re-cycling/cycling them so.. I had to pass. Sure were pretty though, it was really the bright blue that caught my eye. Lucky you. Have fun with them!
  18. Cool. Thanks. I'm sure you couldn't have put it in better words yourself. *lol*
  19. Umm... sorta. I think I get it.. ah, no.. or maybe... not really. As long as it works, the fish are happy.. and can't get through a gap or anything, that is all that matters. I was thinking maybe there was a space for the heater so it can go on both sides.. and that could be a possible squeezy hole for Betta Boy & Betta Dad. YES!!! I'm sure I get it! Sponge filter pumps water from back section to top left side. Water passes through to back section through right hand side at the bottom corner. This is photo from left side of tank. Sump on left. Right? Hehe.. nah, I get it now. Thanks. :)
  20. Judging from the spawn logs, Brisbane has fry power-growing water. You lot should bottle it up and sell it to Sydneyers! :P
  21. He looks exactly like a mini version of dad. I'm sure he is very, very happy in there. How does the heater cross over into both sections? Is there a gap... or a little cut-out for it?
  22. Aw, too bad. Thanks for the Jeckle offer (you know he is my favourite).. just asked dad if we can drive up to Brissie. Going on family holiday soon-ish, asked if we could "keep on driving.. visit someone's, etc" he said it was ages away, too far away to worry about. Hmmmm.... I've always wanted to see Fishchicks, its been one of my life long dreams since like a month ago. *lol*
  23. Oh oh!!! Can/will you ship? Pleeeassse?
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