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Everything posted by Sarah

  1. I had a red Betta (died recently) who was the biggest scardy cat ever! I slowly introduced him (uncarding) with females, males.. and slowly, ever so slowly, he got better.. and better. I did so good a job that when I tried to cross him with my favourite girl, Red cambodian, Apple.. he killed her. Came in to check.. he had shredded her fins and was eating her brain. Serisolouy, I think I did too good of a job. For the rest of his life I never let him in the same tank of anything. He had the biggest head. I'm sure Blaze would like something to hide in, it will really help him settle in. Raspberry - I gave him a clip once, so that's why his caudal is funny. Apple - Best photo I had of her. Sorry if I'm hijacking your thread, I'm done now.
  2. I have recently tried photographing/videoing a Betta in an old plastic container.. came out AWFUL! Yeah, glass would be better. Oh, your sponge filter - the tube should be under water like THIS Could that be why you were going "Blahh!" ?
  3. Will play sand (i.e. from Bunnings) be an appropriate substrate for axolotls? I'm a little concerned after some of Shadoh's Bettas died and this sand was accused?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Sarah


      Thanks Hood. I think I'll give it a try, add it to the large river-rocks. :)

    3. odie_88


      washed sand and propagating sand from bunnings is fine...

    4. Sarah


      Thanks for the tip Simon. :))

      I think I shall get some sometime. :D

  4. Thank you for the reply Yan. No fry at all here.. they were together, but are apart now. He is in a large tub so that I can see if he is really eating, etc. Thanks for the tip. I'll be sure to check it with some axie people. Oh yes, earthworms are Banana's favourite. He won't touch them. <_<
  5. Yan (hopefully you'll see this). Do you happen to know if he was eating? I've had him for a couple days.. nothing. Won't eat anything - not even live worms! Banana being a little pig. Have moved him into a large tub.. that'll help me keep an eye on him. Bare bottomed too. Plants, PVC pipe.. good temp. We'll see.
  6. Why thank you very much Busman!
  7. Thank you Jo. More piccies coming up!
  8. Thanks MT Syndrome. I'll try and get a picture of them hugging soon. :bighug:
  9. Just discovered little Aristotle Axolotl is missing the tip of his tail. Shows how well I inspected him at the LFS eh? I'm usually extra picky and look for even the tinniest impurity (for want of better word) in any live animal I may buy. Oh well, it'll go back. :P
  10. Cool. Well, hello Blaze! Um, I'll try.. but I'm not the best critic. I'm sure somebody else will pop up and help. :)
  11. I think he is cute! A bit hard to tell with the photos though.. could you maybe get a video? Looks like he has a nice tank. Is there any plants/decorations? Not sure about names sorry. Maybe something to do with the colour.. Ruby, Flame, Chilli, Blaze, Rory (means Red King in Irish), Poppy, Tabasco, Marmalade, etc, etc. Good luck with him. Any plans to breed him in the future?
  12. Congrats on finding him! How deep is the red? Is it an orangey colour?
  13. Oh no! Maybe place him so he can see the girls?
  14. Funny about the DT growing slower. I'm interested to know the answer too. I believe they have grown quite a bit. Colour has deepened too. B)
  15. Dorsal is coming along very nicely. Too bad about the Dorsal though. Must have hurt. Lovely colours he has.. he reminds me a bit of Migaloo. Nice blacky girl. Makes me think of that Black Cambodian. I do hope that boy is the big bully.. picking on girls, COME ON ... JEWEL BOX FRY!! That is a very nice multi. Pretty boy/girl.. hmmm....
  16. Oppies.. thanks. Didn't even notice it.. too busy looking at everything else to look at sumps. Thanks Yan.
  17. Lotsa fish you have there! Do you have a fish room.. or better yet a fish house, or just take furniture out like I do?
  18. Haha.. no I didn't forget it.. I couldn't find the pic. Such a variety!! Love them all as always.. goes without saying of coarse, but still, it is very true. I remember Mo! Who could forget the fish with the mo? *lol*
  19. .... maybe it wasn't the log, I love my tree stump! Yes, wound is clean, looks worse than it is in the photos. I have salt and Melafix, so I'll keep an eye on it. Thanks for the tip. Oh, there is no sump in the tank, just the filter, so luckily that won't happen (unless it happened in the LFS, I didn't take much notice of the tank they were in). Thanks Shadoh. Yes, they are both in a 4ft tank (400L, it is a big one). They are so happy! Swimming.. playing, cuddling.. smiling.. The plan is to add a couple more.
  20. Last night I went and got myself another Axolotl. I named him Aristotle Axolotl. My friend thought of the name, I think she saw it on TV somewhere. Anyway I think it is a cutie name! Photos - Such a sweet thing. Already I'm attached. He is always smiling. Waves at me too. Dawwww. He (I hope it is a boy, as his name is Aristotle Axolotl afterall) is still very small - That's my thumb. Bear in mind that I don't have the biggest hands around... Has like a bite in it's side? Should I be worried... what can I do? I brought him from Auburn Aquarium, so it is possible a few of you may have seen him already. Banana, the yellow axie my sister gave me for Christmas was from Auburn too, and she told me that there was a smaller yellow one and a grey/black speckled one there too, and Aristotle Axolotl, I believe was the speckled one (there was also a yellow one as well)... so... they were AQUARIUM BUDDIES! Lacey said she felt a bit sad leaving Aristotle Axolotl behind as they were hugging.. but they have been reunited. I love happy endings. More photos later. I still have a few of Aristotle Axolotl's battle scars. :notsure:
  21. I'm adoring that first girl right now!!! Could be dragon scales.. but I'm not positive. Beautiful though. Hope she doesn't go changing.. Yay for Butterflies! Very pretty. Is that Frosty.. the kinda CT? Looks to be real ray extensions this time. *Goes and looks at parents * Nope.. nothing I can see, except that Pam has tiny little extensions? TIGGER Before After The wonderful marble gene. That "girl" is absolutely beautiful! The colours are amazing. Edit: Image links.
  22. Sarah

    New member

    :welcome: Welcome! Hope you enjoy the community here. Daniel, um.. I think it is too late for that sorry. Paludariums are beautiful! Do you have one already, or are going to set one up?
  23. He looks very much like this Betta here.. http://www.ratemyfishtank.com/images/thumbimg/400/11052_6.jpg ..... it isn't him is it?
  24. Sarah

    5 bar cichlid

    Thanks for that information Wayne. That is very helpful. Hope you can get them breeding later on with no deaths or anything. ;)
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