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Everything posted by Sarah

  1. We once had a male guppy who did the same thing.. chased one particular girl. I think it was because she was the biggest, though the least colourful too. Hope you can find a solution. *lol*
  2. I like it better this way. It seems to "fill out" the right hand side of the tank better. :yes:
  3. Thanks Busman. I was pretty cautious, as the directions of the article (which I didn't end up following anyway) said it would harm young axies. I'm happy I did though. He already seems a bit more active, and happier. I'm tempted to give him more now, but I better wait until tomorrow to let him settle a bit..
  4. Thanks Neffy. It looks pretty much the same.. I think it could be a scar? Anyway, it isn't infecting, and that's the main thing. :lol:
  5. Oh yeah! We force-fed him. It was unbelievably easy. He cooperated with us. We put him in a Chinese-container, covered him with water, then I held him softy, and pryed his mouth open with a cotton-bud/q-tip (gave him watered down axolotl pellets in a syringe). Waited 10 minutes, gave him the other half. This time we just used the syringe, as he knew what we were doing and seemed pretty happy. He was hungry, just gulped it down straight away. I'm so happy.
  6. It has been 1 week today that I got Aristotle Axolotl, but still won't eat anything. I'm pretty worried for his health, sure, they can go that long without eating - but why would he? The temp is fine, everything is fine.. but no interest of food. He hasn't even been trying to eat it. I'm contemplating trying to force feed him.. but he is a juvie, and I don't want to harm him.. what should it do!?! (
  7. :) I think we had one but it died.
  8. I've always admired marine tanks, but they seem too hard to maintain, plus the fish are a lot more pricey. My sister has one, it is lovely. I just sit and watch the fish when I'm over. So congrats on them! Hoping all will go well for you. Will be watching for progress. :)
  9. Thanks Neffy. I like to show the eating one to friends. :P
  10. Let's hope it stays that way this time. Yup, you defiantly have more variety than most LFS. :)
  11. What a relief! I seriously got freaked out "ROCKS ARE ALIVE!?!" I thought I had missed something.. made me feel bad for jumping on them (to cross over) when at rock pools. Thanks Yan. :)
  12. The Black Cambodian is back! YAY!!! Seriously? Too funny. How could she not love all of the little jewels? Each one is a gem. Hope you can find loving homes for all of them. :)
  13. Thanks for the tip Robbie. Salamander & Newt forum reckons female, or an un-developed male. :giggle:
  14. It looks very nice Yan! I really like the look of those black & white clowns. Marine tanks are so colourful & beautiful. Live rocks? Like.. they are alive? :blink:
  15. Okies. Don't worry about it of it is too much trouble. Doing what I do is perfectly fine. Thanks Mike.
  16. Oh well. Not to worry, thank you for the help Bettarazzi. Not a big issue, thought it may be useful. Really? Just shows how some people really are. :rant:
  17. No, I can't. Where is it located?
  18. Just wondering.. say I edited a post, can I put a reason for edit onto the tag? If so, how? Or can only mods do that? Edit: Otherwise I do this as an example.
  19. I used two sucker fish to cycle their tank. As fast as they are.. I could not get them out. The tank is much too big, if I want to touch the bottom of it, I would be shoulder deep. So anyway, I was like oh well.. I guess that means my axies get a tasty snack. The other day, Banana didn't finish her dinner.. and then I released.. there was only one sucker left. BANANA ATE IT! The silly suckers should have let me catch it. But they are SO fast.. maybe she sneaked up on it while it was sleeping. I wish I got a photo. Tried again to catch the other.. it is for its OWN GOOD, what about that doesn't it understand?
  20. Nope.. Banana was a fail (not Axie Banana.. me eat Banana.. fruit Banana. ).. still a no for worms. Temp fine. Hmmm....
  21. Thank you MT Sydndrome, that was very kind of you. This picture is the size of the pebbles/gravel Aristotle Axolotl ate, but not the exact ones. He is so small... Thanks Jo. Um.. no, I don't think I'll post that. :lookaround:
  22. Thank you dRAGJUNKIE, I'm pretty sure he does! Good idea, I might actually do that. When is dinner ready?
  23. 'm just hoping there isn't any more in his system. :blink:
  24. Guess what I've just found! Aristotle Axolotl passed out three small pebbles.. not one, THREE! No wonder he wouldn't eat! I'm really happy I put him into a bare-bottomed tank, so now I know.. It wasn't there an hour ago, so that's why he was looking funny. Tried another worm, no luck. Maybe tonight. Wondering if the LFS had them in gravel.. I can't remember.. or at least the supplier did at some stage. I'm sure he will come through. I cannot believe this, that little axie ate THREE pebbles and they digested. Poor little thing.
  25. Hello Danny! Welcome! Rockey sounds lovely. Any pics?
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