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Status Updates posted by Sarah

  1. Happy Birthday to you!

    Have a wonderful day Shadoh! :D

  2. Happy birthday to you!

    Happy Birthday to you!

    Happy birthday dear Beano...!!!

    Happy birthday to you!!!

    Happy birthday! Have a wonderful day and year to follow!!! :D xxx

  3. Sarah

    Happy Birthday to you!

    Happy Birthday to you!

    Happy Birthday dear... Kael Betta's...!!!

    Happy Birthday to you!

    Have a great day Kael!!! xxx

  4. Happy birthday!!! :D

    Have a great 35th! xxx

  5. HAPPY 46th!

    Have a wonderful day, and year to come! xxx


    Have a great day!

  7. Happy Birthday Lilli!!!

    Have a great one! :)

  8. Happy birthday!!!

    Have a wonderful day Neffy!!! xxx


    I hope you have a wonderful 25th, and year to come!!!

  10. Hey, you have the same birthday as me! :D

  11. I really hate when Bettas seem to like eachother, and when you release them they decide they 'just want to be friends'. It drives me nuts!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sarah


      Yeah, they are very smart. Good for everything else, yet not so good if you are trying to spawn them... :

    3. littleangel


      i had one like that. I didnt think much of it until i had tried all my females.... bit feminine i guess!

    4. Sarah


      Too bad... I think one of my male CT is like that... :


    Have a great day!!! :D

  13. Happy Birthday Libby!

    Have a wonderful day!!! :D


    Have a great day!

  15. I want to get a nice photo of my VT flaring, but he won't flare... or at least when I have the camera. Females in his presense don't work, neither do other males... maybe a mirror but I don't really have a small one that I could use. What else can I do?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sarah


      Don't want to sound silly... but where is the shutterbug section?

    3. paul


      fishy showroom... its a sub forum there.

      Good luck with the nudge-nudge.. too bad fish dont have eyelids ... your girl could follow through with the wink-wink. Always a winner!

    4. Sarah


      Male is now flaring a lot! I got a video, and will take the frames out as a photo later. :)

      Females love him. :)

  16. I had a dream last night that my male Strawberries & Cream (the red/white BF VT) blew the BIGGEST bubblenest, and when I got up - dissapointment. :((

    1. fishish


      lol bit like my dream that i could fly, was soooo real. Unfortunately, like you i was dissapointed ;)

    2. Sarah


      I used to believe I could fly. I thought I could spin around so fast it made me fly. I would tell everyone "I CAN FLY!" Everyone just smiled. I guess I jumped...

      In races I would run around in circles as fast as I could to make be run faster, it looked really funny. I discovered I didn't need it when I was at school and they had a race and I wasn't allowed to run in circles. I just stated that the few circles I did was good enough... I was like 8. :D

  17. Got a VT yesterday. He is a red/white BF with piebald face. :) His name is Strawberries & Cream. :D

    1. Bec
    2. Sarah


      Thanks. It is a bit long, but I like it.

  18. My bettas NEVER blow bubblenests! I went to the LFS today, and they were in little cups. ALL of the males had nests, yet mine never do! Why is this?

  19. I got a new Betta today! I was in a pet store, and saw him, and couldn't resist! He is VT, but is red/white butterfly with piebald face :D. He is now in 37L tank enjoying his freedom. Also, all the Betta's were in 7L tanks! Yay for no cups!!! I was just getting him for a pet, not breeding, but I think I may breed him to get his patterns. It's my first spawn, so I can't be too picky. I'll breed him to a CT female, and I may get a few nice cT in th...

    1. Sarah


      I named him Pomegranate. :D

    2. Sarah


      And re-named him Strawberries & Cream. :)

  20. Nice profile picture. :)

    Is that a puffer fish?

  21. My male killed my female. :( He torn all her fins, and was eating her brain when I found her, :(

    1. Neffy


      :( sounds horrible to come across that. carefull he doesnt turn zombie, i wouldnt use him now he has a "taste" for it.

    2. Sarah


      I know. I'm getting another male, I didn't know if he would do it again...


      From Sarah. :)

  22. Male & female CT Betta's in the spawning tank now. I'm hoping for fry. :D

    1. Sarah


      Spawn failed. :(

      Better luck next time!

  23. WOW! You did an amazing job on those 3D models of the Betta's! I think my favourite was the Crowntails. Although, it was very hard to pick, as they are all amazing. :D

    How did you do it? How long did it take for you to master perfectly?

    Keep it up!

    Sarah :)

  24. Hello Lilli, I was recommended to you by Celeste84. Ur from the Sydney Spendlens right? If so, I was looking for a CT breeder in Sydney. I didn't find any but got some CT at my LFS. I was told there is not one CT breeder in Sydney. Is this true? If so, when I get started I'll be the only one. Also, whens the next meeting coming up?? Thanks, from Sarah. :D

  25. Sarah

    Hi, I was going to breed CTs and I have two ready females, but I discovered my male is incompatible.

    I live in Sydney, and am looking for a local breeder where I will be able to go and pick up a new male. I know you don’t live in Sydney, but do you happen to have any contacts of breeders who do? I don’t mind the ‘backyard’ breeder who doesn’t have much of a reputation.


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