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Everything posted by Sarah

  1. Sarah


    Welcome to the forum, Lachlan! Is great to have you here. Just remember, there aren't any silly questions - feel free to ask any you may have. There is also a search bar in the top right hand corner, it's quite useful - some of the questions may have been asked previously. As Paul said, although it is possible - it isn't ideal. Remember Bettas are tropical fish, and with winter coming, that wouldn't give them much heat, if any. 1.5 ft tank is perfect - dividing up for a couple bettas would work well. Also big enough to pop a small heater in there. And we'd LOVE to see photos, we're total photo nags over here. Most of us set up an account over at Photobucket.com and host our pics there.

    Hope you have a wonderful day, and mothers day too!

    Been missing you on here. :)

  3. Oh wow, they're lovely Ash! Definitely considering Killi's sometime after seeing all these recent pics. :)
  4. It looks GREAT, 'Razzi. Hope you feel better soon and can relax.
  5. That's true. The spawn he did the other week also didn't have much of a nest, mostly a few bubbles, max. Eggs were mostly clinging to the bubble wrap, and by the time they hatched, there didn't remain a single bubble - they were just holding onto that bubble wrap. It worked, though. As long as there will be fry, whatever. THANKFULLY this girl isn't picky - I've had females refuse to spawn unless the boy has a massive inch thick nest.
  6. Thanks. Pair were together all day, took female out late this afternoon, she was stressed and I didn't feel confident enough to leave her in over night. Through all their chasing, only a nip or two on her, so that's good. He's mostly flaring and trying to get her back to the few bubbles he calls a nest.
  7. He keeps moving just as I take the photo, so it comes out blurry! *mutter mutter* Thanks. As for feeding, depends on the pair, the length they've been in the tank, etc. I haven't fed this pair yet. Normally if nothing is happening, I separate them, give a feed, and try the next day/day after that.
  8. Female was left floating in the tank overnight, just let her out. Lots of chasing, she seems a bit stressed, but I'll leave her in a little bit. Male very showy. Was in a bit of a rush but tried for some very quick photos. Male not photogenic, he keeps moving just as I take the photo. Female in hiding so only photo of her is from a few days ago. Sorry for the blurriness. She's since plumped up a little more.
  9. Welcome to the forum, great to have you here - and great that you're getting back into Bettas! Most host our photos on Photobucket.com, copy the direct link and paste it into the little photo icon that looks like a tree in the toolbar. Remember to ask any questions that may arise, and the search bar at the top right hand corner is extremely useful - I use it all the time. :)
  10. Sarah

    Fish Shed

    More pics you say aye? Nice sign.. nice avatar too haha. :P
  11. Let the female out, while pulling out the chimney I accidentally dropped it - water and all - onto Mr Red Copper boy's nest. Oops. Hope you don't mind remaking that. Left the girl out away, after a bit popped her back in. She's floating in the tank now and boy is going NUTS. He's.. so.. gorgeous..
  12. Fantastic news, congratulations. Great video. Good luck, looking forward to spawn log (and classified thread... am I getting ahead of myself?)
  13. Thanks Jarrod, definitely looks like it. His nest is still a fairly pathetic nest, but it's probably a LITTLE better than last time. Hopefully he'll learn to do better this time.
  14. Round 2. Male is in the new spawning tank, female floating. He's nesting and showing off, girl is looking interested. Hopefully since they have spawned in the past it will be a really quick, gentle spawn. :)
  15. Sarah

    Fish Shed

    Aah ok, thought they looked a little 'bluer'. The female of that pair was stunning, once she's a little older hopefully they'll spawn easily for you. :)
  16. Sarah

    Fish Shed

    Looking good, great to see you've got the hang of pics. Is that the mustard pair in that spawn tank, or another?
  17. Thanks for the pics, Andrew. Before you told me, I would have never have thought. Always have said "it's not a matter of IF they'll fight, but when", but you have convinced me that these particular fish ARE able to live together (although I'll still say that to everybody else.. errm, selectiveness I guess). Personality, tank set up, etc etc I'm sure would all play a large roll. As Nessa said, you probably will get a few people telling you otherwise. Each to their own, though.
  18. I still have more racks and a couple tanks to go in yet! Sorry for the hijack! Back on subject... take 'Razzi's advice yeah! Put all your bits and bobs in a plastic storage container and slot it somewhere.
  19. @ Andrew, what do you think that extra 2ft was for (eventually)! :D
  20. Very nice, I bet the Macs love it. I especially like long, but shorter tanks when it comes to Bettas, now I don't own wilds (yet), but I'm sure Macs are just the same!! :D
  21. As Zui said, doesn't matter about having a fish room, as long as you enjoy it - and can fit a few tanks in there. I have similar shelving that you have your fighters on. Mostly for my inverts/foodcultures and probably a few Bettas in there too. They work well, as long as you check the weight capacity. How long is your Mac tank?
  22. Awesome getting the pics up Andrew! Quite right you are, now we want to see your set ups, especially that community tank with the 4 giant PK boys in it!
  23. Sarah


    Good luck finding a DTPK female, haven't seen any around, blue or not. Haha, I'd just be nervous looking after somebody else's fish. It's one thing to care for my own, just nerve-racking when you look after somebody else's... things happen and I would feel terrible if a single fry died.
  24. Welcome to the forum! Sounds like you have a bit of a collection there, please do post photos (unless you have already, I'm behind with the forum!) Haha, Paul - I had the exact same thoughts. Pew-pew sounds for me, and had that song in my head from the username. :P
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