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Everything posted by Sarah

  1. Thanks... wait... he ate TWO WORMS and a PELLET! To be honest, I didn't feed him for the last two days, so when he saw the worm I think he nibbled at it because he was hungry.. then realized how great they are! :D
  2. HE ATE A WORM!!!! YAY!!!! He was doing some funny wriggly thing, even sticking his head out of the water ( ) so I put in a worm and I've been told he was chewing.. and it is GONE!!! I'M SO HAPPPPPYYYYY!!!!! :woohoo: :woohoo:
  3. Awww... cute hermit crabs! We have the land ones over here. :)
  4. What a beautiful picture! *plans to find canvas tomorrow*
  5. :rofl: - Yan. You try, you try so hard. :rolleyes:
  6. He would be a lovely match for Inky! :bighug:
  7. #16 is Tigger? Wow. Oh yeah - I'm a real girly-girl - I love sparkly glittery, pretty things. :D
  8. :welcome: Welcome Dale! What sort of angel fish are you interested in?
  9. Agreed. They are all beautiful. My favourites out of these are #1, #3, #4, #7, #12, #13, #14 (Migaloo/Dorsal look-a-likie), #18, #19, #20 (Edge?). Of coarse the others are just as pretty too. :D
  10. :) Maybe we should start a "show us your fishroom thread". Yan - you should get a Marine Betta in your new tank! That would be so awesome!
  11. I've pretty much already done that... shall I post pictures???
  12. The most obvious resemblance is the mouth... don't you worry Jarrod. Yeah, now I look again, I can see it (I do have imagination - yay)! What is it? First you want me to go all wild Bettas... then cichlids, now marine? I can't have everything Wayne! :(
  13. Haha... NO, for both of them. Must be frustrating not being able to see them clearly.
  14. Wow, thanks for that Wayne, I've never heard of it! Thought you were going to say the LFS kept a Betta in the marine tank. This is me, happy to be wrong. They look stunning, but I don't particularly see the resemblance, maybe a little bit though.
  15. Welcome to the forum Matt! Lovely tank you have there - so lush! :drool:
  16. Glad they are doing well Wayne! I was just thinking about them, on my way over to ask for an update actually. :)
  17. I had some Java Moss in a Betta jar.. forgot about the light.. it was just like this (if not worse). So I rinsed it, and it came OK. Figured might as well try it. Put it into community tank, and it is a nice, lush green now. Sadly I didn't attach it (it ran away before I could catch it) and I found it up the intake of the filter. Pulled it out, it was striped right down to its 'branch'.. but is GREEN!!! So I just attached it to the ship. Seems fine enough. So no, I believe it is not beyond recovery.
  18. I haven't called up the LFS, maybe they could give me some hints.. they are very helpful with other things.. Maybe he does still have gravel in his system, that thought did past my mind, but I'm not sure... thanks for the link Jo, that was really kind of you. He is in a bare-bottomed tub, and does float, but can swim and maneuver just as well so I haven't lowered the water level (about 30cm). Do you think I should lower it? As for feeding oil.. a very different thing, I've never heard that suggested anywhere else. Have to give that some thought. Thank you Jo!
  19. I think Banana is male now. Since he has been in his big tank, he has gotten bigger, his gills are more 'feathery', plus his cloacal is getting bigger, rounder, plus there seems to be two "lumps". I'll try and get a piccy, but Banana isn't a fan of having photos taken upside down. Maybe at dinner tonight.
  20. I'm not sure if I should say he is getting worse, or improving. So last night I force-feed (lets call it hand-feeding, sounds a bit nicer), and he squirmed, oh did he squirm! Didn't want anything to do with me, and then regurgitated his food! *Sigh*. He is a lot more lively, and that's good. Still doesn't want to eat anything on his own. I had a dream last night he was eating worms fine, was nice and plump, got up.. (I really thought it was real) only to be disappointed. :(
  21. Hello Jeckle! *Happy Waves* My you are a cutie! Levi is still living up to his name! Lovely. :)
  22. No, still nothing on his own. Maybe the wriggles were too fast for his back-to-eating-on-his-own-like-a-big-boy-rather-than-being-hand-fed meal? *gulp* Didn't think of that.. but that's the adults (which I'm still trying to figue out how they got there), not the wrigglers.. unless they feed them like mother-birds or something. Blueberry did try to bite me.. :scared:
  23. Very true. Blueberry sure thought so too. :D
  24. He seems a lot better today, I'll try giving him more food later tonight. Past few nights I've been attacked by mozzies.. whatda know.. they have been breeding in Aristotle Axolotl's tub .. EVERYWHERE those wriggles were. What do I do? Take Aristotle Axolotl out (as he had no interest in them) and popped in Blueberry, my CT. Boy did he love that! None left, it is pretty amazing how he can hunt them down. :)
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