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Everything posted by Sarah

  1. I'm glad to hear that. Hehe.. look at the expression on the first ones face! :blink:
  2. Well congrats on the spawn.. this is quite unusual though. I guess the plants were just bushy enough to spawn on.. couldn't be bothered to dig? :confused:
  3. He is lovely. You aren't keeping your fav? Lucky sister in law. :)
  4. Glad they have found homes. All the best for their futures! :bighug:
  5. Thanks MT, he sure is tinsy! They are supposed to be as wide as their head, so still a lot more fating up to go. Haha.. yeah, wasn't too sure about buying him, being such a littly and all, but I couldn't resist. The scar is still the same as ever, I think it is actually a scar, not just a cut. Thanks for the comments. :)
  6. Aristotle Axolotl is eating well, still a little hesitant - but eating ON HIS OWN with no trouble! Each pellet, each worm he eats is a joy to me. I move him to a large critter-keeper when it is feeding time. It makes cleaning much easier, as when I fed him in his tub he would swim into the plants and the food will be washed into the jungle of plants and be lost forever.. until I get it out later anyway. Sorry that the pictures are a little distorted, it is the plastic critter-keeper. Couldn't eat in the middle could he? I 'borrowed' the combining photo idea from Shadoh. Thanks Jarrod. Didn't do it quite as stylish as you do, but it works. Did I mention he is growing his gills!?!?! They are a beautiful chocolate brown. Slowly getting bigger with each meal. Can't wait to see what he looks like all grown up. LOOK!!! ^^ I'm so happy, he is getting a bit fatter too. I thought this was cute. Shows his size. Here Aristotle Axolotl didn't want to streach and show you all how long he is.. Noooo.. he wanted to see what this funny thing was. He is now much more curious - I take that as a very good sign.
  7. Glad he has settled in. I remember he didn't want to eat when you first got him (not all that long ago, actually), now he sounds like a little Murray Piggy. :lol:
  8. Wow Tigger. Poor Jeckle, at least it isn't genetic. I've read that the runts out of the spawns, the late-bloomers, are often the real Jewels. Poor Nemo, I thought maybe you could've re-named him. Maybe he is Tigger. :rolleyes:
  9. Welcome! I've been looking forward to the next SBG.. never been before. Lots of pretty fish you have there MJ. :)
  10. Oohh! HMPK are pretty, as are all Bettas. I love CTs, so looking forward to a photoshoot, and good luck with the spawn.
  11. Inky looks very lovely Shadoh! All sparkly he is. I like Dorsal's colour; almost like a three-banded butterfly on his anal. He is special, and not just because of his dorsal. WOWIE JECKLE!!! He is so beautiful Jarrod, so beautiful indeed.. you're still my favourite Jeckle - and don't you forget it (but don't let it go to your head.. much). Um, but what happened to your anal? Edge has gone through a growth-spurt, I can really see it! Getting prettier with each photo-shoot. Mr. Cellophane is lovely, a little pink-ish too. WHAT!?! Why does he do this to me? <-- Frosty is the blue one. He is still lovely of coarse, funnily enough, he always sticks to the "Frosty" scene. Unlike Tigger. Looking good Multi Boy. What are you looking at little one? Has a funny dip in his head though. Nice orangey-girl there. I really like the one in the first photo, at the bottom. The pastely one that has "Shadoh Bettas" on it. Could she be a lavender BF to be? Nice blue marbled girl. How is Nemo these days?
  12. I think that tank with the 'tree' is so sweet! How cute. Reminds me of a Japanese garden.
  13. 50/50! That is great.. a match for all. :)
  14. Inky is a boy! :balloons:Do you have a nice girl for him? He always reminded me of a male Betta for some reason, I thought I was wrong - but kept thinking of Inky the boy. Didn't tell you incase you told 'her' and 'she' got upset. Looking forward to the photoshoot. :photo:
  15. Sorry about your girls Neffy. Lovely tank! I love the island too.. it reminds me of those turtle tanks with the island you can buy, but with plants covering it, and filled all the way. I adore that first place island! Wow, the blue fish look amazing with the chosen plants. :drool:
  16. Welcome MekongBetta! Can't wait to read more about your fish, and see pictures! I saw a couple Saratogas the other day.. they are HUGE! It was like, over a $1000. There is lots of Betta information over here, I'm sure in no time you will have heaps. What tail-type of Betta are you most interested in?
  17. Thanks Busman! Do you mean he looks happy.. or you are very happy looking at the photos? :P
  18. I am 100% sure Banana is a male. He is loving life, and is quite the tame boy, not scared of me at all. I assume this is because he eats out of my hand. Will even eat in front of 10 people crowding around his tank. Food is food says he. PHOTO-SHOOT! I believe I'm getting a little better. Instead of red eyes.. he get's.. yellow eyes? My favourite picture right now - Haha.. would say he didn't want anymore, but he is a poser! Have a couple more.. but they are just the same face-shots. Look how his gills are growing! He is getting fatter stronger.. increasing in bulk. He was super-skinny when I got him, nice and healthy now. :flex:
  19. Go to the beach.. I picked up a small piece of driftwood while on holidays last year, wanted this FABULOUS piece, but it was too big to carry for the rest of the day. I washed it, soaked it for a couple weeks, rinsed it again... then more soaking in another bucket. I didn't think of boiling, but that could help too. Yeah, driftwood is pretty pricey in any LFS. (
  20. It looks very striking Matt! Fish are lovely too - especially little Hua, the magnificent flower. :wub:
  21. And the fairies look lovely. Like a Fairy Stonehenge in a weird sort of way. The dragons look great too.. will be nice with metallic/iridescence fry.
  22. They look great Paul! The web is so well made, I bet betta and kid alike will love it.
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