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Everything posted by Sarah

  1. That's what I think too. I've never had snails before, so lets just have fun with baby snails until I get sick of them. Yes, do have lots of tanks to spread around.. oh, and axies do eat small snails too (will even attempt to eat the large ones as well, silly things). :)
  2. Lovely! Lacey is very pretty, reminds me of Paul's fry a little.
  3. *lol* Matt! Is that a good thing? Haven't asked about the limit, I don't think I will incase mum thinks of one. Just as many as I can squeeze in my room I guess. My room is pretty big, I've already got rid of a stack of drawers, and a large wardrobe (I had two.. I can live with one), plus various other small things so I could put the 400L in. Thanks for the offer Wayne, but I think I'll just mine lay. They are currently being fed algae pellets, shrimp pellets, any axolotl pellets that my axies decide they don't want, and I had been meaning to raid the crisper. :)
  4. Busman, yesterday on the Albino Betta video, I couldn't hear the sound, even though everything was on. Today I can. Tomorrow is a new day, maybe the computer just needs to re-start/turn off. :alright:
  5. Only three spawns this month.. wow.. you have great self control. Off Topic: Our 4ft community isn't going so well.. it keeps breaking out with disease, and all the fish keep dying. Well, Dad said when these fish die (he is still caring for them) I could have the tank... hmmm.. the possibilities. I think I'm crazy though, because I don't really know what I'm going to use it as. A grow-out tank for another spawn maybe? BACK ON TOPIC SORRY...
  6. Very nice, I'm tempted to tease Busman here.. but I'll pass. Very good joke for once. Answer: yes. Nah, it isn't called being crazy, just the love of fish. If that is called being crazy, then I guess I'm crazy too. You seem to have a lot of Red Rockets there.
  7. Sarah


    I agree, I believe he is something special. :)
  8. Sarah


    Is that two dorsals? The dorsal split in two, or a strange caudal split?
  9. Come on Busman.. Twice? Seriously? :o
  10. Still no eggs.. apparently the female can wait up until a month to lay. Oh, and I read that they can and do eat plants, and are even known to eat sponge filters (should have seen how fast I took one out of their tub when I read this). They are both in a large plastic tub, with a heater, plants (fake, don't want them munching on them) and a bit of driftwood. COME ON... I want to get me myself some baby snails already!
  11. Welcome Steve! I love the sound of your dream guppy line. Black orchid CTs? From someone I'm assuming.. go get them! Let's see about that.. but I must agree a little, only a little though. :)
  12. Happy Birthday Robbie! Hope you have a great day.

    Have a wonderful day. :D

  14. Oh Busman - you scared me too! I thought Armless had gone bye bye. Well, the blue gravel will make him stand out well eh? *lol*
  15. :hijack: Oppies, sorry Haiiley. Yeah, what Jarrod said - friendly bunch. :)
  16. *lol* Lucky for you Jo is in Tassie. Oi.. photo stalker? What? Who.. me? Eh.. I don't know what your talking about. :lookaround:
  17. Sounds very nice. What would they be called? Just be persistent about it Jo, I've always wanted a dog and when I realized I wanted a Cavalier to be my dog.. I asked DAILY, researched, put information on how cool they are on dad's bed, etc, etc.. it took five years (at least) flat out, but now I have my very own dog. I got a Cavoodle though, I decided a poodle-cross would help with their problems (such as overbites, hips, etc) and keep them non-shedding. Miley hasn't shed 1 fur yet, she is nearly three. Sydney is nice by the way, you'll like it. :)
  18. HAHA!!!! Now who is asking for pictures? Not once, but TWICE! Now I can make comments about you asking for pictures ---- yeah, Busman does that a lot (sorry, best I could come up with.. I'm so terrible at jokes it isn't funny ). Sorry about that Paul, I just couldn't resist. I'll stop now. <_<
  19. Hey that's cool. Kinda like camouflage pattern. You don't often see that green either. :yes:
  20. Welcome to the forum! Umm, I'm not sure actually, but it does take time. Sometimes they never grow back to their full beauty, but sometimes they do. I'm sure little HMPK is having a great life now. ♥
  21. Yeah, baby anythings are great. I caught one of them attacking a small plant, so I popped in an algae pellet for it. I'm thinking about starting them out in a tub, as I don't think the female has enough room to lay her eggs for her liking. Plus it will keep them away from my plants. Oohhh.. what sort of babies? Guppies?
  22. *lol* Jarrod & Paul, it is OK.. you can be old together. Nah, seriously neither of you are old..:alright: I'm laughing so hard right now. *lol*
  23. Now that I've got your attention let me begin. Becki kindly gave me two Apple Snails on Saturday, and last night, I think I saw them mating. Mr. Cory. No eggs as yet, I believe they lay above the water line, and the eggs look like a raspberry. This may not be exciting for you, but it is my first time even owning a snail, and is quite interesting. They were kinda 'rotating', and afterwards, what I assumed was the female was doing this sort of weird.. um.. thing where she looked as if to lay an egg, but nothing came. Later on, the male & female came to go together again, and then one of them fell off the glass. It was funny in a mean sort of way. Poor snail, they often fall silly things. While I'm on the topic, do Apple Snails eat plants?
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