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Everything posted by Sarah

  1. Huh.. yeah thanks Jarrod. <_<
  2. I guess I brought that on myself. *sigh* Me --> *lol*
  3. They are beautiful Shadoh! Yeah, the Paul.. not Busman Paul, but the Paul really is a BGG eh? Just adding the quote so you don't think I'm crazy.
  4. Welcome to the forum Mike! What sort of fish is the yellow one? I like the lay-out of the rocks. :)
  5. Welcome to the forum Bev! ♥ Sounds like you have some lovely fish!
  6. Yeah, I hear that phrase a lot Busman. Sorry Yan. :byebye:
  7. Too bad. Haha.. not like you are going to take/break it.. you are just 'borrowing'. :P
  8. Not yet, they spawned again the other night. :)
  9. Love the pictures Yan! Could you please take a photo of the two pajama cardinals you got? I googled them and they look ADORABLE! ♥ ♥ ♥
  10. You could get like those plastic book sisplay covers, and cut them to size. Sometimes they float up a little, or a cheeky Betta pushes them away.. I just put a couple pebbles at the bottom. It works really well. :)
  11. Cheese likes to hide under the Java Moss too. It is pretty funny to watch.
  12. It looks great Abby! I would have it as a center-piece of a room, especially since it has two sides. :)
  13. :welcome: Welcome to the forum Roshantosh!
  14. Welcome! Funny, I've never owned a goldfish before, but you sure can get some beautiful ones! :drool:
  15. Wow.. which is which, they look so alike! :D
  16. Stunning Paul! I've always admired BF's. Oohh... me want fry. When I saw your thread I got excited, I knew you would finally revel him! I can see Busman doubly thinks he is fantastic. Wait - don't you mean third MT? Because Busman seconded himself. Sorry Busman. :giggle:
  17. They would make a lovely match. ♥
  18. Oh yeah.. it is a Banana! I thought it was Fairy Floss... thought "that can't be right.. why waste it?"
  19. Sorry about your boy Sarah. :alright: Lovely boy with Foxy, what is his name? Is he a HM? Love the shrimp popsicle. What is it made of?
  20. Ahhh... see, we can't have a pool - Dad won't get one. We have had a few of those blow-up family ones, but they only go to your thigh. Better than nothing, and they do cool you down, but it popped at the bottom. That would be so fun! I can imagine the ad. Hey, you already have a filter, and there is plenty of room you probably won't even have to do water changes! A loft-bed would be pretty cool, very country-like (I love country stuff).
  21. You could try the Thai Way, they breed them outdoors in tubs. Would link, but Betty Splendens is down for me at the moment. Two 6 footers.. oh the possibilities! What other furniture don't I need.. hmmm.. :confused:
  22. OK, that is why she is so different then. Thought - ORANGE? Surely Jarrod would have been showing her off modestly putting one or two photos up of her. Gee, two mistakes in a row.. not my thread. :P
  23. I think we had ramshorns before I was born (have a 4ft tank in the lounge-room) so mum & dad did not seem as excited as I was when I told them my snails were breeding. They were like.. here we go again, how did we get rid of them the first time? Once I told them they laid the eggs above the water line and you can take them out if you want, it is easy - then they didn't seem to dread them as much. Crazy huh? I think some plants are like that as well. Wait.. did you say they somebody thought you were 50 or something? BWHAHAHA!!! Too funny. In that case, 20 is better than 50. B) Too bad about only being allowed three, don't worry about it - just enjoy the ones you have. Parents are funny about some things eh, but you just have to remember they love & care. ♥ I have a 3ft (165L), 4ft (400L), 33L spawning tank.. another tank which is probably about 30L or something, then three other 20L tanks, two with a divider so I can keep two males in them. I wonder if you count the little 6L divided and the hundred or so jars I have. I remember mum's face when I told her I wanted to breed Bettas, and that they can easily have 200 +, and each male needs their own tank/jar. To put it shortly, she didn't seem that keen. But she gave in, I had already fallen in love with the fish so it was too late.. :cheer:
  24. Okies.. will be grow-out tank, thank you Jarrod. Sorry Busman. :(
  25. Oh yes, thanks for that Shadoh. Lacey is still pretty. Foxy is usual, I haven't seen anyone like her in the Jewel Box.
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