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Everything posted by Sarah

  1. Thanks to Jarrod, all is well. Thanks Shadoh! ^ *lol*
  2. Oh OK.. I can use terrible photos of me a couple years ago before I got braces with wild hair and non matching clothes.. BUT NOT THE PHOTOS I WANT!!!
  3. Thought maybe you had used Photoshop, could be why Photobucket re-sizing isn't working for me. That is exactly what I tried - not working. I'm trying signing in and out now..
  4. Thanks for that. I think I'll keep trying until I get it - it is always good to know how to do it incase I decide to change it. I'll let you know when (and I'm determined to) I succeed in this. Did you change the size in Photobucket? That is what I've been trying.... back to it eh? Edit: I thought I nearly had a break though.. went to copy the picture from your album to mine (there is a button to do so if you highlight it).. message. I'm starting to even get sick of the photo! Might go back to the photo of me & my friend. I even remember that photo being taken. :rolleyes:
  5. Don't laugh Shadoh! Stop it.. Yeah, I gathered that Adam.. you better mean nothing serious was meant. :poke:
  6. I didn't notice until just now. Trying to resize it.. it still comes up with that dreadful message! I even saved the photo of you, and uploaded it - the photo info is exactly the same.. the only difference it ShadohBettas & CameraChick_2007 (I hate that username... gah). Will keep trying. Thanks for all of your help Jarrod. :)
  7. Awesome.. going to to that now, thank you so much. I guess I thought that it would say it was too large if it didn't work, like the profile picture thingy does........... hey, Betta Mad Scientist! You hit 1000 posts - congrats. :applaud:
  8. Eeewww... pleeease do NOT say that!!! Sorry.. 6 spawns then. Ukk.. I still cannot believe you said that Adam... :scared:
  9. Wow.. that worked! What did you do? Just change the size? Change the file? I'll do it on my (well it is actually my mums, I just took over) account, so you don't have to host it. Thank you so much Shadoh, not being able to use my chosen images has been bugging me since I joined!
  10. I keep getting this! OK.. ok.. I would like to change my avatar picture to one more appropriate - a picture of my fish. I couldn't get it.. it seems I can't use photos taken from my camera. So I 'borrowed' mums - still the same. Is there any reason why this happens? Does anybody know a way to 'get around it'? Preferably, I would like to use THIS photo: it was taken on my camera, then edited the hue in Photobucket. But then.. maybe THIS one, as it was taken on mum's camera. If anybody was wondering, this is the reason why I had always had photos of my dog up on a fish forum - my old camera was fine, but it died. Thanks, mini rant over. :scared:
  11. Haha.. that sounds a good plan, I like the getting the beautiful fish part best. But mum will never go for it. The trouble is when I get home I will be spawning a few pairs.. I don't want TOO many lined up - I might end up like Adam with his 10 spawns or whatever the number is these days. Wait.. I can imagine mum's face now - "I'm going to stay at the LFS for the whole day, which is in a different state I've never been to, by myself that is.. like without you two mum & dad. After that I'll stay with a fellow fish lover & his parents who I know over the internet.. and after that catch a plane (never been on a plane before) by myself with $100s of dollars worth of fish - good plan eh mum?". NEVEERRRR!!! she will say! So it is temporary? P.S. Yes, just saw your recent comment. I know how you meant it to be. Made me laugh at what parent's faces will look like. *lol*
  12. A day in Fishchicks.. I would LOVE that.. hmm, but if we went there I'm sure mum, dad & danny boy would be pretty bored for a whole day while I prance around with a stupid grin on my face. Wouldn't be able to take any fish with me.. that would be 'hard'. Maybe good in a way though. Too bad. I have one of those 6L tanks with 3 parts in it (2L each). A bit small, it is empty at the moment. And a pain to clean because of its shape. Maybe just a mini tank? Does it have to be a barrack?
  13. I want to go! Trying to convince dad to drive the 12hrs there. I reckon he will take me when we are on holidays.. he said maybe - that means yes as long as nothing pops up. Hope you can find something. What about putting him into your planted tank? Is there any females/fish that would make this a bad idea?
  14. Doesn't look like the wifi is working properly.. keeps on doubling the message. *resist the urge to say the school is onto you* Sorry to hear about Fung Li. Hope you can find a loving home for him, he is a lovely boy. You should crop the eclipse photo & use it as your avatar. That would be cool. B)
  15. I think he is lovely! ♥ Great photo, and a cute name too. ;)
  16. Welcome Rhys! When you said the coldest part of Victoria, I instantly thought that would be good for axies! Haha.. how many/what colours do you have? The bigger the better for Bettas, but 15L is pretty good. I'm sure he is very happy in that heated tank. Could you please post a photo of your little guy (and your axies) *looks around*.
  17. Could it be frogbit? Is there actually 'speckles/dots' on the leaves?
  18. Sarah

    Hi New Member

    Thank you Shadoh. Glad somebody finally asked *phew* Not that I'm interested... OK, I am. Photos please Mittens!
  19. Sarah

    Hi New Member

    YOU GET BACK HERE JARROD!!! Really Mittens, we are all nice & friendly.. never any threats... Jarrod wants to know where the pics are - not me. *looks at previous post by me* Nope, no asking for photos there.. it is all Shadoh's doing. I don't know why they blame me.. I'm innocent.. INNOCENT I TELL YOU! :whistling:
  20. Looks like two or more pieces of driftwood. I thought it was some sort of really cool modern-abstract-ish design look you were going for. Either way I like it. Nice pair, I like the colour. Any plans on spawning them?
  21. Sarah

    Hi New Member

    Right, sure Busman.. no names mentioned.. but thoughts of a certain someone are there. Anyways, WELCOME to the forum Mittens! We are all really nice here, never any sort of digs (i.e. photo jokes). What sort of fish are you into?
  22. He is beautiful Paul! Pretty sure the ideal BF pattern is 50/50 though... but still very nice. :fish:
  23. Welcome Zac! Loving the look of the driftwood tangle, looks really interesting! What sort of Betta?
  24. Ooh, good luck with the Kribs! Cool, he is cute. Me likie the cichlids (blame Fishbites).. don't have any yet, but am working on it. :dance:
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