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Everything posted by Sarah

  1. Sarah


    *lol* I can imagine your teachers face when s/he sees Tenedor's photo... really shouldn't be laughing at this..
  2. That's not fair! :eadshake: Pleaseee? Glad to hear the gumtree wood is safe, might find some later out the back. ^_^
  3. Sarah


    Yeah, I love that photo! All axies smile after they swallow food (or at least all of mine do).. it is one of the reasons I adore feeding them.
  4. Sarah


    She is normally pale, like white and her gills are often paler. Although when she is active/eating (her exercise, such a lazy thing) she 'blushes' to that lovely pink. Haha.. I think I'll call it her beauty lump.. Saving the best pictures for last - Giving me a dance - Having a little swim. I don't usually see her doing this -
  5. They look wonderful Abby! I love all the different colours, so pretty. :love:
  6. Sarah


    Thanks Shadoh. More as requested Sorry about the reflection. The water is always bluer on the other side of the pipe - Looking up for more food - Looking down for more food - Smiling after food - Then, you guessed it, looking for more food - In the photo above, you can see the lump on her face that I mentioned earlier (looks at the right side of her mouth, it is the lobe thingy). Still more. :)
  7. Sarah


    Really, the tank is NOT dirty! I did a W.C. that day - axolotls are like goldfish. MESSY MESSY MESSY!!! Haha.. looks like I can post more photos now. This is her tank for now. Pretty plain & boring, but it is only until she settles in more, and re-grows those gills. Then she can go in with Banana, hopefully I'll have lots of baby axies soon! She was un-carded from my female Bettas as I wanted to show you all what she does. She gets ready to pounce! I wish I could say all that was BBS.. This was supposed to be a cool eating-shot. That's another five photos. Plenty more!!!
  8. Sarah


    At feeding time last night, when Tenedor is at her happiest, she and I had a lovely photo-shoot (well the photos were only of Tenedor, but I was the camera-person). Please excuse the filth flying everywhere, she gets excited and dances about with her huge tail stirring up the water. The water is clean, I promise! Anyway, some shots - You can clearly see her delightful 'fork'. Her lovely feathery gills - How long she is! Peek-a-boo! That is my five photo limit, I have plenty more! ♥
  9. Oh well. Maybe this is just an opportunity to find them the perfect Betta! Or.. even one from upcoming spawns??? ;)
  10. How did they like them? Did you finish the other three Paul? Gotta say - awesome nieces & nephews! :yes:
  11. Sarah


    Haha.. thanks Jo. :dance:
  12. Sarah


    Thanks Paul! Axies are so unique, super special. Thanks. That's Banana, he is quite the poser. ;)
  13. Sarah


    Don't blame yourself, how could you know? Sure, it had happened before, but things happen. Yeah, get a new filter though. Lovely sounding pair.. When they are a little older, and Tenedor has healed from her little nips, they will live together in the 400L axolotl tank. I hoping they will breed, and they should in their own time. ♥
  14. Hahaha.. yeah, I love colours. I think next time I change it (might be weekly, but honestly I don't think that will last long ).. I plan to put pastel something up. :)
  15. Didn't like the colours? Sorry - you should have said, I wouldn't have taken any offense! OK.. looks like that picture isn't coming back now. Unless I change the colours to pastel (ideas.. this is sounding good). There was once this lovely member on here who had great information (but I won't name), but had a avatar that was really painful to my eyes - I had to cover up half the screen to read this persons comments.. but it is changed now, so it is OK. I felt really bad for that..
  16. As requested, I'm keeping it fresh.. and everyone loves axie smiles!! <--- Banana :woohoo:
  17. Sarah


    Thanks Jo. She has a little bump on the side of her mouth, another little deformity, but it makes her special. ♥
  18. Sarah


    They would get pretty hot though up there.. but they are just so cool. All sexes of them can go together, so you wouldn't have to jar males, etc. That's the problem of spare tanks, you just can't decide what to put in it with all the possibilities! Wait. Just read the last sentence.. is 'Razzi right?
  19. Sarah


    Hiya Matt! Haha.. now I'll have to look at the _95/_91 thing, not just Matt. All good. Grats on your Betta, could you please post a picture?
  20. Sarah


    Hmmm.. I can see the photos here after I log out (refreshing of coarse), but not at the salamander forum. Will upload on Photobucket, and edit the links. <_<
  21. Sarah


    I used the newt & salamander forum to host the pictures, was testing if it was easier than Photobucket. I can see it fine, but maybe the iPhone can't. Sorry about that. More - My lovely girl getting a closer look at the female Bettas - And it is kinda weird, you can see her bones in the tip of her tail - Although it is more pronounced in real life. :)
  22. Sarah


    Haha... oh yeah, unlike most axies you get from the LFS, Tenedor came to me pudgy. All I want to do is squeeze her - she just looks so marshmallowly! :bighug:
  23. OK.. not fish, I know.. but I thought you'll like to see pictures. I don't recall I have put any up yet. This is Tenedor [tay-nay-dor], which means fork in Spanish. I named her this as one of her gills is forked shaped. It had probably been nipped in the past and grown back deformed. She is Albino, and has red eyes. Really cool. B) Piccies - See how her middle left gill is forked? It is more obvious in real life. Can see her red eyes - She was really scared in the LFS, had been attacked by the other axies, her gills on one side have been nibbled down, and she is missing a few fingers. Luckily for her, axolotls can re-grow lost limbs. As for another thing the LFS did, they had them in gravel. She past out FORTY pieces of small gravel. I could NOT believe it. Poor girl. She seems a lot happier now there isn't any more in her system. As for her personality, Tenedor is really feisty! I would not have thought that when I saw her in the LFS. Sometimes she misses the food I drop her, so I have to nudge her to the side to get it. She has literally attacked me multiple times (edit: and when she goes for something, she latches on, shakes her head crazily - not letting go.. doesn't hurt though, it feels similar to a baby with no teeth ). I had to card her from my female Bettas, as she was also trying to eat them through the glass. Oh, and one time one of my male Bettas was flaring at her, and she came up & waved at him. Dawww.. gotta love her. ♥
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