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Everything posted by Sarah

  1. Quite nice. Do you have half a terracotta pot tray with the gravel in it?
  2. Thanks Jo! Leg is looking a bit better today - he is starting to be able to maneuver a lot better. :)
  3. I'm not actually sure. He had fungus on this leg.. and it progressed. Once it was cured, I just noticed it was broken. It is a mystery, I really don't understand! :blink:
  4. I'm glad to say Aristotle Axolotl's appetite has improved greatly over the past two days, he is know eating like a normal axie - that is munching down anything that falls in the tank. I just felt his side, and it doesn't feel hollow or mushy anymore - but strong & firm! He had fungus for a while, but that has all cleared up now. Oh and the 'scar' on his side is all gone. Although he does have a broken leg, you can see the bone in it (No skin), and from the knee down the leg flops uselessly, dead. BUTTTT... it is also clearing up, doesn't look red or swollen like it did a week ago, and new skin is starting to grow over his bone, but you can still see it. I even saw him twitch his toes the other day, so now this leg is receiving faint connections (sounds like a radio ). Today he is starting to use the bottom half of his leg, but still appears to look like he is rowing a boat with one oar only on one side of the boat. While this has been happening for his leg, he hasn't been able to swim so he is staying in a 3L critter keeper, the very same one I use to feed him in. I'm just about to clean out a plastic tub and see how he goes in that. I'm sure in no time he will be living once again with Banana. .. oh yeah, sorry for not mentioning about his leg a few weeks ago. .. OK, more like a month or so ago..
  5. Ahhhhh... Ohhhh.. look at all those pretty tanks! :drool:
  6. Never too many Jo... never too many. B)
  7. No I'm not.. they are just pinning the blame on me (come on everyone... fresh start.. help me out, let's blame Busman ).
  8. Um, wow.. that's a lot of photos. Great fish. :)
  9. Beautiful fish & axies!!! Yes, the first one looks like a gorgeous dragon to me.. the second one looks like a dragon too! Great finds. Lovely CT, I would say Black Orchid - just as Jarrod guessed. With a little bit of red-wash too, but still really nice. I like the colour of the first axolotl - is it Frills? Hahaha... see Busman? I faintly remember the Terminator movies.. never really paid much attention to them. Dad & Danny Boy likes them all though. :)
  10. Welcome Twisterella! Sounds like you have some lovely fish there.. how about a picture or two? Paul on the forum here is fantastic at genetics. ;)
  11. Sarah


    HORRID?? Some people. Oh well. My friend's mum said the other day "they don't like the hot, they don't like the light.. so what is the point of having them"? I was like but just look at them... they are sooo cool! Edit: She rolled her eyes and walked away. Oh good, I thought you were putting pepper in there to 'spice it up a little' or something. .. all good though. :blush:
  12. Sarah


    Hehe.. I just had this thought - I should get mini-sombreros for my axies! That would be adorable. Of coarse I wouldn't really do this.. they wouldn't like it. at all. My German Shepherd used to have a sombrero he liked to wear..... before he had to be put down. My Cavoodle likes wearing clothes, she really does! When we take her for walks I put her in a little pink dress, with ribbons on her ears. She has a few outfits - even pajamas! Not cruel, she seriously likes it. Hahaha!!! Looks cheesy I know.. couldn't resist!
  13. Sarah


    Aww.. what a shame, they are so pretty! Hopefully you'll get some nice fry out of the girls though. Ahhhh... Natural Planted Tank - thanks. Cool, is the link the same pictures as THIS TOPIC? Just noticed in that topic.. is that pepper on top of the tank in the first picture? Hmmm.. Neffy, I think they are all active in their own ways. Banana is the one that swims a lot, Tenedor sits there and bites whenever you go near.. Aristotle Axolotl doesn't move much as he currently has a broken leg (he'll grow a new one though). They all have their own personalities, just like Bettas do. So tough to say. :)
  14. Sarah


    With Tenedor, if I put my fingers in, she will bite me. Thinking I'm food of coarse. Latches on and shakes her head. Cute little thing - so harmless. Like a baby with no teeth numbing on your finger, but without all the slobber. Banana will usually run, or sometimes comes and looks in my hands for food. A few times he has decided my hands are a good mattress. Aristotle Axolotl just sits there. The food comes to him, so he sees no need to move. If I don't have food, he couldn't care less about me. My female Bettas like to swim inside and around my fingers. Sometimes I stick my fingers in to watch them dance in & out of them. I think everyone hates disease Matt. Such a pain. Not fun at all. Sorry about your guppies, was it those pretty Spanish Dancers? Reminds me, one of the guppies in this 4ft had dropsy.. I went to fish it out, but it swam away. Never found it, I guess the sucker ate it. What's NPT? New ... something ... tank? Cool, you can put up the tutorial when you put up those girly pictures. ;)
  15. Sarah


    Oh right, the "popular" people.. well, who cares what they think anyway? They never seem nice, usually trying to put all their .. what is a nice word for it .. 'sorrow' by being mean & putting other people down so they feel better. I say just ignore them, as easy as it sounds now, it is hard... but the best thing to do. We recently had columnaris. Yes, it would be in the filter. It appears to be gone, but we thought that the first time. Once these fish have died due to natural causes (and hopefully not disease) I will tear down the tank and disinfect everything, then start again with the cycling, etc.
  16. Sarah


    Don't worry about it. If people don't like you for who you are (fish lover).. then they aren't really your friends. It is tough sounding, but true. We won't give the fish away, anyway they have been in a diseased tank, they could carry something. Fine for now anyways. :)
  17. Sarah


    How annoying! Makes you think how much you will lose if the computer goes. Hope you can recover it soon. BWHAHAHA... gotta laugh at that. For some reason I have a picture of your teacher sneaking up behind you to look at what your doing. Random silly thought sorry..
  18. Sarah


    Well, either way we can still get the 'natural' axies, and I sure know I love them!!! Maybe in the future. We have a 4ft tank in the lounge room, it has been going for 17 years, but the fish keep dying. Dad said when the ones in there die, I can have the tank! I wanted to make it a planted tank/grow-out. At the moment there is only 2 zebra danios, 3 flying foxes, and two or three CAE suckers.... Oh, yeah.. about the 400L tank.. it isn't much to see, just a few plastic plants, river rocks... and a tree stump. Oh, don't forget the PVC pipe! I'll take photos of it 'later'... Where are those photos of your girls??? Didn't you say you'll have them up by Thursday.. today? I got all excited last night, only to find you had them, but they weren't up. <_<
  19. Sarah


    A feral population of axolotls? I don't think you can import non-native animals.. Bettas you can get through... Well axies are salamanders, amphibians - in the same class as frogs & toads, so probably a no-no. When I got those fish from Becki, she gave me a few live plants - Java Moss, Java Fern.. and something that could be hairgrass, but I haven't really looked into that. I really should - better wait to see how I can keep these alive for now. I'm proud to say they have grown a little bigger. Haha.. I'm a real live-plant newbie, going yay for more Java Moss. :P
  20. Sarah


    I think this person said you can import them, but I have no idea really. I don't think you are allowed to import non-native animals... but that might just be mammals. I have braces! Ice-cream makes them feel better. Thanks for the offer.. axies don't really like lights, so I think I'll just keep plastic. I should post photos of the 400L axie tank eh? The tank Tenedor is in has plastic plants I just threw in because they were lying around. Thank you though. :D
  21. Sarah


    Nice teacher.. didn't even get in trouble when you were on the internet in class! Must be that loving smile of Tenedor.. melts everyone's heart. ♥ I want one of the GFP ones (the glowing one).. not sure if you can get them here though. Apparently somebody on the Salamander forum was going to breed them as they breed true. Or it might have just been me saying they should. Either way. Trumpets pretty interesting. I play the piano. Going to look for those photos now.
  22. I love Sponge Bob Fish-Pants. Great name. *lol*
  23. Sarah


    Even your teacher said she was cute when you were getting in trouble? Teacher has great taste. What instrument do you play?
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