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Status Updates posted by Sarah

  1. You know how I said my Peach VT female & a Chinese Algae Eater loved each other like H&J? Well.. they had a fight, they don't like each other now. :( Never even got a photo! No damage done, must have been a verbal disagreement.. with bubbles for talk or however they communicate. Probably body language. Well, whenever they swim by, they both dart in the other dirrection. Yes, if you are wondering, I do believe fish are like humans in a way. They are smart animals, but I;'m...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sarah


      Yeah, too bad. Can't help who my fish like though. Thanks for the comment Shadoh. :)

    3. fishbites


      Never trust a Chinese Algae Eater with a fish you prize... they can get aggressive and nasty if they want to be.... had one stand up to a 12cm convict cichlid and chase it off....

    4. Sarah


      Thanks. Dad has some big ones that are pretty territorial. This one is only about 2cm long.. thanks for the tip. I was going to take them out today when I do a water change.

  2. Key Board Doesn’t work sorry I SPILT Water must copy and paste each LETTER 2 TYPE. I’m STILL HERE, just can’t COMMENT

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. fishish


      Oh bugger! lol :P I killed my last two laptops via similar methods (entirely killed) within a 6 month period lol

    3. volvodriver


      lol, the keyboard on my laptop only has 3 keys working too, i have to use a wireless keyboard and mouse all the time now. lol.

    4. Sarah


      Thanks everyone. :)

      It is working fine today, I'm so happy! Yeah, entirety my fault. You have NO idea how long it took me to write that comment. I had to find a letter somewhere and copy & paste it. :( When you touched one key, about 10 different letters came up. Some would close the window, so I would have to start again. Please excuse my horrible grammar above.

  3. Oopies, I've been saying NEON TETRA.. I meant GLOW-LIGHT TETRA. Ha.. I thought it was the same thing. :( Neon is just easier to remember. Oh well. :

  4. My female VT Peach has suddenly grown a huge attachment to one of Dad's Chinese Algae Eater. It is still VERY little, now just showing signs of it being a Chinese one, not Siamese like the rest of the adults we have. It was being used to cycle my tank, and I just put it into a 33L tank, along with Peach.. suddenly, they are like my own Heckle & Jeckle. :D Swimming in perfect sycn, and always together. Just adorable. Now seeing as this CAE is now "in the Betta club" or whatever...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sarah


      Betta club.. also super lame, but whatever.

    3. shadoh


      How cute! You'll have to take some photos while we're waiting for my camera to charge ;P .....no pressure... LOL

    4. Sarah


      No pressure.. right, I'm sure I've heard that one before! :P

      When I get around to it.. I'm really 'busy' at the moment.

  5. We have baby chicks! Hatched on Friday.. there are 5, 3 eggs didn't hatch though... very gross story with that, but I don't know if I should tell it. My Frizzle x Barnvelder Pippen hatched them. The ones that hatched are (we think) 2x Sussex they are yellow, 2x gold lace Wyandotte (they are black and tan, and a mystery little black one, could be any breed. Mine is the wyandotte, his/her names is Mishka. :)

    1. Sarah


      The name Mishka is Russian, but I think it is a cutie name. :)

    2. fishish
    3. Sarah


      Oh why thank you. :)

  6. Guess what? I just found a little fry in our 4ft commuity tank! Maybe about 1cm long. I think it is a Neon Tetra. I'm SURE I saw some orange on it. Sadly, we have a baterial infection, and it was dosed. You aren't susposed to fully dose it for fry, so I don't know if s/he will surive. :. We named him/her Lucky, because s/he is lucky it didn't get eaten. :)

    1. Sarah


      I'll post a picture when I can. So far Lucky has survived on ONLY tropical flakes! I put a bit of frozen treats just for Lucky, of coarse the others got a treat too. In the tank there are guppies (only males ATM), Siamese Algae Eaters, a golden sucker, sucking catfish and neon tetras.

    2. shadoh


      You could always float him in a container of untreated water if you're worried. Hope he/she survives, it will replace the neon you lost over the weekend!

    3. Sarah


      Thanks Shadoh! That is a good idea! I could put Lucky into one of my tanks too.

  7. Pink Carnation pair not breeding yet, been in for a couple days in half filled 3ft tank.. LOTS of hiding places. Little nips on the female, male is now not only a HM, but a triple tail (kinda like a double tail, but with three lobes). Big nest.. little bits of swimming around, but no spawning. Male is so slow with all his finnage.. he can only swim 1/3 of the tank by the time the female can swim it all!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sarah


      Yup, I've got a few other males. Sadly he was SHREADED today.. so I've taken Rose out, and will give them a chance to heal before I re-introduce them.

    3. fishish


      oh no! Is the shredding bad?

    4. Sarah


      Oh yeah.. worse than a torn CT. I'll publish pictures later. Still haven't taken them.

  8. My dad's tank has a baterical infection... looking at my meds. I have just about everything BUT baterial. We are going out very soon to get some.

    1. shadoh


      Sorry to hear that Sarah. From what you have posted, he has some nice fish in there. I hope he can knock that infection on the head before any more die...

  9. This morning I found Raspberry, my red CT male (from LFS) dead. :( I had been watching him for a couple days now.. and you should have seen him last night. I'll post a video if you like, but it is a little sad. :( Well, this one was a bit of a killer - killed my best CT female. On good news, I introduced my Pink Carnation pair last night (Female floating) and this morning there is a bubblenest under the IAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY...

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Sarah


      Now it is only my 3ft tank, 2.5ft tank, the 3 large jars (maybe more, depends where I'll put the Carnation pair after they spawn). This is all squished in my bed room. :) It is funny seeing friend's faces when they walk in to see the "few" Bettas I have. Must be expecting a couple cups.. but no.

    3. volvodriver


      hehe, i know the feeling, filled the living room and moved onto the bedroom :P can't see the mirror on my dresser anymore (i'd rather look at fish anyway)

    4. Sarah


      I can't see my mirror either. I'm more worried my Bettas would see their reflection! Tanks only filled half way, so I don't know if they can yet.

  10. When hacthing BBS, the empty eggs float to the top. Should they be collected and thrown out?

  11. Thank you Shadoh! :)

  12. Soil-less Grindal worms, or soil Grindals? Which is better.. use for Betta fry. Not even born yet, but good to plan ahead.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sarah


      Thanks Shadoh. :)

      I think I'll try the soil. Have to find out where the best place is to get them, Shipping the soil ones would be a bit pricey though.

    3. shadoh


      When you are ready, give Cassi (Fighters4U) a PM and get some prices off her. I got all my live cultures from her. I left it a bit late to wait for a starter culture to get going, so bought mature cultures for about $15 ea. I think the starters are around $5 - $6 and the postage was very reasonable. She gives you plenty of info on how to care for them and harvest them. She even sells a DVD so you can see how to do it all...

    4. Sarah
  13. Should extra Brine Shrimp eggs go into a double zip-lock bag into the freezer or the crisper? Haven't gotten them yet.. just planning ahead. Thank you. :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sarah


      I know, they sound great, so maybe I'll give it a try..

    3. shadoh


      I keep mine in the crisper. They are about 2 years old now and have a good hatch rate. Give them a go. It's easier than it seems...

    4. Sarah


      Thanks. I think I will when I spawn my Bettas again. :)

  14. All my fry are dead but one.. and it is deformed. :((((

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Sarah


      He has a kink in his back/tail. :(

      I don't know if he/she will even survive.. he isn't very strong, can't even swim straight. :( He will be floating head-down, then will wriggle and move a cm at a time... does not sound good for him.

      Thanks for your reply. :)

    3. Neffy


      might be alot of work for him to breathe later on keep currents low and water level low he might might it.

    4. Sarah


      Thank you Neffy.

      Sadly this last fry died this very afternoon. :(

      I would have posted this earlier, but we had a pretty bad storm, with hail.

  15. Horrible news. First spawn ever, I had over 250 fry, now only 5-10. :( Why? Because I turn the heater off when I clean the tank (I have burnt my hands a few times) and silly enough to forget to turn it back on. :( They are 2wk today, so I surived (if you can call it that) the worst. Hopefully the remainers will surrive, and I'll get a few males (I can breed back to the mum, dad died though.)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sarah


      Thanks. At the moment they seem to enjoy bits of infusoria, but I also feed bloodworms, brine shrimp, I had mozzie wrigglers, but the culture got destroyed, so I have buckets out in the backyard waiting for more.. oh, and I put in some ground pellets (now a fine powder) and since they are very competitive for their feed, they sometimes nibble on it, but I don't feed that much.

    3. Neffy


      hopefully the rest will grow up fine and you get a few boys!

    4. Sarah


      Thank you Neffy. :)

  16. Sure thing. :)

    Hope you had a great day. :D

  17. Happy birthday!

    Have a wonderful day!! :D


  18. I'm getting another tank today so I can keep more fry, as I have a large spawn. Early birthday present from mum & dad :D When can I move them to this grow-out tank?? How old must they be? I think I'll siphon them in when it is time.. They only hatched yesterday, still in the nest.

    1. Sarah


      I've read about the 6wk mark. Would it be OK when I do the first water change???

    2. Neffy


      I wouldnt siphon them it would be pretty turbulent and could cause SBD, id move them by scooping them out with a container.. youll need lots of patience

    3. Sarah


      OK thank you. Patience I could use more of, but I have been waiting 6months so I guess however long it will take will be fine.

      Thanks Neffy! What is the earilest I can put them in?

  19. I have tails YAY!

  20. I think my new pair will spawn soon! Plum, the male has built a MASSIVE nest (or at least massive to me, maybe a cm in thickness at it's peack). The females egg spot is practically dangling, I can see lots of eggs in her belly as she is light bodied too. The male was building a nest under a IAL, but the female didn't care, she seemed to like the bubble wrap (small bubbles, bubbles down, like a pre-made nest. I've heard it impresses the females, it is true). So Plum now built ...

    1. Sarah


      They are wrapping now as I type!!! Been spawning for half and hour.... lots of photos coming soon! I'm so excited!!! I've been trying to breed them for 6months!!! :D

    2. fishish


      Yay! Have fun :D

    3. Sarah


      Thanks. I will. :)

  21. I think my pair from someone is going to spawn! Long story... big nest, wrapping for a few secs only, but getting there... I'm very excited! Wish me luck!

    1. Neffy


      fantastic !! good luck :D my pair are behaving like they will spawn dancing under nest and female checks it out but they dont wrap yet haha.

    2. Sarah


      Thanks. Good luck to you!!

  22. :) Kinda freaked me out when I first saw it. ;P

  23. Just did a little organizing on photobucket folders. Really, I mean a LITTLE bit. Anyway, since some of the photos were moved, their link might have been broken. If you notice any photos of mine in any topics have been moved or deleted, please tell me so I can fix the link. Thank you. :)


    Have a wonderful time! :D

  25. Happy Birthday Rainy! :D

    We all wish you a wonderful day! xxx

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