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Everything posted by Sarah

  1. Wouldn't quite put it that way, but it was slow enough for me to be able to grab it with my hands. Probably would have been eaten by a bird anyway. I'm still not happy I deleted that photo. <_<
  2. This little dragonfly was too close to me when I saw it in the garden, so I grabbed it. I'm quite proud of this photo if I may say so myself, it was taken on a little point & shoot camera. I had another photo that was really good, front on view, you could really see the detail of its eyes, but I accidentally deleted it, and I'm NOT happy. Didn't even get a chance to put it on the computer. Anyway, I fed this cutie to Aristotle Axolotl.. I know, that was mean (please don't be mad), but I haven't found any live worms in a few days, so this was a great opportunity to give him something live. He literally lept out of the water and grabbed it. It didn't even touch the water surface. I wish I got a video of that, it was really cool! I thought I'll mention that they don't live very long anyways.:devil:
  3. Ruined the film? That's a shame! Didn't know you can still buy film... you should try digital, you can see the pictures and delete/crop them before they get printed up. :)
  4. Yep, I was going to say - but you said young lady, so I didn't want to disgrace his honor. :giggle:
  5. Welcome to the forum Pegasus! Lots of info here, make sure to ask any question you may have - I've learnt so much here! What sort of Bettas do you have? And axies? They are SO cute!! Could you please post pictures? And that's not me by the way. :whistling:
  6. Sarah

    Betta Barracks

    Sorry I can't help you there, but just wanted to say Welcome Les!
  7. Really? I'm always smiling..It's just natural. Hey, I'm smiling right now. Huge grin for no reason. Lovely CT boy, he is beautiful! All the best with spawning him, I hope you get a cute small-ish spawn. And yes, Jarrod has already said it twice - how could you all miss it? *lol*
  8. I don't know what you are talking about. Oh sorry, that was a typo (a HUGE typo), not abusive.. sorry again. Gee, that's embarrassing. Your not abusive. Edit: In case your wondering, I meant absurd. See the resemblance? Makes it a little hard to type when patting the dog too.
  9. Again? Who .. me? No don't be abusive Jarrod, NEVER! I'm the innocent one, I didn't do it!
  10. Easy solution - get a set-up like someone's!
  11. Wow, I thought she thought they were ugly. Amazing. Maybe get a HM girl for your PK! Surely with that you'll get a few non-tail biters. Somebody on here had giant HMs a little while back, I think it was Volvodriver. Nah, on my farm I'll have horses, and cows, chickens, llamas (love those), I'll have lots of fruit & veg, a dam with ducks.. lots of things, even reindeer's (since I saw them at jamberoo yesterday).. and a FISH HOUSE!!! Pretty cool. B) Haha.. I had the dream the othernight about my own fish world... sooo many tanks, sooo many fish. Then I got woken up. <_<
  12. Nice try! Woo! I'm getting my farmhouse sooner than planned? YAY! Haha.. maybe your right, not like I ask everybody. My room will just end up like a mini-fishchicks! No worries Matt, sorry I freaked you out. I would have been panicking too. Okies, I thought it was a Betta.
  13. When I just read the first bit of your comment ("it does look like it"), I thought.. oh no.. he has dropsy. Phew, you can't put comment like that at the beginning of your comments! Shame to hear about your Betta, to think it is all going to be OK.. then it turns.
  14. OK, I meant his back though if you enlarge the photo (the forum automatically makes it smaller). It is probably just the photo like you said. I just had dropsy (well my fish did, not me), so I'm like on the look out for even the tiniest scale out of place. :blush:
  15. Makes sense, hope you can find yourself a female. I love Black Orchids, they are gorgeous - oh, would you happen to ship once your fabulous fry are born? Just curious. Maybe it is hard to focus on him because of his pitch-black colour. Is it just the photo, or are his scales pine-coning a little?
  16. What about crossing the black orchid female with the PK? She is CT correct? Yeah, the photo does make him look a bit silhouette-ish. Didn't notice that before. My Black Lace PK seems to know when I'm trying to take a photo, so stops flaring, flares halfheartedly, or turns on an awful angle. Sooo annoying. Edit: Female is CT, not was. Grrr...
  17. Midnight is lovely (nice name). I think he is flaring.. at least halfheartedly. Female is cute. :)
  18. Oh my, putting the PK in would have been terrible! Good save. :)
  19. Thanks Jarrod! I'm so happy he is OK, he was really weak when I got him.
  20. Awww, cute! Keep them coming!
  21. Today Banana had some lovely morning sun.. he doesn't normally get this (got it as I left the door open so it came through from the next room's window). Isn't he pretty? ♥ The sun filtered into this one little patch, and after a few minutes he got sick of it and walked (yes walked ) away.
  22. This photo was taken on the 31st of December, 2010 - And this photo was taken on Thursday - Look at how he has grown! Oh, in the second photo you can kind of see his leg, it is the bottom left one. See how the skin is starting to grow over it? It is really worse side-on though. And the tub he is in is his feeding container, he doesn't live in there.
  23. Now THAT is the way to go! Get Well soon Agent 11! :balloons:
  24. Woah.. you sure that is one fish, not two or three stuck together?
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