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Everything posted by Sarah

  1. Nope. I can imagine you yelling over the fence "do you give up!?!?!"
  2. Hehe.. one more.. I gave Jarrod a clue in my other thread about Apache's eyes...
  3. Nice try.. SHADOH! I knew this would be fun.. trust me, it will be sooo worth it once you hear what it is. Too funny. Hilarious.. still need three by the way. :devil:
  4. I don't have any of those Yan, but I have heard of them doing that! Jarrod, I think we need at least three people give up before I tell. :devil:
  5. *lol* Wrong person Jarrod! Just read Busman's comment.. all the way from Brisbane. Give up yet?
  6. Getting warmer, but not quite... haha, I'm having a great time! :lol:
  7. *lol* No, there isn't any mutant spiders in my room as far as I'm concerned, and no Betta re-scaping either. Give up?
  8. Nope, nope, and nope. It was in the tank. :)
  9. Past few nights, I've been hearing a tap tap tap sound, kinda like a miniature door-knock.. but in the middle of the night. I could never find what it was, figuring it was my probably my axies having a dance party digging in the rocks, I left it. Last night however, it was going non-stop for 10 whole minutes. Driving me crazy. Then I found what it was. Right now, I'm about to tell you what it was, but lets see who can guess it. This will be 'fun'. :dance:
  10. Joan, I really hate to say it - but it is absolutely hideous. Send it to me and I'll hide it away for you.
  11. Welcome Shane! Sounds like you have a lovely fish-room going there, like Jo said, some people ask for photos - so watch out for .. Busman! :P
  12. Wow, welcome! Where about in the Philippines are you?
  13. I love Pippin, so pretty! Cute name too, my Frizzle x barnevelder Hen is named Pippin. :D
  14. Happy Birthday Abby! The tank looks great, it is going to look stunning when it fills out! Sooo.. how many tanks do you have now? Edit: Oppies, just noticed I basically just said the exact same thing as Shadoh - I didn't copy him, really! Great minds think alike and all that. :lookaround:
  15. No worries. New tank? New Fish? Great, can't wait. AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!! Have a fantabiulous day Abby!
  16. The same cow.. or a different one? I'll do signature work later...
  17. Oh I should look for a cute little Betta blinkie! I tried to find one a while ago, and failed.. *goes in search*
  18. Thanks, I like the black & white ones too. There are SO many cute things out there, too hard to decide. Do you think I should keep the penguin for a little while?
  19. You liked the cow? I'll probably just have no signature until tomorrow. I loved the cow, I think it shall return!
  20. Nice buy. Yeah - I'm working on it. Everyone comes online when I'm doing signature work. <_<
  21. He is so cool Matt! What is his name?
  22. Oh thanks.. wait, that's right - we are pretending it isn't me. :P
  23. Thanks BettaObsessed, I'm perfectly fine with feeding live food, just wasn't sure if somebody had different ideas - we are all different! Aristotle Axolotl is pretty happy with himself, prancing about the cute thing. :wub:
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