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Everything posted by Sarah

  1. Very lovely Ness! I love Little Lav & Beryl - what does her name mean? Soo off topic, but when you said the salamander song, I thought of this - Ahhh.. I hate that song, Danny Boy CONSTANTLY plays it.. (
  2. Banana's favourite way of sleeping - behind the fry saver (which is what he eats in) - Nice & cozy, he wriggles into it, and can get out. :giggle:
  3. Very tempting Jo, they are absolutely hideous. BUT you are in Tassie, so sorry about that. At night, I sometimes see flashing yellow eyes near my bed from the axies. Would also see Tenedor's red eyes - but her tank is on an angle I can't see from my bed. They move a lot.. I hear tap tap tap from Tenedor, rocks moving GULP sounds, splashing.. they are really loud little ugly things. :devil:
  4. Sarah


    While Banana is having a fantastic swim & play, Tenedor is sleeping - You can see her bones in her tail - :snooze:
  5. They are beautiful! *sigh* Horses in Melbourne, horses up higher.. city here. :(
  6. Haha, how did I know Matt would say that? Yeah, thanks Jarrod. No, Tenedor is in a tank on her own, she will go in with Banana in a couple weeks. I'm just giving her more time to heal a little. Aristotle Axolotl has swimming difficulties, so he is also on his own until his leg gets better. Last ones. Sitting on the driftwood - I have no idea what he was doing with his leg. He just kept swinging it around in circles! And .. peek-a-boo! Please ignore the reflection of the towel..
  7. Thanks Matt, I'm not trying to make you jealous.. I'll post more picture now. Hello! The gorgeous things wave at me all the time. Nice Gills me thinks - Another picture - You can see his freckle directly above his back leg. You are all going to love the next ones, I saved the best for last. :)
  8. While Tenedor was sleeping, Banana was having a great time swimming around (and running into things ). His (I'm just going to say his until he lays eggs) eyes are always yellow like this, while Tenedor's are red (she's an albino). Aristotle Axolotl's eyes are chocolate brown. Look at those gills! Skimming the water surface - Glass distortion - Swimming! I quite like this photo - He has pretty weird eyes, they are like always reflective like that. Sometimes during the night I see a flash of two little yellow things.. :blink:
  9. Sarah


    Believe it or not, these photos were taken when Tenedor was sleeping. Cute thing actually smiles in her sleep. Pressed against glass - From above - From an angle - And this is another sleeping pose of hers - I have more. :)
  10. I think it looks great Bec! Yeah, lots of plants, but the Bettas in it must LOVE resting & hiding in it. Do you card them? Was wondering where you got too only yesterday, glad everything is well. POST PICTURES OF YOUR HORSES. Hey, if I didn't say it, somebody else would.
  11. A new sleeping pose for Banana. I had a better photo, but accidentally deleted the wrong one. He was in a really funny pose last night also, and this morning, but I couldn't find the camera at the time, and missed it. I will snap it up when he does it again, he has gone there quite a bit before.. it is a surprise..
  12. Wait.. wait.. what is that supposed to mean Matt? I'm fine thank you very much. How could you think I would hold a grudge? :(
  13. :P I'm not changing the quote either. :P
  14. :huh: I thought it was a little strange.. and the fact that she is female makes it stranger.. No, not starting conversation... what, so I can't reply once now can I?
  15. You spelt it Shadoh like Jarrod's username.. very weird Matt, very weird. Didn't spell it like that earlier...
  16. Sarah


    Um, I think they are fully grown. Around a year is a good age. I'm starting to think Banana is either a underdeveloped male, or a female. I'm a little confused about sexing axies. :blush:
  17. Sarah


    A couple of photos from today. Sorry about the glass.. it was clean the other day. And don't pay attention to all the axie poo, they mess up the tank within 15mins of cleaning it. Edit: Picture links.
  18. Sarah

    Hi Im Riki

    Welcome Riki! So many animals... wow! And a TWELVE footer! What is in that?
  19. HMs.. they are lovely! ♥
  20. Well I'm not going to look at Jackson Jackson, can't do two bands in the same week, that's just overload! Nah, not really, still not looking though. Um.. they sing a lot of songs, not sure if you will really like them, but I said that before though eh? Some of their more popualr songs include: Decode, Misery Business & Ignorance. I bascially like all their songs though. No trumpets in their music though. Oh yeah... the album of the Cat Empire I have (well, I think it is mum's, not sure).. is So Many Nights.. is that a good one? Did you see the thread Busman started?
  21. Welcome to the forum Simpson! What sort of Bettas are you interesting in (HMs, CTs, DTs, PKs...)?
  22. They were really pretty! Lets hope somebody from the forum got them, so we know who to get fry from. Um... I er.. was listening to Cat Empire.. and they either bored or lulled me to sleep... but, oh I can't believe I'm saying this - are OK. I guess if I think about it, all music I like I hated when I first heard. For example, my friend likes Angus & Julia Stone, so I got her their CD she wanted for her birthday. We were listening to it, and I thought.. why does she like this, it is hillbilly music! But then I discovered I had some of their songs on my iPod, so I listened a few times a decided I did like them. I have soo much music I don't even know on my iPod, really have to clear it. Still space though, so it doesn't matter. Anyway.. yeah, I guess they are alright. GAH, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?!?! Please, don't do a touchdown dance...
  23. :( You missed out on the Snow White Dragon PKs, & the Cool Candy PKs. Shame. I don't really listen to Tineworp, never heard of it. Don't like the sound of Rocky Horror. Not going to listen to music now.. maybe tomorrow. Plllease don't meantion them again, I'm not going to change my mind.
  24. That was strange, forum cut out for about 5mins there... only AusAqua.. all good now though. Ahh OK then. Thanks, was just curious. I have only been on here on the computer. OK, I thought you liked the song. All good though. Wait.. ah.. what song was it again? Haha.. I never found it.. Still don't like the Cat Empire, I don't believe I ever will either. :P
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