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Everything posted by Sarah

  1. Haha didn't think you would actually do this. Yay.. free hugs. Hmm... Because he graduated from this colouring - Edit: When I saw this thread Jarrod, I instantly thought of Migaloo. :wub:
  2. Happy Birthday Daniel!

    Hope you have a great day. :)

  3. They are gorgeous! Yours! Lucky.... Shadoh, my friend..
  4. Fantastic job there! Looks great! Hey, I have the same axolotl food, I got mine for Christmas. :P
  5. No, not yet.. but a really big nest. That's why Matt's won, he got tails before me. I guess the male couldn't resist Busman Paul's huge girl. ;)
  6. Noooo... doesn't really need a name does it? OK.. you won fair & rectangle. :(
  7. Happy Birthday Kandee!

    Have a wonderful day. ♥

  8. Banana really likes this net! Today I caught him hanging on the side, of the outside. Aristotle Axolotl -
  9. I've been posting quite a few photos lately of my axies... hope it isn't too many... Axie foot -
  10. Banana really loves the fry saver net.. last night I caught him ON TOP, so decided to take a little video of a small feed. Note that he only goes for the food that lands on his nose.. and likes fingers. ... then later he was still there, and realized if I turned the light on, I get better lighting. *duh* You may or may not hear music.. depending on if I had my finger over the microphone. Sorry about that, just ignore. You can see why I love feeding them so much! I'll try & find a worm later, he slurps them up like spaghetti. :giggle:
  11. I know I've been posting a few pictures of Tenedor & Banana today, but these two make such a cute pair! They are like two cows in a meadow..
  12. Haha... maybe. Aristotle Axoltol's leg was eaten by fungas & grew back, but is not shorted than the other and is the wrong way around (as in the knee should bend the other way). It is sooo funny to watch him swim, one leg swinging one way, the other the other way. Edit: Photo, you can see how one of his back legs is shorter.. you can't really tell that it is backwards, I'll get a video next time I see him swimming about - That shorter back leg, was completely eaten by fungus.. all gone, he had no leg for a little while, just a stub. Pretty cool eh? I wish I could do that, re-grow lost limbs that is, not lose them by fungus. Then I could do sword fighting with no worries of losing my arm! Banana & Tenedor are so cute together, they spend all day long just being together. Although it is kinda funny, Banana looks so short next to Tenedor, little shorty. Let's hope I'll get lots of pretty baby axies from them. :cheer:
  13. Hmmmm... OK then... :notsure:
  14. Hehe.. thanks Jarrod. They are playing chaises now. :)
  15. Just released the female. Literally 2secs later, she goes up to the male, nudges him.. he takes her to the nest. She's inspecting the nest and he is showing off RIGHT next to her. Looking good. B)
  16. Haha.. my polar bear is famous now! *goes and checks size*
  17. Great, thanks that's reassuring. :cheer:
  18. Sarah


    Only Banana gets fed in the net, I was thinking he may not like to share his eating spot. Tenedor & Aristotle Axolotl get moved to a large critter keeper to feed, I've always done that for Aristotle Axolotl, so he is used to it - but Tenedor is still getting used to the idea of moving. She has always had the food come to her the spoilt thing, now she actually has to do something other than open her mouth. :giggle:
  19. Thanks Jarrod. *runs to check* Didn't notice that.. it appears he has lost more red! Ahhh... he is still going. I think he is perfect - he better not cellophane. :(
  20. Going to release the pair later today! One more piccy of Apache. .. OK, last one. From above. Is this Java Moss? It looks different.
  21. Another of Banana's sleeping poses - All together now! Waving to the camera. You may remember me saying I was starting to think Banana was female, as if he were male, his cloaca would be swollen right? Well, since Tenedor (whom I am certain is female has moved in) it has started to swell. Look at his cloaca in the photo, much bigger now - maybe baby axies are on the way!
  22. Sarah


    Lovely Tenedor decided she wanted to go into Banana's eating net - Seems it is a favourite hidy for axies. :)
  23. Righto.. infusoria is ready, as are VE, and I've had a successful hatching of BBS, that's my future fry 1st week worth of food. Ready to release edit: tomorrow! I'm so exited, as are the pair. :P
  24. Thanks for the offer Jarrod, but I think I'll rather think of something my own, rather than be unoriginal and take your originality. Haha... what, you didn't get any blues? Will do, I poked pin-holes in it, so the water trickles out, I tested it before I put the girl in, I'll just scoop her out. ... and I was practicing hatching BBS in a plastic cup, inside the tank (you can see it behind the nest).. they have hatched in 24hrs, so tiny! So I'm pretty happy about that, I know I can do the BBS fine then, it took forever when I tried a while ago in a plastic bottle, unheated. Heated is the way to go. :)
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