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Everything posted by Sarah

  1. I used to have like 100 candles lining the walls of my room, along with other pretty things....
  2. Well SORRYYYYY... I literally CAN'T show you Sonriente yet. Will when I can, but I can't put photos onto the computer for a little while. He is hiding anyway...
  3. Naahh, I hate your timing. I was just about to tease people on your status. <_<
  4. Sarah


    I've been called Sara-Lee before. To the point where somebody thought it REALLY was my name... I do like my ice-cream though. :P
  5. Sarah


    Hehe, I love the BubbleNess! Smart-Ness? Awesome-Ness? If you want something at the pub.. Tough-Ness.. don't-pick-on-me-Ness... just make it up as you go along. :P
  6. Sarah


    I play limbo sometimes, only because I always win, and it's funny to watch other people fall over. Another fun thing is when somebody tall rests an emtpy can on their head and ... somebody ... kicks it off. That's always a good party trick. Thanks for that Les, that's good too. Then a good punch to the head... Les, you are not a rice grinder, but my new water changer. :)
  7. Sarah


    It's great when you play limbo! Plus you are less likely to get your hair caught on lowish tree branches... ooh, and when (hopefully never) people try and kick you in the head, if you are short their foot sometimes goes right over saving your face. That's always a good thing. :)
  8. Sarah


    Haha, no worries Young Grasshopper. What.. not spinning gold?
  9. Sarah


    Jo, I'm honestly not short.. it's a joke with Matt - he is just tall. Like 6' something. He is like just under a head taller than me.. Midget? Naww, poor NannaJo! :bighug:
  10. Sarah


    Haven't found my Grasshopper yet. Nothing new. I didn't say it was from a video - you let that slip. I don't like Shortstack either. Why do all my nicknames have SHORT in them, I'm not short. *stands on tippytoes* Les, luckily for you, I'm not feeling very threatening in my hot pink ducky pj's at the moment, sipping my hot chocolate... but I AM A TRUE NINJA - NOT A GRASSHOPPER!!!!!!!!!!! A True Young Grasshopper never questions a True Ninja Master's NInjaness. Matty Boy on the other hand, is my Young Grasshopper. Say it again, I shall release my ninjaness apon you. :ph34r:
  11. Sarah


    The Shortcake thing was a joke, something nobody will ever call me again (hint). Oh, didn't realize I forgot about Shadoh! Jarrod, Les is out to get you haha. Naww, it's OK. Yup, because Matty Boy is tall.. he is also called Clerk. Oopies, sorry Bev, I think I'm guilty of calling you BO in the past.. won't happen again. :giggle:
  12. Thanks Busman Paul, Jarrod & Other-Sarah. Other-Sarah, they did spawn once, but he ate the eggs. Wouldn't re-spawn for me, was too caught up in his big fancy nest to pay attention to the girl. Do have another marble CT pair now, so hopefully I will get my marble CT fry. :)
  13. Sarah


    Matty is short for Matty Boy. NO!!! Bwhaha.. the Beib one was pretty funny though. :P
  14. Sarah


    OK. Make that I don't mind what I'm called - just. not. Shortcake. EVER. Edit: I didn't think anybody saw that Shortcake comment. I was hoping that anyway..
  15. Sarah


    People on another forum call me FBK, because that is an abbreviation of Fish and a Banana Keeper, my username there. I don't really get called nicknames, Matt calls me Shawty, but other than him - I always just get called Sarah. I'm fine with whatever people call me though, as long as it is said in a nice way, doesn't bother me. :)
  16. ... Apache died. Not sure why, wasn't looking too good last night (as in pale, lying on his side at the bottom of the tank and breathing heavily).... *sniffles* Apache. So many fishies...
  17. NICE website going there... sorry, had to take a look via the pic. B) And WELCOME Fizzy, great to have you here! :D
  18. Hey, Happy Birthday for yesterday!

    Hope you had a great day. :)

  19. Yupp... Matt needssssssss to ship. Aaahh, I thought you were using an online translator - not Anna. She's good then. :)
  20. Hehe, but he is slapping her in the FACE! Yet she still smiles. :D
  21. Banana - Tenedor & Aristotle Axolotl - ... Rejection??
  22. Haha, he knows everything there is to know about planted tanks.. :)
  23. Haha, no worries Young Grasshopper Busman Paul. One day, you shall find what a true ninja finds to be cyber-bulling. But true ninjas are never bullied, or the bucket shall fall on the victims, or the 'attackers'. Sorry, I feel very ninja-ish today. :ph34r:
  24. Haha, not bulling Busman Paul.. were just playing ninjas, well Matty Boy is playing ninja, I, on the other-hand - am a true ninja. Matty Boy here.. is just in training. Don't worry my grasshopper, you shall in time, become like a true ninja, like me. Hahahahaha. Ninja Away, Ninja Sarah. :ph34r:
  25. It was still alive. Could have cut it, but didn't really want to.. she got it down all the same. I haven't really been finding bugs and worms lately, I think it is seasonal, so it was a nice treat for her. Hehe, yeah they always seem so proud of themselves after 'catching' something. *lol*
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