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Everything posted by Sarah

  1. Thanks Ness! No fancy camera, just a little point & shoot, but they love the camera. Hehe, you may have to get one.. or three now. ;)
  2. Be quite. My ninja attire never goes out... :P
  3. Pretty sure you said on here about them... I think Matt did tell me they were here. Rubbed it in on how awesome your fish are, in Brisbane. He also told me about your cat licking his feet. Highlight of his day or something along those lines I believe. :P
  4. Lovely pair, but they are hardly a dirty little secret. Busman Paul, you have told us in the past about them, I remember (have excellent memory). Was wondering this morning when the spawn log will pop up actually. GEE, Ness & Jarrod, can't believe you forgot. How could you forget these beauties?
  5. I know! This was him a month or so AFTER I got him and he was eating - Now he is so healthy. I do love sitting watching them. Have placed my bed so they are the first thing I see when I wake up - always get up in a good mood. :D
  6. *lol* Love that Shadoh! Anyways, Aristotle Axolotl got his revenge - Who's the outsider now? That's what happens when you pick on the cute. Since then, Aristotle Axolotl is prancing about, thinking he is higher than Banana..
  7. Hehe, thanks. Jarrod - he is one of the black ones! Something with the camera/light.. He'll be right. Banana - Thought I'll give the axies in the big tank a bit of a brain tease. Food in a plastic container - This photo really shows the relationship of the axies - Banana & Tenedor are always together, Aristotle Axolotl is the 'outsider'. :(
  8. Meet Sonriente, name is Spanish for Smiley - Gills appear yellowish under the flash - He is currently living on his own, has a bit of fungus on his lip, but that's healing up really well. Should be able to go with the other axies in a week or so. Isn't eating yet, seems to be scared of food! Other than that, seems quite healthy. :)
  9. Yeah, she wins... this time round. Although I said something about not knowing what it was a few days ago, said she didn't know. I guess she wasn't paying attention (have noticed sometimes she tunes out the fish talk).. that or she remembered. Either way, I was pretty surprised.
  10. Naww, Yan beat me - I have eight in my room. Anyways, WELCOME Harry - great to have you here! :D
  11. Was looking at the tank, mum walked past, and told her this fish was a rainbow fish. She then told me it was, well done.. and that it is one of the native ones! Then said, oh Sarah - we've had them before, don't look so shocked... I know a thing or two about fish, and don't you forget it! :blink:
  12. That looks exactly like it! Thanks Yan. :)
  13. Ooohh I loved that book too! Wonder is we still have it... Colourless rainbow-fish. Not like the one in the book. It was so kind to give up it's scales... :)
  14. Unsure of what this fish is.. we have had it for a while in our community tank, dad brought it as a flying fox. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2eNssv3SzEY Any ideas?
  15. Bwhaha, oooohh... me too. :P
  16. Sister says "Too many fish Sarah!" Hmmm.. nah.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sarah


      Hehe, right you are my Young Grasshopper. :P

      That's what I say also Yan. :) There was a 3ft sitting empty right next to her, it should be filled. :P

    3. Spanger


      My dad rides bikes... He has a theory that the perfect number of bikes is " N + 1" where n = the number currently in the shed. Surely the same applies to tanks?

    4. little_troppo


      I agree, I want more tanks but then it gets too dangerous becaause of the amount of cords in my room

  17. Bwhahaha Matt. Il suffit de ne pas me demander de mettre la glace à ma chemise à nouveau .. ne se passe pas.. *lol*
  18. ME!!! You are not a ninja Master yet Young Grasshopper. You are barely a Young Grasshopper, you only just past the larvae stage. :P
  19. *lol* Stick to English jeune sauterelle.. Thanks Jarrod. :)
  20. Oohh.. just ran my comment through a translater. Does not translate too well...
  21. Si rude jeunes Grasshopper, nous le savons tous Busman Paul l'aime ..
  22. Sarah


    *lol* That's what I kept telling her.. Sarah with a 'h' - S-a-r-a-h. No Lee. Just Sarah. She even wrote Sara-Lee on my Christmas card. Better than Szhra, which I also got from another friend.. Well my initials are S.L., so I think that's where she got confuzzled. But we all love ice-cream! :P
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