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Everything posted by Sarah

  1. New dragons of mine from Adam. Love them, so pretty, healthy - and males already nesting! Female. Her name is Occidentalis Maritimus. The Frost Dragon.. she looks sort of frosty, and is a dragon you see. Mum finds this hilarious. Can be shortened to Tally. Males still unnamed. They'll probably have long dragon names like Occidentalis Maritimus. Five photos. ;)
  2. It's Jo's birthday!! Happy Birthday, hope you have a wonderful day - on behalf of the big island.
  3. Sarah

    water heater

    Well if it says to put it in vertically... put it in vertically. I always read the instructions...
  4. Sonriente has moved in with the rest. Seem to be getting along well, and is following Tenedor around the tank like a puppy. :giggle:
  5. OK, thanks 'Razzi, I'll replace then. :)
  6. Didn't really want to start a new topic with this here already... I was given a couple tanks the other day, there are these noodles inside the filter, but are really moldly (still damp from however many years ago the previous owners had used it).. could I just clean them really well? As this is for tropical, not marine. Curious, thanks. :)
  7. Failing to see how.. but OK. Yeah, he must have been hungry. He was in a bare-bottomed tank, so no gravel. Very good. :)
  8. Haha, well he didn't seem weak like Aristotle Axolotl was - he could barely support his own weight poor thing! Sonriente just seemed to be settling in, and wasn't super skinny or anything. He appears to be a little frightened of my hands for some reason. Not sure what I did there.. Thanks Busman Paul. :)
  9. YAY! Sonriente finally ate a worm today. Have had him about a week and a half, and has been refusing to eat. So happy. :)
  10. Hope you had a lovely day... on behalf of the country.. haha, always wanted to say that. :P

  11. Happy Birthday Joep! Have a great day. :)

  12. Woops, Aristotle Axolotl is a little pig - and a little chubby with this plastic container.. hehe, so cute (only slightly chubby). :P
  13. Ooh oohh - I'll join! Bwhaha, I was trying to get him to grow his hair out like mine actually, wasn't going to well have to say. Came up with lame excuses about school polices and stuff.. although I'm sure he would love to. I mean, hair like mine? Awesome. Yes. Pay back for last night. Not sure if anyone saw, but all the same. Ooohh.. pretty fishies!
  14. Nice counting there Matt.. geeeeeee...
  15. You were the one who gave me your autograph a little while ago, reminded me of the Beib - a wannabe. ... seems now it has nothing to do with this, but it did when I made the comment... Oh right, nice fish (makes it less of a hijack hehe).
  16. ME!?!? I blame Matt, he got the idea in my head in the first place. :scold:
  17. Stop laughing... I seriously feel like I'm going to pass out. All these gorgeous fish in one hit, too much for me, even my ninjaness can't handle it.
  18. Hehe, I recall a TV ad, where people were waiting outside some store (not sure what it was though), with their faces pressed against the glass... this is what I thought of. That and them jumping up and down like a pair of loons. Errr.. nice fishies! I'm so exited for all these purty fish - don't say it though, I know they are in Queensland.. for now. :P
  19. AHHHH *sequels like a silly girl who just met the Beib* L-l-l-l-l-lOVEEEEE them! Psst.. d-r-o-o-l. Drol reminds me of trolls for some reason...
  20. Tenedor attempting to be a rapper. Word. All together - Sonriente - Don't like the light for that tank, really he is melanoid, a dark black..
  21. Loving these fish! Can't pick a fav, like them all. Psstt.. my CT pair was sent from someone through express post, as was a VT pair I got ages ago - they came through fine.
  22. Well Banana found his way in, snapped up one pellet.. but oh, YOU HAVE TO LOOK DOWN FOR FOODABLES BANANA! Banana is soo selfish sometimes - he like pushed little Aristotle Axolotl out of the container! So mean - Aristotle Axolotl was like "Wateva I tots dnt care ur so lame n borin tat u look lyke a cheseburga" Then went and hung with Tenedor, Banana would hate that. I think Aristotle Axolotl is the smartest out of the three, Banana tries, but is a little ... not-smart .. Tenedor could not care less, she just looks pretty. *lol*
  23. Decided to use the tub again for food, but put it on it's side in front of them this time - so they only had to walk forward and open their mouths. Banana & Tenedor had a peek first - Oohh no, not this again! Then Banana was like, I'm soo outahere! Don't ask what Tenedor is doing, she's odd - even for an axie. Aristotle Axolotl showed Banana how it was done - Banana is like - oi, you got it last time! He FINALLY decided to walk in - Rest later aye, five photo limit. :)
  24. Hehe, shall do other-Sarah, good idea. Love the smiles too. They have such big personalities, and seem to know me (as the bringer of food), they come and wave hello whenever they see me! Cute Ness, have seen that before.. makes a nice desktop background. ;)
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