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Status Updates posted by Sarah

  1. Ahhh... I had no idea that there was a robot alien member here!

    I was going to say the alien from Aliens vs Predators, but brother is behind me and I was just informed of the very slight differences. :P

  2. Entertaining one of my lovely seven year old relatives. Got her hooked on someone! I (note I) can't get her away!

  3. Happy Birthday!

    Have a great day. :)

  4. Love your new avvy! What a delightful little guy. :))

  5. Happy Birthday Paul!

    Have a great day. :)

  6. Setting up my very first planted tank (3ft).. bringing in the soon to be shrimp tank (tall 2fter) and the four foot corner tank.. which will be a growout, for my soon to be fry. :)

    1. Sarah


      Yes, piccies are on the way. :))

    2. Matt_95


      have you taken them yet?

  7. Hope you had a lovely day... on behalf of the country.. haha, always wanted to say that. :P

  8. Happy Birthday Joep! Have a great day. :)

  9. Sister says "Too many fish Sarah!" Hmmm.. nah.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sarah


      Hehe, right you are my Young Grasshopper. :P

      That's what I say also Yan. :) There was a 3ft sitting empty right next to her, it should be filled. :P

    3. Spanger


      My dad rides bikes... He has a theory that the perfect number of bikes is " N + 1" where n = the number currently in the shed. Surely the same applies to tanks?

    4. little_troppo


      I agree, I want more tanks but then it gets too dangerous becaause of the amount of cords in my room

  10. Hey, Happy Birthday for yesterday!

    Hope you had a great day. :)

  11. So glad to hear!

    Hope you have a great year to follow! :)

  12. Happy Birthday Cassi!

    Hope you have a fantabiulous day. :D

  13. Happy Birthday Daniel!

    Hope you have a great day. :)

  14. Happy Birthday Kandee!

    Have a wonderful day. ♥


    Have a wonderful day. :D

  16. Will play sand (i.e. from Bunnings) be an appropriate substrate for axolotls? I'm a little concerned after some of Shadoh's Bettas died and this sand was accused?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Sarah


      Thanks Hood. I think I'll give it a try, add it to the large river-rocks. :)

    3. odie_88


      washed sand and propagating sand from bunnings is fine...

    4. Sarah


      Thanks for the tip Simon. :))

      I think I shall get some sometime. :D

  17. Happy Birthday! Have a wonderful day! :D

  18. Sarah

    Happy Birthday to you!

    Happy Birthday to you!

    Happy Birthday dear Bec,

    Happy Birthday to you!

    Hope you have a fabulous day!

  19. BRINE SHRIMP - Is it possible to have TOO much salt when hatching?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sarah


      Yup, eggs are in constant motion, and heated too. Hardly any eggs at all.. only a few, it is a test run to see if I can do it. Never successfully hatched them yet, have had one fail run.

    3. fishbites


      How did you go? Did they hatch ok?

    4. Sarah


      Yay! They hatched! I'm so happy! First ever successful batch of Brine Shrimp. Wow, they sure are tiny. I think I'll see if I can get them a bit bigger, as I don't have any bubs at the moment. :)

  20. Yes I did. :)

    Merry Christmas to you!

  21. Sarah

    Happy Birthday TasV!

    Hope you have a wonderful day & year to come!!

  22. Happy Birthday to you!!!

    Have a wonderful day! :D

  23. Happy Birthday!

    Have a great day. :)

  24. Happy Birthday to you!

    Have a wonderful day Rainbow (love your name by the way). :)

  25. Bettas just enjoyed a meal of bloodworms AND Mozzie larvae. I've never gotten bloodworms around here.. they are so much more easier to see, and are easier to catch too. All Bettas love them all.. there was a feeding frenzy.. especially with the girls! That has to get Carnation healing a bit better, he is so happy prancing around his tank. :))

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. shadoh


      Hmm... 3 fry marbling, 2 prancing bettas and a bubble nest in my spawn tank!

    3. delyall


      Lol! Thats awesome Shadoh :D

    4. Sarah


      That's great. :)

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