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Everything posted by Sarah

  1. +1 for 'Razzi. If your LFS won't test other parameters for you, I'd find a new one. I've cycled tanks with axolotls in them before just fine.. as long as you stay right on top of the water changes, it will be fine. How are you doing the fish less cycle?
  2. Yay! Yeah Matt's staying with me. :D
  3. Should be there, unless dad's work changes at the last minute (weather mucks him up, what with being outdoors and whatnot).
  4. Wow, what stunners! They al look fantastic, congratulations to everybody. :D
  5. Waah lost my long post. Here goes typing one-handed again (slammed my hand in the front door, all purple/throbbing). OK so long story short, some of you may know I had axolotls not too long ago. For various reasons, they died. I claimed I wasn't going to get them again, and stick to fish. Well, to be honest I lasted about an hour without reconsidering. Well the fish room is now set up, 3ft tank ready for axies (not using the 400L for them anymore, found it a waste of a tank). Sorry about the horrible photos, she kept hiding from me. I'll try for some better ones once she settles in. Still unsure on her name. She appears to be full of gravel, but was the least bloated one out of the four.
  6. Have a look at this thread Ness made when she went to Thailand - http://ausaqua.net/f...t=0&p=132544 Lotsa info there. Have fun, and take many photos! After Ness going, we expect a full report. Edit: Link in her thread isn't working, hunted it up: http://www.victoriabetta.com/melbourne-betta-in-thailand.html
  7. Looks fantastic Ash, do love your sorority. MUST set my one up soon (keep putting it off for other things). Oh Ness! Way too much time on your hands there... go clean some tanks!
  8. Happy birthday!

  9. Very nice! Love Pierre, please tell me you're going to spawn him? He's too gorgeous not to.
  10. No tails as of yet, can't see eggs... but then again, I couldn't see any last time and I ended up with 20 hidden away (my boys of late seem to like hiding their eggs out of view). Boy looks a little plump... hmm... possible egg eater. May have to respawn. Will give him another day or so. I normally start off with VE and then move to BSS from around day 3 onwards.
  11. Exciting! Congrats and good luck - keep us posted. :)
  12. Pair are spawning as I type this! Haven't even gotten around to putting those pics up yet, photo bucket has not been nice to me, and then I kept getting distracted. Spawnlog when I get tails.
  13. I'm thinking possibly snail eggs. If you can get a picture it will help further.
  14. Woah, isn't he a stunner! Do you have a girl for him yet?
  15. Thanks! Going to spawn them ASAP.
  16. My mum very kindly brought me this pair when I was showing her someone's new shipment (not planned or anything, she wanted to see what a dumbo looked like). The guy from the courier was trying not to burst out laughing when he gave me the box. He said "Um.. these are live fish" Me: Yes, I know. Him: Why are you so excited? Me: They're my fish! (then I was trying to get the box off him but he was still not passing them over). Here I'm sure you could imagine me with a massive smile, bouncing up and down... surely it isn't just me? Him: but... but... they're FIGHTING FISH! *disbelieving look* He then couldn't control his laughter, and left. He was thai too... I found it slightly hilarious. Anyway photos up soon!
  17. Sarah


    Looks good, Les. :)
  18. You've spelt it Minkey in the past, and no, she strongly disliked you following us around. We had a thing going on there.. a real bonding.
  19. Looks great, Matt. Minkey's looking cute. I think she misses me. <3
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