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Everything posted by Sarah

  1. Aristotle Axolotl has been a real trooper throughout his life. When I got him, my little friend would not eat. After a week of owning him, he looked on the brink of death. I decided to force feed him, mashing his food up and feeding it with a syringe. I did this for about another week, twice a day, until he got his strength up to start to eat himself. He was also full of gravel the poor thing. More pieces came out the next day. Notice how thin he was, this was after he had started to be feed up. Then at one point, fungus got his leg. The flesh on his rear left leg had been completely eaten away, only bones remained. Thankful to axolotl's amazing regeneration skills.. with a little bit of care and love, he soon grew another. BUT, it grew on deformed.. where the bend should be, it went the other way. Never captured it on photo, but this was as close I got - He learnt to live with it, and swam quite well.. this leg rotating one way, the other leg going in the opposite direction. He lived well with Banana and Tenedor, they were close friends; always playing and hugging, even though he was the smallest - He was fed up, and lived a happy life in a 400L tank.. lots of room to romp about with his friends. Aristotle Axolotl. 1.6.2011. We loved you, and will miss you. xx Once Tenedor & Banana (Sonriente wasn't close like the other two) stop spawning and notice you are gone, they will miss you also.
  2. Just asked a few axolotl/other salamander smarties, she can be fertilized by multiple males. Good to know.
  3. Um, not sure really. Both males appear to be .. taking turns, but I think it's a case of who get's their sperm up her vent first. Well as long as I get little lotls, I don't really care (gosh I sound terrible aye ).
  4. You have noooo idea how long it took to load this page - all morning! AusAqua is not working for me today. *sigh* Anyways, she hasn't layed yet.. is starting to swell so will be soon. You CAN keep them in, but for the best chance I'm going to separate the eggs into tubs/tanks with gentle aeration. Shadoh.. they lay a LOT more than Bettas, with the average number of 300. So I think I'll let Matt have 30. Going to take photos of everything (hence the sperm above.. but that's also for proof if something goes wrong, like egg eating or something.. never know). Hoping to have a log of egg development. Matt, what about Brad & Janet? Didn't you say you were only keeping two adults? Still unsure who the father is. I think it's both, both males all over her.
  5. Salt baths, once a day (sometimes twice) for 10mins. Friding often helps, I had Aristotle in for about half a week; mum gracefully let me take half the top shelf (she's great). Couldn't put them ALL in though, but just keeping the water cool for them. Most fish meds are poisonous to 'lotls, so I don't ever use any, just in case. ;)
  6. Thanks Shadoh. As do I. How cute would the little lotls be! Sad pics - fungus. This was taken um... about half a week ago (?) Looking MUCH better now, still not completely cured as of yet.
  7. Some old-ish pics - She was sick of photos - They also have fungus. Salt baths have been helping, but I'm hoping the stress on breeding won't make it worse.
  8. Found a lovely surprise last night - spermaphore! (I'm exited OK.. yes I did take photos.. leave me alone). I was unsure of Banana's gender - he is a definite male. Sonriente is also male, so I'm unsure of who is the father (Tenedor mother, Aristotle Axolotl still a baby). WELL, past few days, Banana has been sidling up to Tenedor - ^ Typical behaviour just before breeding I've read. Sonriente has been doing the same. So either could be the father.. maybe both, we'll have to see. NOW, anybody good with axie genetics? I don't have a clue what the little lotls will be. BUT, I've read that with the first batch of axies, the larvae die at a young age.. so hopefully it won't happen, but I have to keep that in mind and not get tooooo exited. Oh too late. YAY! (I also have a bunch of old pics I haven't put up, been slack.. will get it it later).
  9. Mmm... googled myself, nothing on the actual me. Many people with the same first & last name... apparently I'm a doctor now. So went for the full name, there is a Sarah L. in New Castle. Sad face. Or should that be happy face? Meh.. guess I don't exist (ninjas must appear to not exist). SO, embarrass Adam. Check. Ahhhh... stage one is complete *says in creepy robot voice*. We all just loving the fish, I'm definitely enjoying mine! :D
  10. As we all (probably) know, Adam has some beautiful stunners coming from his fishroom, so taking Ness' idea () let's start a thread that shows his pretties! Tally, my female - Two males - Feel free to post pictures of your Bettas you've acquired through Adam! Adam - Thanks for all the fish! Keep it up!
  11. Tally. If only she spread out her lovely fins. As for the guys, happy & healthy as ever. Don't like their photo taken. Have had many attempts, all much to blurry. <_<
  12. Not one yes? Sad face. ACTUALLY it DOES look a little like fancy lettuce.. GEE Matt, do you think I'd actually WANT to eat him? Never. How could you think as such?
  13. Before I begin, take a look at this plant - I think it looks like broccoli, dad & brother agree, mum says of coarse not - it looks like rocket. Matt says something about having an imaginative family, and mumbled something about craziness .. probably meant that at somebody else. Me? Never. So, what do you think?
  14. Setting up my very first planted tank (3ft).. bringing in the soon to be shrimp tank (tall 2fter) and the four foot corner tank.. which will be a growout, for my soon to be fry. :)

    1. Sarah


      Yes, piccies are on the way. :))

    2. Matt_95


      have you taken them yet?

  15. Very nice Matt. You got banned for doing a WC when you were supposed to be doing school stuff. How could you? :P
  16. WELCOME!!!! Great to have you here... like above meanioned... piccies please! As for being a lot of rules on the forum... mmm, not really, pretty basic. Mainly the same with other forums, just in-depth explanatory (yes I read them carefully haha). Anyways.. what sort of fish do you keep? Sounds great whatever it is. :)
  17. Yes sir! Will try and get some soon. Wish I didn't have to sanitize the spawn tank then let it cycle again... that is SOME NEST he has! Although he built it on the card, so I can't uncard him without destroying it. Haha, I generally only get stuck to the same thing once, I think I'll be right. ;)
  18. Jarrod, I looked it up the other day... er.. maybe not quite so fitting. Thanks Neffy, I'm sure you'll love yours! :D
  19. Haha, of coarse Les - he is the red guy just until I think of a cool fitting dragon name. :)
  20. The Paul - sorry no pics. I just kinda walked about the house with the camera stuck to my teeth, until it snapped off. No damage done to either braces or camera - just to my self esteem (nah not really, stuff like this happens all the time haha). My brother found it very funny. He was like, why is your camera in your mouth? I was like.. mmmit's mstuckmm .. Thanks 'Razzi. These are my first dragons ever... so lovely! Little worried about tumors though, seem to be common in dragons. No hint of them, but I'm eying them very closely. Wonder what the Thai's will think of next. Thanks Busman Paul - no I didn't haha. The orangy male's nest is QUITE a nice nest - all thick, and ... bubbly. Red male has a few mini-nests - but he is next to the filter so is a bit hard for him. Few more piccies. Tally - Red guy - He's got some funky thing going on with his anal - and a few wavy rays in his dorsal. Top photo makes him look sort of lanky, if you know what I mean. Edit: Video taken yesterday, not the best quality though.
  21. Thanks Neffy. Thanks Les. Hopefully they'll spawn. That's the last of the photos.. would have gotten more but the camera got stuck to my braces (don't ask).
  22. Put your gl bottoms on Matt. As for the pairing - ARE YOU KIDDING!?!?! You did not come up with it. You just nodded your head in agreement. Last one for now -
  23. Like I said.. What was your idea?
  24. Thanks Rhys. All were lovely - I'm sure you'll love yours just as much as I love mine. Occidentalis Maritimus (or Tally) does appear to have a LITTLE actually. Edit: Thanks Jarrod. Loving her form also. Thinking of matching the orangy guy with her *soon*. ;)
  25. Thanks Jarrod. Was hard to pick the girl.. got her because I like her little anal. Edit: Thanks Matt. Occidentalis Maritimus - Tally. Sort of like Sally, Sally's a nice name too.. but Tally has a 'T'.
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