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Everything posted by Sarah

  1. Haha, thanks Busman. Going to LFS... looking at what I like... I don't think I need encouragement, but OK!!! True true.. mmmm.. I think I need to go to the LFS again. Gosh I love my driver dad. Doesn't QUITE want to take me to Fishchicks, but the local ones are good too. :)
  2. OK, before you bombard me with ideas, I was recently given a 4ft corner tank (and a tall 2ft, but that's already planned for - RCS and one species of small fish). So, I have no idea what I'm going to put in my lovely new tank. I was thinking grow-out tank for future Bettas, but I DO already have a standard 4ft, and a 3ft for such. Although, you can never have too many grow-out tanks, right? So, there is always the faint idea that Betta fry may go in it, so maybe I should have something that should go with them... yet a grow-out tank is fit for a bunch of growing bettas.. so I don't really want other fish in there anyways. I really quite like cichlids, because they are cool looking... but with bettas? I think not. So anyways, I think I'm over the grow-out idea. I want to get something different (all other tanks are Bettas, so don't worry... I'm not straying from them)! I don't really know too much about cichlids however, and must do lots more research. THEN, I'm not going for the one pair for a tank, I want multiple fish living together - but not a community tank, a species only. Oh, as for filtration, the two tanks came with filters that sit on top of the actual tanks, can't remember what they are called.. they are part of the hood. Everything is in tiny parts, I'm going to have a fun time putting it together. Maybe I'll get a new filter if need be, we'll see. Sooo... maybe cichlids, maybe not. I'm not sure - ideas please! :fish:
  3. In regards to eating them.... somebody was telling me, with details, how to prepare and cook an axolotl... and said that they taste like stringy, leathery, chicken. I think I'll trust them on that one. Thanks for the article Jarrod, quite sad really. Spanger, I'll try to as soon as possible.. but my camera batteries died and I don't appear to have spares. Camera batteries.
  4. Thanks Shadoh & Busman. Found this morning tiny little 'lotl footprints in the sand - adorable! Thanks, Tenedor seems to look a bit better today... a little perkier than she has been maybe? Busman, axolotls originated from both Lake Xochimilco and Lake Chalco, in the Valley of Mexico. Sadly, Lake Chalco has been drained, in an effort to prevent flooding, and for expansion. The only remains of Lake Xochimilco are canals. Due to this, axolotls are now extremely endangered in the wild (and I've heard Mexicans.... eat .... axolotls). Since they are from Mexico, I couldn't quite understand how they need the cold.. turns out their lakes were glacial feed, so would be chilly at the bottom. :)
  5. Well, photos are here earlier than promised. I don't believe I have a before-full-tank-shot, so you'll just have to make-do with the afters. Tank is still a little cloudy, I'll get better photos when it is all cleared up... but I just could not resist posting a few now. :P
  6. Tenedor is separated, I haven't seen a huge improvement... but I think there is a bit of it. I've been informed that she is not indeed albino, but leucistic. While she has red eyes like an albino, she has the little black rim around the iris indicating her leucism. Leucistic or albino, I love her either way and this will never change. APPARENTLY, leucistics are somewhat rare in Australia.. so hehehe... I have one! ANYWAYS, today I redecorated the axolotl tank, looking lovely if I may say so myself. I swapped the river-rocks for sand, even though they were a good size for the 'lotls, they are just SO MESSY.. and the sand looks soooooo pretty, I should have done this long ago. Also moved the plants around a bit. Pictures tomorrow when it is all settled down (tease). Edit: Thought I'll mention while I dearly miss Aristotle Axolotl, after Sonriente and Banana have bred with Tenedor; the trio have formed a bond, even Banana & Sonriente appear to be good buddies. Yet, while Aristotle Axolotl was their close friend and companion, he does not appear to be missed by them. Little disappointed, I mean really... forget your friend because there is breeding to do? Shameful. I for one, my axolotls.. miss Aristotle Axolotl and you three are disgraceful. Maybe one day they will come to realize this. Or maybe not.
  7. Congrats Neffy & Fishbites! I'm sure you two will make fantastic mods! < --- for the occasion. :)
  8. Height difficulties? Also... in the same sentence? Doesn't seem right that! I was close to grabbing the ladder from underneath one of the guys working there... but he seemed to need it, what with standing on it and all. So I just jumped up & down. *lol*
  9. Think I stood in front of that first tank drooling for about 10mins today.... so pretty.. Oh, can I make a suggestion for this lovely LFS? Could you *please* put the wilds on a lower shelf? I can't see them too well with them all high up, I was on my tippy toes jumping up and down for a better view. Got a few funny looks from the staff, but hey.. they are NICE! :P
  10. I LOVE these pics... but no where near as much as the actual shop. My fav LFS.. Where did my dad (driver) go??
  11. Happy Birthday!

    Have a great day. :)

  12. Fantastic post Matt. Made it's way into my very small, organised bookmarks (well done Young Grasshopper, I don't often bookmark things haha). Hehe, thanks Matt - that's what I like to see! Choko and all.. you are proud of them chokos aye! Brought a smile to my face. :)
  13. OK. UPDATE. Tenedor the expectant mother has been brought down by a nasty fungus on her lovely long tail. It is being treated, and hoping she will fair well. Sadly, in this sickness, she has reabsorbed the eggs. BUT, good news - she is acting well, eating happily, and other than the nasty fungus, seems OK. Also, I have a feeling there may very well be larvae still on the way... Banana and Sonriente are starting to perk up again! Although, I do not want her spawning in sickness, so I shall be separating her tomorrow when her accommodation will be ready for her stay. She will be allowed to go back in with the boys when she is completely healed, and I'm absolutely satisfied the fungus isn't coming back.. with her in the very best condition of coarse. Thank you for reading. (I sound so formal on a forum aye.. nice).
  14. Oooh... HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIKE!!!! Have a fantabulous day, and thank you for all the work in AAQ you and the mods do.. and for being such a lovely part of it's community!
  15. Beautiful pair that one! Reminds me of the new pair someone has up for sale (can't help checking her channel.. just to lookie you see). NICE avvy by the way, me likie. :)
  16. Welcome Gaven, great to have you here! Sounds like quite the fishroom you have/had! Piccies (especially of the Bettas & lotls)?
  17. Love your new avvy! What a delightful little guy. :))

  18. Not yet.. soon hopefully. Can be up to three weeks, but generally two days (been more than that).. so anytime. Will keep updated - when there are eggs, you'll most definitely know! *lol*
  19. Happy Birthday Paul!

    Have a great day. :)

  20. 40 or 10? Big difference there! I guess I'll just stick however many I want in then. :P
  21. Ah, Justin eats everything! Gee, thanks to him I had a dream the other night on how much meat would be on a lotl! Ed found that very funny. Just 10? To make sure you're hopes aren't TOO high, often the first batch don't make it. The larvae hatch, just fail to develop and die. But if you want only 10, that's fine.
  22. Thanks Busman Paul & Shadoh.. really looking forward to it! Oh, sorry... Justin is somebody from the salamander forum, he breeds lotls and other newts/sals. How rude of me not mentioning who he is! He said axie larvae are a much easier than fish, let alone Bettas... so good to hear. :)
  23. Thanks everyone. True Ness, that's what really matters. He did have a good life. The other lotls still haven't noticed his absence.. they are really quite caught up with the spawning. I buried him under one of the cherry trees. ♥ Oh .. and axolotls are Amphibians, part of the salamander family - and are in the same class as frogs & toads - not fish. ;)
  24. She hasn't laid yet. Soon though. Her gills are bright red while resting (blood flowing), and her cloaca is also starting to swell. Big belly. Justin said she would probably lay last night, if not today. Looking for her cloaca to 'volcano out', as he said it.. like the second picture on the right, HERE. That means she will lay within a few hours. Sooo excited!
  25. Thanks everyone. Is sad to see him go, but I know he had a good life.. however short.
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