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Everything posted by Sarah

  1. Stunning! Still trying to come up with something cool. No, I'm good for the panadol right now - maybe later! Ummm... nah, got nothing. More please!
  2. The green dragon boy would be a great choice! :)
  3. I'm exited for all the upcoming fry! (still trying to think of something cool to say....)
  4. Ah yes... good potential match maybe?
  5. Jarrod, can't help but noticing.. who is that lovely looking male in your avvy? Aye?? ;)
  6. Gorgeous! Shame about the damage, but hopefully it will heal up well and he won't do it again! How lovely of the breeder to send you an extra pair. Um, do I say something cool here for more photos or what?
  7. She is GORGEOUS!!! Ahh, I always knew there was something big in that Jewel Box!! What a gem. :love:
  8. Happy to report Tenedor's fungus is 100% gone, and has been gone for three days - no chance of coming back... (should have mentioned a few days ago, but I er... forgot sorry ). Anyway, she is still separated, and I'll keep her as such for about a few weeks to a month. Just to make sure, and to let her recover, get in perfect shape and everything before going back with the boys... who are searching for her. :)
  9. Gunther is lovely Yan! Joe? Ralph? RUFUS?.. come on, don't mock Gunther! Haha, sure you will find a way, good luck with your upgrading Yan!
  10. Paul, Jo... what are you on about? There is no problem never (some say I'm in denial, but whatever.. this fish and a Banana keeper is all good with no syndrome thank you). WELCOME Seb, great to have you here! *waves* :D
  11. OK, so I'm trying to change my profile picture, and in settings it is uploading, and looks to be fine. YET, when you go to my profile, I still have my lovely HM girl, Rose (r.i.p.). Also, if you look on the side of where I replied to any status, it is all squished up. I've tried signing out and back in.. yet my new piccy doesn't seem to want to load.. Any ideas? Edit: seems to be working on the status replies and stuff now.. just the actual piccy in my profile.
  12. It's..... BettaObsessed's birthday! Happy Birthday Bev, hope you have a fantabulous day.. with maybe a few fishy prezzies? Hehehe.. Balloons for you!
  13. Yes, true NannaJo! Might borrow mum's camera later. Just thought I'll let you all know Tenedor has had a HUGE improvement the past few days. Decided to add an IAL to her little hospital tub, why I didn't do so before - I don't know! :dance:
  14. Haha, no worries Busman.. seems I often get blamed for people setting up tanks/buying fish (aye?). :P
  15. Ahhh... well that sounds cool! Multiple species... I'm liking this. :)
  16. Sarah

    Hi there :D

    Welcome to AusAqua Shara! I'm Sarah.. our names are kinda similar (sorry just thought I'll say that haha). Sounds like a great collection you have there! Piccies please. :)
  17. Well soorrrrryyyy... I told you I just got up aye, I can't be expected to get everything right. GEE... <_<
  18. A few *very* bad pictures, but better than nothing, right? My camera batteries are dead, so these are snapshots from a poor video.
  19. Woah. Lotsa info here! Great, I really better do research now.. (remembering I got up like 2secs ago.. not sure if I'll make sense, sorry if not). So, should I go for an all male tank, either with one species or a mixture - just males though. OR ^that? I need to research them though, but sounds good! So with that idea, would they breed and raise their own fry, or need to be separated into different tanks (preferably not)?
  20. Thanks for the help everyone. Um, I'm a total cichlid newbie, sooo.. I REALLY better read up heaps tommorow. Hehe Ness. Nice Shar-pei, er.. dogfish.
  21. Hehe, all just happy to help set our (Busman's, Matt's and I) tanks up. Yan, don't you go backing away - I need your expertise! Ah.. heyyyy.. my sister has a marine tank (well really her bf but she says its hers)! I think I'll just look at hers. Not expensive aye? Sureeeee... I've seen your tanks thread! As if!
  22. Hehe... nice Busman Paul - we can set our tanks up together. :giggle:
  23. YES! Top filter - that's it! Great, thanks for the list Yan, I'll research each of those tomorrow. Salty. I wish... ahh, how I wish! But no.. maybe one day. *Dreams* I can just come and admire you're tank. You do the work, the paying for.. I look. Sounds good to me! :D
  24. All male. Awesome. I didn't think this could be a good idea.... have basically only kept Bettas, so used to no-male for fancies and such. SUPER EXITED!!! Heya, mum found me a nice big aquarium rock in the backyard. So I have a rock. Pretty sure I need more than one though. My sister has the other one... might see if she is ACTUALLY USING it. She has a marine tank, I don't think it's in there. Yes, the tank is 4ft at it's widest. Pretty big really, I was literally inside of it while I was cleaning it. Yeah, I'll do lots of research... but it sounds to be the go this. Um... Matt... did you just say to overstock it, so they DON'T fight? Whhhhat??? :blink:
  25. Thanks for the suggestion Matt, great fishus there. I likie. A lot. Thanks for the information Wayne. So, I could have an all male tank then? Sure, there would be some aggression... but no major damage which would make it a bad idea?
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