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Everything posted by Sarah

  1. You didn't tell me that part! Um, well maybe you GAVE IT AWAY MAKING A POST IN THE FS: BETTA THREAD!?!?! Busted. In real life, he looks exactly like the peach Betta in the FS thread.
  2. Nice going Shadoh! :thumbs:
  3. That's so cute - baby's first nest! Even the nest is adorable. ♥
  4. I know, naughty Banana! It is very lucky. Not sure how I would go housing those monsters together if they couldn't!
  5. Don't play innocent you silly. THE BETTA I GOT YOU... you know, the peach CT! Opps, I said too much. :P
  6. Sonriente seems unaffected, it was only a little chunk.. and it should grow back quickly. This morning, they are friends again, hugging and playing as always. No, Banana doesn't.. and Tenedor is the feisty one out of the three!
  7. Witnessed a most terrible thing yesterday afternoon! I gave Sonriente this massive worm, and Banana saw it.. and tried to take it - but ATE ONE OF HIS GILLS! Was a bit shocking, got it all on video too! The video was really good quality, but when I uploaded it, it went all funny... but you can see anyway. Edit: Video didn't embed.
  8. Endlers are lovely - I really like them. Young Grasshopper, when will you learn it is not correct to blame your ninja master on everything. When those guppy photos were taken, the guppies were stressed from moving, and in a scratched mini-tank thing. I WOULD have waited for pics - but a certain Young Grasshopper was getting freaked out not knowing what they looked like. Edit: What.. you aren't going to show off your Betta I got you?
  9. It's lovely! Um, but where are our instructions on how to make such a ball of wasabi sauce. Wabi-kusa instructions too I guess.
  10. Oh wow, thanks so much Paul! Will love to breed him, couldn't resist not breeding a stunner like that!
  11. That was your breeder? Oh my, I had no idea! I can pick another if you like, they are all stunning!
  12. When you get righ? No worries - I read typonese. The bigger their tank is, the easier it is to keep cool, the cool water spreads. Just a thought - get a massive tank for them!
  13. True, I forgot about the heat! Last summer, it was like a nightmare... and you are in Brisbane... what's wrong with another tank aye though? Oh well, maybe one day you'll decide to get a pair of these little marshmellows! :P
  14. Thank you Paul & Jarrod. I'm really loving the sand... and there are always little 'lotl footprints in it - just adorable! As for hard work, um.. they aren't hard work at all really - they just need to be fed (which is a joy, I never tire of watching them eat, still giggle everytime haha), and with the big 400L tank, I hardly do any water-changes! Hardest part is trying to get pictures hehe, they are all like, let's do super-cute poses when she doesn't have the camera; when she gets it, let's walk away! BUT... ATTENTION... yeah, they soak it up alright! Oooh... is this tempting anyone to bring a 'lotl into their lives maybe?
  15. Thanks Jarrod. Banana & Sonriente are in the big axie tank, Tenedor is still on her own. Her fungus is all gone, but the very tip of her tail has been eaten away from it, showing bone. Just letting her heal up, get in the best condition possible before putting her back in. Maybe another week or two.. Last pictures! Gah, there was water on the glass, quickly wiped it so I could take this pic, didn't work! Would have been better with water drops. Still cute though. Banana slowing climbing down the rock - Sonriente was getting all the attention, Banana got jealous! Loving the sand, looks much better. The axies adore galloping across it - they can move much more freely now! :)
  16. Sonriente again - ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Gorgeous thing was galloping from one end of the tank, to the other. Banana was sitting on the rock (photos above).. and Tenedor was napping. :P
  17. Thanks Shadoh. Banana again - Chubby Tenedor (it's eggs, she isn't fat) - Sonriente feasting - Sonriente, just loving his life a 'lotl (oooh cheesy).
  18. A lovely member just gave me two pairs of Betta Rutilans. Such a kind, and generous offer - hopefully I'll get me some wild fry out of 'em!

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Sarah


      Oh my gosh, I can't believe you like said that.. and even like spelled 'like' wrong and whatever. Like totally - who does that?

    3. Matt_95


      I like thought it like looked cool and stuff, are you like angry at me?

    4. Sarah


      That's like totally a lie.

      A true Ninja does not lie about their typos. Actually, a true ninja doesn't make typos/uses spell check/wears gl bottoms.

  19. Looking great Yan! I really love how this tank is going, looks much better now. So... what tank is the snowflake eel going in aye? Saw the little guy at Auburn today, dad was like to me.. he'll look great in your tank Sarah! I was like, YEAH! Oh, but it's marine... that would mean I would need a marine tank *cough*. :P
  20. Did a little bit of a photo shoot, because Sonriente was looking extra happy (he is generally a bit of a mopey pants). Used mum's camera (need new batteries for mine), hers doesn't seem to focus very well through water - so photo's aren't great.. but still nice. First a few shots of Banana. Tried to get a shot of him eating a worm, he is much to fast! Oooh... belly looks kinda funky in this pic! ^and yeah, I put the plant back in AFTER photo was taken. Why do we notice these things afterwards? I love when axolotls stand up on their back legs, begging for foodables! More to come!
  21. Haha, yeah my brother LOVES those movies.

    I have seen them... many times (when he picks a movie, that's what he picks).

    Nice. :P

  22. Welcome to the forum Ashlea! Looking good there! As for worrying about burning the house down, I often worry my tanks will fall over haha. I'm very cautious with my tanks. Oh, and I think you could probably push your tanks up together, and then you'll be able to fit a few more in (some say I encourage the obsession, but don't believe them). ;)
  23. Ahhh... I had no idea that there was a robot alien member here!

    I was going to say the alien from Aliens vs Predators, but brother is behind me and I was just informed of the very slight differences. :P

  24. Entertaining one of my lovely seven year old relatives. Got her hooked on someone! I (note I) can't get her away!

  25. Oooohh... you must call them the Ood now (doctor who nerd here I must confess). :P
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