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Everything posted by Sarah

  1. Wow, it looks great! Well done!
  2. This is the first time it's happened, was a bit of a shock. They came out, and were gobbled again. My dad calls this 'recycling'. You should try to feed yours earthworms. I dig mine from the garden and rinse them off, soak them for a minute - then the axies LOVE them. They are a much better staple diet then pellets, although I do feed mine pellets whenever I can't find worms/can't be bothered looking. Give it a ago - Captain Slow will thank you for it (would cheer him up, nothing cheers up a sulking axie like a tasty worm). ;)
  3. Leucistic axolotls often get 'freckling' on their face (and a tiny bit on the body)... and today I just noticed Tenedor is starting to get this 'freckling' - it's just starting to come through! In other news, axolotls gills are connected to their mouth, so sometimes when you feed them, their food escapes by climbing out through the gills. *shudders* Just fed my fish a treat of bloodworms, and had some left over - so fed to the axies. As Banana gobbled them down, I noticed bloodworms coming back out THROUGH HIS GILL SLITS!!!!!!!! These are FROZEN bloodworms (thawed), so not even live. Creeeepppyyyy.
  4. Nope, he was all over the place... stopping to rest at the bottom, then spiraled over again.
  5. Nope... would that have helped?
  6. Sadly this little fella died. Still not quite sure WHAT it was, I don't think it was SBD.
  7. Glad I could help! Make sure to keep us updated with the axie, and feel free to ask any questions you may have. Good luck. :)
  8. He is gorgeous! I love the colour, and his dorsal. Such big eyes. 'Grats on the conversion of the partner (sounds so strange in that tense haha).. maybe now you can finally get those couple tanks that would look great *THERE*. Come on, you know you were eying of that corner. :P
  9. Oh water changer, thank you thank you. I don't think I'm quite that great - but thanks! Glad I could help, oh Ketapang Ninja.
  10. The Ketapang Ninja - I like it, I like it a lot! Sounds like a good plan (even though it went straight over my head.. ahhh). Good luck, keep us updated! They are deciduous, yes? You have to pick up the fallen leaves, rather than the pick the IAL's off the tree, right? If this is correct... I'm going to be so proud of myself (Matt I didn't google!) :D
  11. Hey Les, sounds awesome! Axolotls generally range from $20-30 here in Sydney, so a bit cheaper in Perth! As for responsibility, I had my first Betta, a blue VT named Bubbles when I was 10. I'm sure with the correct guidance (maybe print up a couple care sheets), you will have a really happy nephew & niece - and axie! Although bare in mind come Summer, it's a NIGHTMARE to keep cool. Lotsa work in that .. with maybe a holiday in the fridge haha (I want a chiller.. gahh..). Have a look through this links: Axolotl.org, Axolotl Care Sheet, and the Caudata Culture Axolotl Articles. Hope this helps!
  12. Sounds interesting Les! I've read that they can reach 35m tall... so hope you have lots of room. Future IAL supplier possibly? Hehe. Which brings the question - how long will it be before you can get leaves (terrible in the plant department myself... um, don't ask Matt about that haha)?
  13. Sarah

    Hiyas :)

    G'day mate, a big ridgy didge to you, from the Sunburnt Country! Just noticed you are in Up Over ('cause we are living in Down Under.. you better run.. you better get cover.. but don't worry - we are niceish people here), and said to myself "Crikey! We better fire up the Barbie, because we have an international here!" Welcome, great to have you here.
  14. I'll also be there in spirit, have a great time everyone. :)
  15. Thanks Blackworm, hopefully it is only SBD. I've had it multiple times before with my Bettas, but never like this....
  16. When I got up this morning, I noticed my guppy male was looking dead - then he moved.. swimming almost upside down, seemingly paralyzed. Video - Does anybody have any ideas what could have caused this, and if it can be cured?
  17. Nicola, they are lovely creatures indeed! Each has a distinct personality, and yes, they always have a smile on their face. Sure there are lots of attention wars in your house, Jarrod! My furry axolotl gets VERY jealous. You cannot hug/hold any other pets, babies, or take too long looking at the fish/other axolotls before you hear that little 'woof woof.. I'm here... I need love..". *sigh* Oh, and not sure how Fur Betta, Maddy likes being called #2!
  18. Haha, thanks Shadoh. She smiles quite a lot... just not when she is jealous! I'm sure you know how it goes with your furry Betta Harvey (it was Harvey, right?). Ooh.. forgot to post pics of Bastante. He is in a container (in a bigger tub normally, but moved him so I could get DECENT photos) - so a bit hard to photograph. Better than nothing though. For size reference - You can see the chunk out of his tail here - Just above his gill, there is a tiny white patch. Little suss about it, think it MAY be the beginnings of fungus. At least, if it is.. he is in QT, so it cannot spread to the other 'lotls.
  19. Captain Slow is gorgeous... love the contrast between his bright gills and his golden body. Hehe, sure he'll like some friends. ;)
  20. Thanks Les... bet your niece will love her axie. Make sure to post photos of him/her once you buy it. Where's Tenedor? Sonriente particularly likes this little log hide - but Banana had taken over it! Banana - Banana & Tenedor are particularly affectionate towards eachother... cutie pic, lighting was terrible so I made it sepia. Wish I got a better pic of Banana & Tenedor above, but THIS little one was begging for attention, and kept nudging and licking me - Who can resist that face? A few decentish photos of the 'elusive' Bastante to come.
  21. Happy Birthday Harry! :)

  22. Is it bad when you are reading about Simple, Complex and Compound Sentences that you automatically merge 'simple and complex' into Simplex??

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sarah


      Psh, guess I'm in the club haha.

      Nope sorry, already said that guy.. um.. Bob.. could have it. ;)

    3. forever_and_a_day


      XD that's exactly how I read it! I had to do a double take and re-read it very slowly to realise you were talking about sentence structure lol

    4. Abby


      lol i do that a lot, ill read one sentence half way and then the second half of the sentence below it

  23. Welcome Jossie, great to have you here! Agreed, feel free to ask any questions you may have. :)
  24. They are both nice! What are you aiming to achieve with this pairing?
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