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Everything posted by Sarah

  1. Ooh, lovely! Some of the fish from this spawn look almost chocolate-y. :)
  2. SFF, I personally find them to be easier than Bettas - possibly because this year I've lost so many Bettas due to water, disease, etc - but the axies are fine. Not sure... maybe that's it. Bettas are a lot harder than the LFS makes it look! As for their activeness - youngsters swim around a lot, but as they become adults, they tend to stay at the bottom a bit more. They generally laze around the tank-bottom, but do swim sometimes. I'm leaning towards them being partly nocturnal, as I'm pretty sure they have their swim parties at night time when I'm not looking! As for them looking still at the LFS - yes they generally are still, but the LFS don't really look that happy, as do the bettas in jars. They are often housed on gravel in LFS, and anything smaller than the size of their head is eaten, and gravel can impact them. Axolotls prefer a gentle current. Strong currents stress them out. I have a canister filter with a spray bar, that seems to be OK. As for a chiller - very much recommended! I could REALLY use one of them, Summers are a NIGHTMARE! I just can't seem to keep it cool easily at all. I recommend reading these links, if you haven't seen them already - http://www.axolotl.org/index.htm http://www.caudata.org/cc/articles/articles_axolotl.shtml http://all-about-axolotls.blogspot.com/ Feel free to ask any questions you may have. :)
  3. Very cute! Yes he is a VT. Love his colour - and love the name. :)
  4. Welcome to the forum! Lovely big nest Barry has there. :)
  5. Thing is.. I'm really blank as to what disease it was... Actually, I think it was just some mystery disease, I didn't know what it was... just knew something was very wrong then dead fish. :(
  6. Haha, somehow I knew you wouldn't be able to resist reading.. Must be the salt.. let's stick with that. ;)
  7. Haha, somewho duckweed popped up in my tank - I think it came in with the frogbit. Constantly scooping it out.. it ended up in the axolotl tank as well somehow (non planted tank), clogs the filter intake. As for if I'll use the Moss - no way, it was a diseased tank, I'm taking no chances. It's long gone now.
  8. As I'm sure he does! That's a perfect opportunity to do a little photoshoot on him maybe? Captain Slow wasn't it?
  9. Yeah... Matt can only grow fancy-er plants, not the simple and humble "beginners plant", Java Moss. Odd. Well, congratulations on your Java Moss.
  10. Sorry Busman, you might want to look away. A few months ago, disease broke out in a little 20L tank. Since then, I've really been meaning to clean out this tank thoroughly, so I can reuse it. I just "hadn't gotten around to it". Well, today I finally took it outside to deal with it. There was a tiny bit of Java Moss in the tank at the time. I decided I would just throw this out, not wanting to risk if it had absorbed the disease. I assumed it would be dead by now. This tank had had NO light, other than my weak room light - and that was on the other side of the room. MONTHS later, the Java Moss had grown, and was a lovely LUSH green. Could NOT believe it. Impossible to kill or what?
  11. Hermes - a lovely SD bred by Paul was living it up in the 4ft community tank, sinc Sunday afternoon. I took him out today, as his finnage is tattered. He was hiding, and I had to go poking around to find him. Rainbow fish looking very territorial.

    1. Sarah


      Hermes is now building himself a nest. :)

    2. paul


      He'll come good Sarah!

    3. Sarah


      Yes, I think he will. He has definitely perked up on his own now! Little nest and very flare-y. :)

  12. Bit of an update with this STILL unnamed beauty! He was living in that 33L tank, but now I have a pair of HM's from Paul's spawn, he has been kicked out, and is now living it up in a 3ft, which he has all to himself. He absolutely LOVES it. A few bad piccies. He had a go at chewing his tail , it's growing back now, but looks a little funny. Please excuse the colour of the water, it IS greenish, but definitely not as green/soupy as it looks in the pics. Glass could use a clean as well.. I had Sina, the HM girlie float in his tank overnight, got his flare on alright. I still would love to spawn him sometime.
  13. Lovely tank! Looks great, bet the fish love it. Nice substrate too - perked up at the key words "axolotl safe". Would never be able to find my melanoid on it though - he already is tricky to find on light substrate!
  14. A Betta would be a great pet, Les! Maybe one day they could work up to the axies. Maybe they could help you raise your spawns as well. Haha Jarrod... if you insist! It's nearly feed time for the little 'lotls, I'll try and grab a few piccies then. SFF - you know you want to. I find them easier to keep then Bettas, actually (other than temp and they need a lot more space). Well, this is the new addition! He is from Jha, not sure what to name him yet, although I think I'll stick to the Spanish theme I have going. Still looks like a youngster just coming into maturity.
  15. Yes, very good of him. Let's just say... my brother isn't the best with pet care... but he tried very hard for MY pets. I did enjoy my time away, thanks. Was much too wet for dirt/quad bike riding, or horse riding - but had a good time regardless. Young axies grow very fast I've read - just didn't know it was THAT fast. I think it's an excellent growth rate. The breeder went away for the same amount of time as I, and came back to a massive growth spurt. That's a shame - keep working on him! Or maybe a Betta instead?
  16. Didn't update! Well when I went away the other week, my brother took EXCELLENT care of everything - all axies, fish, and dog. Oh, and turning the light on & off on the planted tank - a very important part. He went to check on how everyone was going every hour - for 1.5wks! Little 'lotls were 3cms when I left, I returned to find Lindo at 7cms, and Hameriento at 3.5-4cms. When I got home, he told me he didn't know how I looked after everything all the time! Haha, I offered him do to waterchanges that day (didn't get him to do any, only on the blackworms), "NO thanks!" Oh, and I now have a new addition. Pics later.
  17. Grats on the tank! Black does look good on tanks, I generally just get big sheets of black cardboard and put them behind. Never tape/stick down.. just prop them in place.
  18. Very nice. Love how the tank and the fish share the same name haha.
  19. Any plans on recreating such a beautiful tank?
  20. Man that's what I was going to say... one big comfy chair in the middle of the room, that swivels so you can see any angle. A personal butler would be cool too.. one who does water-changes if you're feeling lazy... But yeah, other than that - can't really add to the above. :)
  21. Wow, that's amazing! Your dad is a member now? Naww, I think that's really sweet. :)
  22. See this is what happens when you are supposed to be paying attention in class... Thanks for the smile. :)
  23. Happy-happy-happy birthday to you!

    Hope you had a great day. :D

  24. I'm sure I replied to this - I guess I meant to/imagined it! This guy is gorgeous! Do you have a female planned for him by any chance? ;)
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