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Everything posted by Sarah

  1. Thanks Shadoh. True, true! The flash makes them so shiny! :D
  2. First HMPK pair of mine, bred by the lovely Jarrod. A few decent pictures. Male is very showy, and have noticed faint vertical stripes on the female. Male - Female -
  3. Great, gorgeous! They are going well. Just uploading a few pics, should be up in a minute. Uncarded them today for a peek (hehe), faint breeding stripes on girl, lots of showing off from male. :)
  4. Hey Jarrod, these are the parents of my pair, correct?
  5. Happy birthday, Rhys! Wishing you a wonderful day. :)

  7. I was talking to somebody and he was telling me how he likes all his smart-ass shirts, and he should buy more. I commented on how he buys smart-ass shirts, I buy fish. He then told me he could get a fish too, because the fish/fish hobby is very very cheap. Sure, I guess it could be ... until you buy another tank... and another... :)

    1. mumofthehoarde


      cheap is not the first word that comes to mind...

    2. Sarah


      No haha! I then showed him pics of my fish and stuff... he then said I "go all out on my fish.... not the $2 goldfish I was thinking of at the markets".


  8. Gorgeous! Should get around to setting one up... I had one going for a while in a 30L tank, but it cracked... haven't got around to sealing it yet.
  9. Haha, Feliz is a definite cutie. Banana doesn't seem to hang around Feliz, though, while the others do. He will then glare at the happy group - can axolotls get jealous? Banana was sleeping on his side the other night, freaked me out, thought I had lost him... but he is fine. Watching him VERY closely, doesn't seem the "normal" thing. While having my face pressed against the glass scanning him over - Tenedor was trying to eat me through the glass. Made me smile, even after my little freakout.
  10. Lindo! Banana & Tenedor - Feliz & Sonriente - Feliz & Tenedor -
  11. Smashing, er, making a bigger hole comes to mind.... would your dad be able to use some sort of tool to do so?
  12. BIG thankyou to Matt for my birthday pressie - a bunch of lovely endlers. :D

  13. Flouncy indeed! Lovely as always. :)
  14. It looks great, well done! Could spend hours watching that. :)
  15. Looks great, what a good idea. :)
  16. Looks great! Going to look even better after the planting buying spree. The last little discus is lovely. Missed the vid... oh wow, gorgeous!
  17. It's looking great, Yan! Can't wait to see it fully stocked. :)
  18. Thanks for answering all my questions for me Milk Crate. Yes, I'm homeschooled. This is our 5th year, I would be in year 9. I love it, I've learnt so much more than I believe I would have in school, and we are able to focus on my interests. For science I just finished a "swimming creature" coarse, for example.
  19. Thanks Fist. Like Matt said, axolotls are the only legal salamanders in Australia. This is because we use them for medical research. Although, I do love all animals, especially amphibians, reptiles and fish. As for needing a rich husband.. I've heard this many times, by both friends, parents, other family and well.. everyone.. how many times I've heard I should go on The Farmer Wants a Wife I've lost track...
  20. Oh eww... I just gave Sinalei, my HM male who is recovering from finmelt a blackworm to cheer him up a bit more.... it went through his mouth, out his gills. Was dangling from behind his gill plates, where Sinalei was then trying to grab it. Very much like a dog chasing his tail. Finally, my male slurped the worm out - pulling it from his gills and ate it. OK then.

    1. kertaz


      That happened once to my CT. I was thinking like "omg, should I pull it out from his gill?" lol. Glad he worked it out.

      But in my case, it didn't went thru his mouth, one of the long black worms that I fed, fell on top of the gills and got stuck there coincidentally.

    2. Sarah


      Haha, a bit of a shock!

      The same thing has happened to my axolotls with bloodworms. One time one of the axies (think it was Banana.. but might have been Tenedor) had at least 20 bloodworms coming out of their gills at once.

      Kinda gross, but funny and interesting at the same time.

  21. Hehe, as always, love it. Feliz - These are Tenedor's gills. An old photo, so her gills are "fluffier" now. If you remember, her name is Spanish for "fork", as when I got her, she had a distinct fork in her middle right gill. After she got fungus, all the right side of her gills were eaten away by it - now it's grown back, it grew with only a faint fork. Like I said though, it's since filled out even more - and her fork is no longer noticeable. So sad news, my brother said to change her name - but Tenedor's name no longer indicates at the fork she has, but the fork she had.
  22. Banana & Feliz! I love Banana's distinctive face - it's not like any of the other axolotls! Banana from behind - Couldn't get a good photo from this angle, but Banana, Feliz and Tenedor all together. At one point, they all had their noses touching! Feliz
  23. Happy birthday! :)

  24. My gorgeous HM male has finmelt..... not fun. :(

  25. Busman.. have you told Jarrod your "secret ingredient"? Must be Brisbane Water.
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