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Everything posted by Sarah

  1. Thanks! I love his colouring right now - really hoping he won't cello out on me.
  2. Thankyou, Jennie, Ness & Sha. :)
  3. Half the new camera, half the other one. Was just quickly playing around. Hardest part was getting them onto the computer - spent 20mins figuring out why it wouldn't work.... then it hit me - it had to be plugged it. Ooh... good idea, wasn't sure what to do for that. :)
  4. Thanks Jarrod, he is quite the competition for your little guy! Love the look he's giving me. Psst... sorry Bussy, but the Java Moss is going green....
  5. Just got this guy of Jha yesterday, he has already coloured up nicely - and is so lively! Has been named Panda because of his lovely marble patches.
  6. Can't find the camera cord for mum's old camera - will have to wait a while for photos of my new half-giant PK. He's gorgeous, all settled in, coloured up and flaring! Have named him Panda. :)

    1. les


      Thats greatSarah I hope you find that cord soon as I will be waiting for that pic LOL

    2. Sarah


      Found the cord! Piccies are in the Fishy Showroom. :)

  7. Looks great, well done! Can't wait to see it stocked. :)
  8. Hehe. It took me hours to fill my tank, I carefully poured (well, dripped) half a litre at a time.... wish I used the hose idea!
  9. Happy Birthday! Hope you had a great day. :))

  10. Haha sorry. Was just showing that you aren't the only one with yellow java moss....
  11. It was outside in a container.... should green up soon in the tank, but thought I'll share just for Paul.
  12. OK, cool, thanks. At first I thought this was your private collection - but was going to say... that's a LOT of fish! Makes more sense now haha. :)
  13. Awesome, thanks Jarrod!
  14. Lovely! Are these fish you are selling, too, or or personal collection?
  15. :D No names yet. I was thinking something that will reflect the name you gave the guys colour - Tahitian Sunset.
  16. Yep. Female looks pretty plump... hey do you think I should let them grow up a little bit more (not for much longer, just a little) or sanitize my spawn tank from Sinalei, set it all up and when it's ready try them? Oh last piccies.
  17. Didn't finish posting the pics! Male without flash - Male SOMEHOW got past the divider again. He pushed the sponge out of the way to make a small enough gap. NO idea how he did it, I was extra careful to make sure he couldn't - as I've had it happen before. Stuffed in even more, positive he won't get through again. A few nips on the girl, but nothing major.
  18. Sarah


    Ah ok! Thanks! Nice idea, when I was filling mine it was sooo murky, and I was filling it very, very slowly.
  19. Sarah


    Very nice! What does the clad wrap do? Separate the layers of soil/cap? Just thinking aloud, no idea, but wouldn't that stop the plants getting to the soil?
  20. Sarah


    Exciting! Can't wait to see it progress. :)
  21. No chance, the divider goes straight to the lid, and the lid was on. Mystery.
  22. Thanks guys! While rearranging the axolotl tank, I looked over and saw somehow the male had gotten to the females compartment through the divider. Both fine, not even a nip - must have been there for only a moment. Moved male back, and stuffed some more sponge between the heater. Still have NO idea how he got there though - couldn't even fit the tip of my pinky though the gap.
  23. Ohh, and mum just gave me her old dslr camera, she never uses it. Said it's too fidly with too many settings. So once I get batteries for it, I'm hoping I'll get some really nice photos! Thanks Milk Crate. OF COARSE I'M PLANNING TO BREED THEM! Jarrod said they carry non-red, love the thought of that. :)
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