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Everything posted by Sarah

  1. As do I, as do I! Really new to the world of live plants. Very proud of myself I've kept alive plants for so long! I've never been able to keep terrestail plants alive. So one day, only this year or the end of the last, I thought to myself, "surely I could keep a WEED alive, right?" So I got one.. potted it up, cared for it, made sure it had sun, photosynthesis and stuff, watered it a little..... it died. I couldn't believe I had killed a weed... but ALAS, all the plants I got in May are still there today. Very proud.
  2. I have soil in the tank. Just stuff out of the garden that I had soaking for a couple weeks. The zeolite is the cap over the soil.
  3. It would more than stress me out! I have 6: 4 adults, and the two littlies. Hambriento is the wildtype little 'lotl, Lindo the copper little 'lotl Tenedor the adult leucistic Feliz the copper Sonriente the melanoid and Banana - the golden albino.
  4. As what Matt said - 3ft tank. I used zeolite from a pool shop. As for the Betta, he is in another tank now. I just had him in there temporarily.
  5. Hehe, they are adorable. I can't wait for them to be big enough to live with the others, though. They would get eaten if I put them in now.
  6. Setting up my new CHILLER for the axolotl tank! Poor axies are already looking so poorly from overheating.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. luv_my_fish


      Wow! $400 for a axolotl sized tank...My (eventual) ray tank chiller is going to set me back a few $$$$

    3. luv_my_fish


      Wow! $400 for a axolotl sized tank...My (eventual) ray tank chiller is going to set me back a few $$$$

    4. Sarah


      I'm so spoilt.

      How big is your tank?

      Mine is 400Ls.

  7. Hehe, thanks Les. As Milk Crate said, he'd do it for me. I'm terrible at ID'ing plants.
  8. Yeah I was sitting in here, stalking posts to comments as usual. Haha nah really I didn't notice. Just happened to load the forum and see your comment soon afterwards. :)
  9. Oh thanks for the link Jarrod, got distracted elsewhere, but I'm decided on names now. Thankyou. Meet Rahiti - his name means 'The Sunrise'. This is Temoe, her name means also means 'The Sunrise'. Wasn't sure if I wanted their names to have the same meaning, but they are a pair, and the names are pretty. I NEED THE SUN so I get stick the spawn tank in it, and GET A MOVE ON!!!
  10. A few quick photos from the other day. Tenedor - The little 'lotls! Hambriento has lightened up, he was a dark, almost olive colour. Has two little dark spots near his nose, which I think is pretty cute. He is also catching up to Lindo in size. I put them in a container/bucket if feeding frozen or messy foods. Earthworms are just given in their tubs. This meal was just the leftovers from the adults - beefheart, with a little pinky. I caught Hambriento eating the tail of the pinky, and one of them also ate a leg. Tenedor later decided to eat it - the little 'lotls weren't very interested.
  11. Still cloudy, needs a top up and a bit of a clean... but here it is... Home to the lovely endlers Matt sent me for my birthday. I want to get red cherry shrimp in it too. Milk Crate also suggested Delicate Blue-Eyes. Very open to suggestions. Not excatly sure what half the plants are. The crypst on the far right I'm hoping will straighten up - they were coiled up in the post.
  12. Don't rush me! I was on my morning tea break! Before the new plants were planted yesterday - And it is NOT as green as dirty as it looks! No idea why, but this tank always comes up icky looking in photos! <_<
  13. Thanks Milk Crate. Then there was this - .... and then we got to the pictures I took yesterday before my new plants, and I must take some this morning. To be continued. Stay tuned.
  14. Haven't posted pictures of my NPT yet, used THIS method. Was first set up in May, did take pics of setting it up. Will start from the beginning, watch it progress before your eyes! The tank (spawn tank next to it, I believe I was starting to cycle it for a spawn attempt) - It gets better, really.
  15. Good luck for this time! The river sand looks great! I've gotten a fair bit of my gravel from landscape suppliers before.
  16. Sarah


    Ah, shame! Better luck this time around. :)
  17. I just remembered - I haven't posted pics of my planted tank yet! Well got new plants today, am planting right now... shall post pics soon. Yes, I did have pictures of setting it up, too. That was........ a fair few months ago..........

    1. Sarah


      May I first set it up! How time has flied...

  18. Thanks Les! Waiting for a sunny day so I can stick the tank in the Sun to sanitise it after I hit it with other stuff (PP, vinegar I normally use).
  19. Thanks Les, I have used fans in the past. The water bottles seem to work pretty well, that was what saved them last Summer! Hahaha. Well if you get ideas, don't blame me!
  20. Thanks Jarrod. That is what I've been using. I think I have about a dozen or so large water bottles frozen, so I don't run out.
  21. The HEAT is already hard to control in the axolotl tank. My parents said they will buy me a chiller for Christmas - but I can have it now so they don't heat up too much until then!!!! Well most of the axies have gone off eating for a little while, and are pretty skinny. I decided today to get them something different, something a little fatty than earthworms - pinkies (newborn mice) and beef-heart. The plan was not to let mum know, but she guessed in the shop when I she wanted to know what I was getting, I said she'd prefer if she didn't know, which she then gave me a horrified look and said, "not those baby mice!?!?!". Yes, though baby mice. Tenedor and Sonriente have had one, Banana & Feliz haven't yet - they don't seem too interested. The pinkies, to be honest, are pretty cute! Can't believe I'm saying it. I was actually holding one, staring at it... then mum came in the room, tried not to scream and I quickly ran off..... Thawing out beef-heart now, hopefully Feliz & Banana will show some interest. Banana has been eating a few pellets, but only grudling. A little worried. Feliz snaps, then spits the food back out. Sonriente has gone off food for a week or so, but decided he is hungry again. Tenedor and little 'lotls as normal - HUNGRY. Hoping it's just the heat and the chiller will put things back into order. They aren't looking as plump/healthy right now as they normally do. Banana & Feliz have accepted the beefheart!!!!! They only ate a tiny tiny bit, but they ate it. Especially happy about Feliz liking it - he hasn't eaten in a little while, and is very skinny. Little bit of leftovers, the little 'lotls will happily clear that up. Glad I fed them in a bucket - it is SO messy, keeps flaking away!
  22. Thanks Les! No lady for him. I intended on him being my pet... but I really do love him! Has a tiny nest going on there. If I come across the right girl, I might give it a shot. The fella is one of the orange marbles bred by Shadoh - more pics HERE.
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