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Everything posted by Sarah

  2. Welcome to the forum! As per axolotls, definitely need a chiller - I just got one, it's a life saver. Have a read through these pages if you haven't already: http://www.axolotl.org/ http://www.caudata.org/cc/articles/articles_axolotl.shtml http://all-about-axolotls.blogspot.com/ (my blog hehe) Feel free to ask any questions!

    Hope you have a great day!

  4. It's looking great, Paul, well done! :)
  5. Dearest Water Changer, I very much doubt they will breed, once morphed. Tiger Salamanders rarely breed in captivity, and they naturally morph. I would think morphed axies would be far too weak to breed, as well. As for getting a morphed axie, it is entirely up to you, but they probably won't live long at all - maybe a year or two if you are lucky. Neotenic axolotls (the un-morphed ones, in the water) are a far better choice in my opinion.
  6. One of my females, Elly May (Bred by The Paul) has built herself a lovely sized nest! Bigger than some of my boys'... they better pick up their game a little, huh?

  7. Thanks Matt. That's my Sonriente.....
  8. I'm quite certain these are infact morphed axolotls (if they aren't, it's illegal). So you're saying that the axolotls, and the morphed ones are from two different sources - not ones that have been bred and then have morphed? Interesting. There are pictures of morphed axolotls (and Tiger Salamanders - which aren't legal) HERE, along with care information.
  9. Axolotls are salamanders, not just basically. As for said, they do stay in their "larval" form - which is called neoteny. As for salt, I believe this isn't true (and have just asked a couple expert salamander keepers just now I'm chatting to). Salt would not make them morph. Thanks for the tips on their care - have researched the care of Tiger Salamanders, as it would be exactly the same. Would you happen to have any info on the "salamanders" your wholesaler has? Could they be morphed axies?
  10. Aha, thankyou, Les. What Matt said. I may fridge them, I'll have to keep a close eye on it. Maybe he can live in the lounge room where it's cooler. I remember I stuck Aristotle Axolotl in front of the air con last summer, as Banana was taking up all the room in the fridge.
  11. Took a long time to load, but worth it! Pierrot is just gorgeous! :drool:
  12. Thanks Jarrod. If they survive the morph, I will care for them terrestrially. I'm very attached, as I'm sure you all know. I would never be able to give them up, especially over something because they have morphed. I also wouldn't feel right swapping an animal that will most likely not live very long. Wouldn't know the owners, either.. Who knows, maybe it will also get people more interested in terrestrial axolotls, and try to morph them unknowing that it's cruel. Not sure if this comes across negative? Of coarse I know it was just a lovely suggestion. Thankyou.
  13. Thanks Jarrod. I'm not sure exactly when I noticed - but I have noticed them to just not be "right". Pretty sure I posted on it. Have also gone off eating for a couple weeks - which was why I first decided to go about the pinkies & beefheart - to try and tempt them to it, and fatten them up. It wasn't the heat - the tank hadn't gone past 21*C yet, and that's nowhere hot enough for them to morph - especially since it wasn't at that temp for a prolonged amount of time. I really do feel like I've done something wrong - I'm just not sure what. I've been told by a few different axolotl/salamander hobbyist which are experts on the matter that it must have been the conditions they were in before I got them.... not trying to pin the blame on Jim here of coarse, it could have been his supplier...
  14. Thanks Les. I'll keep taking photos - Bastante (the axie that tried to morph from LFS conditions but didn't make it) died about this stage. Keeping a close eye on them - they seem to be alright... if by alright as in morphing..... :(
  15. Hey Jim, axolotls (Ambystoma mexicanum) are the only legal salamander allowed to be kept in Australia. As Matt said, Japanese Giant Salamanders are also here - but they are only allowed for high-security/research labs - not hobbyist. As for morphing them, it is possible - but as Matt said, is very painful for them, and if they do happen to make the morph - won't live longer than a year or two, rather than their normal 15-20yrs. It can be done by injecting Idoine into them, or by being kept in intolerable conditions for some time. I've had an axie morph on me before - from the pet store conditions. He didn't make it. Funny morphing was mentioned, I was just on my way in here to say that two of my axolotls (Feliz & Sonriente - the two guys I got from you, Jim) are morphing. Pretty upset over it, and just hoping they will survive the morph, even though that means it can cut down their lifespan. Both are about 9months to a year old, and should have a long life ahead of them. Internet is very slow, but I'll post pictures as soon as possible.
  16. Happy birthday!!!

    Wishing you a wonderful day. xx

  17. Ahaha, yes, Les - that is infact a pinky! Sorry I was going to edit it out for anybody screamish... but forgot!
  18. Looking at the thermometer in the axolotl on a fairly hot day, and seeing it sitting at a stable, perfect temp. I love my chiller.
  19. Haha. Dad's face when he comes in, asks if I'm looking for some fish thingy, and sees that pic. :D
  20. I'm a ninja. I know all. :ph34r:
  21. Haha, not complaining, just was a little let down that my weed died on me haha. Les, that's probably what happened - I'm sticking to that! :D
  22. Ooh.. looks nice! How often to do re-scape this tank?
  23. Hehe. My mum is a big green thumb - she's so good in the garden. I have my own Magnolia tree & Dwarf Cherry Blossom, she planted them (I was going to help but she forgot), and I water them with old fish water and watch them just be pretty. Haha sounds cheesy. Which one is the chain sword? Oh just remembered! The only one that didn't make it was the little ones at the front in the first lot of pictures.... Oh um yeah, I forgot I wasn't going to mention to you the whole weed-killing thing..
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