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Everything posted by Sarah

  1. Little 'lotl pics. Not very good because of the plastic container they are in - but you can see they have grown, and have lovely gills. Little lottie Lindo. More piccies to come. :)
  2. Thanks Les! That wasn't such a time - I DID have eggs... and they were eaten!!!!
  3. Aww, sorry Matt!! At least you have a proven pair, and it will be easier for when you go away. Hopefully they will spawn again once you get back. :)
  4. Ahaha, oh wells! I'm sure we've all done stuff like that before. I've done it a few times... trying to think of WHAT exactly... shall come back when I remember..
  5. Happy Birthday!!!!!!! :)

  6. Nice, Les. Have been waiting for these pics!
  7. Congrats & good luck! It is under the Betta Specific forums, I would PERSONALLY put it in the Community tank.. but that's just me.
  8. I like the colour of the top one. :)
  9. Interesting! Great pics. You must be so overrun with animals, Jim.
  10. Very nice, the little girl is very cute. :)
  11. Thanks Joan! The axies can always eat some. Sure Matt, I thought you didn't have room though?
  12. Very nice pics! Lots of eggies there. *Had lost comment, Matt asked what I thought said I went to comment, didn't publish and changed the page. He then went all meany-pants on me and told me to come back and write it again... pshhhhh...* Happy?
  13. Thanks Matt. I just gave them a bit of fry powder for the moment. I think they nibbled at their parents' food, too.
  14. Hard to tell with all the plants - but I'm guessing somewhere between 10-15ish. Much bigger than my newly free-swimming Betta fry. By the way, this tank ALWAYS comes up in photos looking very green/brown and dirty! IT ISN'T, PROMISE!!
  15. While staring lovingly at my Betta fry, I glanced over to my planted tank and noticed I also have endler fry!!!!

  16. Ah good. She really does look healthy regardless of that shipping job... she's lucky she didn't drown. I really think she should be fine, give her a few more days to settle down. VERY close call with the fish-job she was given though..
  17. I was going to say to use those pics - they are lovely! BUT if that means you have something different planned.... welllll..... I cannot wait to see!
  18. Wow, nice shots!! Very artsy. :)
  19. Updated pics. They are sure taking their time to morph, 2wks max was the expected amount, but it's been much longer than that. Somebody suggested they could be morphing slowly, which COULD mean it gives them a better chance - but these are guesses, not facts. Sonriente - *ONLY HOLDING HIM FOR THE PICTURE... I DON'T ACTUALLY HANDLE THEM* Sonriente seems more morphed in his head, and body - but not his legs (should be thicker). Feliz, on the otherhead appears to have the eyes going on, with the thick legs nearly done - but his body is still in the neotenic form.
  20. WE HAVE WRAPPING!!! Orange HMPK pair from Jarrod. :D

  21. Ahhh, I only remember the movie, not an actual plant. It all makes sense now...
  22. Triffid? That's a plant? I didn't know they existed out of movies where they star as human eaters...
  23. Looks great Jarrod! I think we may need an updated vid of your fishroom, please!
  24. Maybe one of the mods could change the username? Not sure. I'm on Caudata - my username is "The Banana". Not just any Banana, THE BANANA! Hope to see more of you around here!
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