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Everything posted by Sarah

  1. Funny thing also... I had Java Moss outside, it was lush green when I put it there - and then turned yellow. Put it into the tank, has turned green again.
  2. Ahhh, this has happened to me, too... I say it's the natural Sun and stuff and go along my way, muttering. :lol:
  3. I talk to my fish and axolotls... a few times family have come in thinking I had a friend over....
  4. Very nice, thankyou for sharing! I love how your tanks are all neat-looking on the stands.
  5. Now to make my first chemisty joke. Aw, ALL THE GOOD ONES ARGON! Now I feel part of it. Back to the thread. Sorry Jarrod.
  6. Kays. Stick them in the planted tank? No idea how soft that is... probably should test what my water actually is someday..
  7. Hehe. When do you get back from holidays? I'll enjoy them until then hah.
  8. Kays. Anyway it's a surprise.. you kinda knew what it was, just not what type. Same pic twice - nice though.
  9. Oooh nice! Can't wait to see it set up. Could you please post some pics of all your tanks?
  10. While I'm in this thread (can't be bothered to go to messages...) when do you want your pressie? Before or after you go on holidays? Getting them tomorrow.
  11. Happy Birthday Matt! Have a great day.... oh but remember while you're at FC's to save space for your pressie. :)
  12. Very nice! Those rummies are looking great! :)
  13. Yes please! Looking very nice. :)
  14. Trying to convince my parents to let me get a betta barracks... which means getting one of those stand things Ness has for her tanks, putting all my 20-30L tanks on it, and moving the 3ft planted tank to make room for it. Not a flat out no... just something about MORE tanks.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sarah


      Parents think I'm ridiculous, I explained this means I don't have to house each male separately... which they thought was good.

      They said they just don't care anymore haha. This would be the last additional tank, though.

      Very happy. :)

    3. Sarah


      Decided I best measure stuff, rather than think "that looks like it will think", proceed only to find it doesn't.

      Well - everything is a perfect fit. :D

    4. little_troppo
  15. Oh cool, thanks! I was pretty sure it was unheard of in Ambystomas!
  16. Oh really? Can you find it please? Indeed, very strange.
  17. Well I guess that has to be it. I've seen axies pull their eyes into their head, and I've also seen Bastante blink (the one that WAS morphing and died)... they look very different, once you've seen the two. Their body shaped changed, and one time Sonriente came out of the water, and waved his tail at me in the defense some salamanders have (although Amystomids aren't known of doing this - it was suggested that they were just getting the hang of morphing, everything is strange, etc).
  18. I'm keeping them just the same - with water covering them, and they are able to climb out. No idea what's going on then. Justin says if the gills are growing back, they aren't and weren't morphing. VERY odd. I was certain, they had all the signs, even eyelids... and once the morphing starts, you CAN'T reverse it.. False alarm? Confused.
  19. Oh yes, interesting news about the morphs. They have decided to start growing a few gill filaments, where morphs SHOULD be losing them completely, until they disappear altogether. They are also eating - which morphs shouldn't be doing. BUT I was 100% sure they were morphing, I'm sure they even blinked, which means eyelids... So, now I'm pretty confused. Asked Ed, he doesn't know.. said it was strange, but he was certain they were morphing. Same with Alex & Oliva.
  20. Only curled forward as I had just moved them about 20secs before pics. They're fine now. Oh, and above Hambriento -
  21. Hambriento! He has lightened up a little bit, not quite as dark as he used to be. Bit of a belly at the moment!
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