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Everything posted by Sarah

  1. Happy birthday! Hope you have a great day. :)
  2. As Nicola said, if you don't want to have shared water, two heaters are needed - as it's pretty much two separate tanks.
  3. Two of my 20L tanks have a perspex divider. There is a square cut out in the middle, and the heater goes sits in it - half on one side, half on the other. Heat gets through to both sides, although I've found it works better if the sponge filter is next to the heating part, to push the heated water around. If you do this, make sure you check the fish can't squeeze in between the heater and get to the other side - a few fights I have had caused by this (now stuff the tiny-tiny gaps with bits of sponge)!
  4. As said above, thankyou Lisa for creating such a wonderful forum, and building it up over the years. It truly is the friendliest, helpful forum around. Please do pop in from time to time!
  5. You won LONG ago, it's the battle of trying to fit them in/convince parents!
  6. Wayne!! I somehow missed your post! Yes, that is indeed the plan, well hoping for a 2ft tank. :)
  7. Thanks, yeah, I do. :)
  8. Thanks Jarrod! Haha, why of coarse. I better give it some time though. Mum's just shaking her head, commenting on how pretty my room used to be before the tanks came along. :rolleyes:
  9. Thanks Fisty, dad is a carpenter, very good at making stuff! Why, he even built our house. As for knowing about the wilds, I have brought it up in the past, he always just said I "didn't have room... might be different if I did". Well, now I have space.. he didn't say no, just laughed it off - which always means I'll eventually be able to get it. I'm so spoilt.
  10. Had permission from dad to get another tank for wilds, was very very happy. Then later I commented something about my future-wilds, and he replied with "What do you mean another tank?" I told him he had agreed to it earlier, I guess he wasn't paying attention. Jarrod - that glazed over look non-fish people get, where you then have the power to persuade them into more tanks, etc --- it works... just when they find out again later on they change their mind. Shame. I think I better wait a while and work on it later.
  11. Well done, Jarrod! Such a great job. :)
  12. Missed you around here, Adam! I think the vertical notion idea sounds great - and definitely makes sense. Personally, I would go for something that would happily live in the high pH.... cichlids pop into my mind, just saying.
  13. Indeed I am, and yes - definitely want a wild tank. :)
  14. Thanks Ashlea, as do I! I love it! Lots of room. Thanks Adam. Lord Froggyton, my frog lives in there. :)
  15. Dad made me a stand to put all my small tanks on, so my barracks can fit into my room. It's about 3ft long, and 6ft high - lots of room! Think I now have room for wilds I have wanted for too long. Piccies. A few of the Bettas are in those tanks, most are elsewhere, waiting to go in. The little 'lotls are in the blue tubs - Lindo on the left, Hambriento on the right. Very lucky to have such a handy dad!!
  16. Re-arranging the tanks today. Dad made me a stand to fit all my small tanks on, plus storage space ... with possibly room to FINALLY get that wild tank (although I didn't excatly meantion MORE tanks), so I can fit in my barracks. :)

    1. les


      LOL It dosnt matter if you tell him or not he will know thats what will happen Good luck Sarah

  17. Happy birthday! Hope you had a great day. :)
  18. Thanks everyone. Thanks Les, would love that! :)
  19. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Glad you had a great day. :balloons:
  20. Thanks Ness... happens I know, just always sad. True - I love if I buy fish from a forum I've seen them grow from fry, and have an idea of how they were raised. Except Panda was from Jim, so from a wholesaler... so I really have no idea.
  21. :rip: Panda. Not sure what happened..
  22. Oh wow - impressive! Thanks for the tour!
  23. Great idea with the bottle - will be using that one, especially with the axolotls, thanks. :)
  24. Gorgeous girls there, and your rummies are so vibrant!
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